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[W:#84]Trump's PAC is fundraising for a new 'Trump Force One' jet after a plane he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.

Hi, j brown's body!

Using past history as a guide, both could have been predicted. There's nothing amazing about it at all.

Regards, stay safe 'n well 'n remember the Big 5.
"I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One," said the message signed by Trump.

"The construction of this plane has been under wraps — not even the fake news media knows about it — and I can't wait to unveil it for everyone to see,"

Anyone who falls for that garbage needs a guardian to make all their financial decisions.
Last edited:
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
I'm pretty sure that the tax bill he signed as president makes a private jet (if bought by his company) a 100% complete tax write-off. He could just buy a new jet and use it to get rid of any taxes he owes on that supposed wealth he has sitting around.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Good for them!

As long as what they do remains within the FEC regulations more power to them!
I was wondering what happended with that creaky old 757 he had left over from Trump airline.

It sat on the tarmac unattended for almost 20 years, until he needed it for a prop for his presidential campaign.

Then it underwent substantial repairs to bring it up to date on its airworthiness directives.

Then it went back into mothballs right after the election.

The plane is over 30 years old.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Yeah, but Trump doesn't like paying for things with his money, much better to get the rubes to pay for it.
"I need to trust that you won't share it with anyone: my team is building a BRAND NEW Trump Force One," said the message signed by Trump.

"The construction of this plane has been under wraps — not even the fake news media knows about it — and I can't wait to unveil it for everyone to see,"

Anyone who falls for that garbage needs a guardian to make all their financial decisions.

i think the ex-president's brain works in reverse of the normal, decent brain.

with each event his first thought is "this is an opportunity to steal money from people". or, more likely to him, "we can easily get someone else to pay".
I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
I know what amazes me more. I fully expect Trump, as he always has, to take advantage of the fools who support him, but what amazes me the most is the number of idiots willing to do it. And it's also what I find most frightening. P.T. Barnum was right when he said there's one born every minute.
i think the ex-president's brain works in reverse of the normal, decent brain.

with each event his first thought is "this is an opportunity to steal money from people". or, more likely to him, "we can easily get someone else to pay".
;) (y)

You pinned the grifter tail on that jackass!
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Agreed. Although, it likely doesn't amaze me as much that he's doing it, I mean grifters gonna grift.
It does amaze me that people are still strongly enough behind him (at least in his mind) to fund an airplane.
i think the ex-president's brain works in reverse of the normal, decent brain.

with each event his first thought is "this is an opportunity to steal money from people". or, more likely to him, "we can easily get someone else to pay".
That was evident throughout his presidency. Think about it. Ukraine, I need you to do me a favor, first. Hey NATO, you need to pay your fair share (buy more guns and bombs from us, ok?) Hey G7, let's have our next meeting at Mar-a-Lago! Hey Pentagon, when you fly troops over to Europe, put them up at my golf course. Hey, Secret Service! Wherever we go, we'll be staying at my properties, just so you know.
I call on all of Trump’s supporters to give generously so he can have a new, luxury private plane. The less you have, the more you should give. If you do not give, it can only mean that you were a RINO like Mitt and Liz, all along.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
Why are you finding trump trying to con his base into money for a plane for himself amazing? I find it 'normal' for him. I am amazed the base just doesn't get it's all about donald and he wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Billionaire, lol.
"Former President Donald Trump is fundraising for a new "Trump Force One" airplane a private jet he was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing this weekend.

The Trump Save America PAC sent an email on Wednesday titled "Update: Trump Force One," touting a reveal of a new Trump plane.

Trump's PAC sent the message just hours after news broke that a plane Trump was traveling in was forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after takeoff on Saturday after one of its engines failed. According to the Washington Post, the plane belonged to a GOP donor. Trump hitched a ride back to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on a GOP donor's jet, Politico reported."


I truly am uncertain at what’s more amazing: a “billionaire” former president begging supporters to buy him a new plane, or his supporters donating to get it built.
I thought the Orange Ogre was rich, filthy rich, so rich that he is like King Midas. But he wants his followers to pay for a new plane? How about fixing this one or a novel idea

Hear that MAGA? The stable genius "billionaire" wants you to pay for his new plane...

How many people on this site have donated to this grifter...

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