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[W:#6]Woman Sentenced Killing Man She Pushed Off Bus, Complains About Unfair Portrayal (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
Political Leaning
"Sure i killed a man, but i'm being portrayed unfairly! I'm the victim! I'M THE VICTIM!!"

“I’m just asking the court for help,” Bishop said. “The way that I’ve been portrayed, it’s just not fair for somebody who’s never been in trouble before.”

Whiny bitch
She is lucky that she had not done this to my father or grandfather, or she wouldn't have even gotten a trial.

She pushed the old gentleman so hard that he flew out of the door of the bus never even hitting the two steps on the bus. Shot him forward like a full body check in hockey. What a savage ANIMAL coward that woman is. God help her if I had been present on that bus, or I would be spending decades in prison. I hope some inmate in her prison has another level of "justice" planned which goes beyond what the court could give her.

Here is the animal here:

Turn her loose with time served. Worse stuff than that takes place every day in big cities. There aren't enough jails and fewer mental hospitals to house them.
Turn her loose with time served. Worse stuff than that takes place every day in big cities. There aren't enough jails and fewer mental hospitals to house them.
Turn her loose in the middle of Death Valley at noon in the summer 25 miles from the nearest road-- and with 12oz of water. Then if she makes it out alive it means the creator has intervened for her, and who can go against the creator?
Low life. Animal. She got off easy.
Moderator's Warning:
This is an awful story, and what that woman did was terrible. However; please restrain yourselves from wishing specific forms of violence against her. Thanks.
Turn her loose with time served. Worse stuff than that takes place every day in big cities. There aren't enough jails and fewer mental hospitals to house them.
You can't ignore what she did. Crime in this country is getting worse because of weak prosecutors.
Sure, no problem. I don't wish any illegal violence against her for what she WILLFULLY and criminally did to that old frail man who could not defend himself, and who she basically murdered; depriving that old gentleman of the last years of his life, or the love of his family. I was just ranting about the viciousness of her calloused act, and the fact that she FEELS as if SHE is the victim of this incident due to unfairness. A person who's callousness it of they type who beat as small child to death because the child spilled milk.

Anyone who would take the law into their own hands would likewise be punished too, and I really don't recommend that. So, to amend my earlier comment, what I should have said was that I regret that the laws which cover her horrific deed were not much stronger. Strong enough have found her guilty of first degree murder, and then given her the death penalty. So, that LEGALLY she could be made to pay the FULL PRICE for what she did to that innocent old man. Fairly tried; found guilty by a jury of her peers; given all legal appeals, and then then a death sentence carried out.

She killed that old man like it was nothing to her. Didn't even go and see if he was okay; just went back and took her seat on the bus. She is a viscous animal, and she got off way too lightly.

For those who did not see what she did, maybe this video will provide some context as to why my comments were what they were.

You can't ignore what she did. Crime in this country is getting worse because of weak prosecutors.
I believe the person you responded to was just being sarcastic if I'm not mistaken. I do not believe that person believes she should be let go, but that the sentence was too light.

This woman is a violent animal thug. Who attacks a frail old person like that who cannot defend themselves? All the older man did was chastise this animal for being rude and abusive to other people. How DARE that man actually point out this animal thug's rudeness. And then she shoves him hard enough to even if she didn't think it would kill him, would seriously injure him. She shoved an old person down some stairs. And the man was holding something an unable to break his fall. And some people believe only criminals who use guns are a problem. Just goes to show that a person does not need a gun to be lethal. Her action was calculated to do maximum harm, and she should have been sentenced to the death penalty or at least life in prison without parole. And since no body mentioned it, I will....looked like a racist hate crime as well. I wonder why that did factor into the punishment? She had a prior criminal history of violence, and in the video she clearly demonstrated that she is a dangerous thug.

8-20 years just sound like an unjustly light sentence wouldn't people agree?

Just look at that poor old man laying there. That could be the grandfather to any of us. And she just stepped over him and walked way without looking back. How many of our people must die at the hands of these racist criminals before there are stronger laws?

Give that poor woman some crowd funding to help her fight the patriarchs and white establishment .

Where has all that creepy and airy fairy love and compassion gone for the unlucky and downtrodden ?

You deliberately killed hundreds of thousands of old people to help the Covid Hoax and reduce financial obligations to pensioners etc

One more old person out of the way is doing your bit to Make America Solvent Again .

Let's have some creative solutions .Go get those old people .

According to the article, the victim spoke to the killer and gave her some advice about the importance of being a nice human being.

Fatal mistake.

One should never, ever look at, let alone speak to, dangerous-looking individuals.
My mom was this man's age when she tripped and fell, hitting her head on a concrete sidewalk. Seeing that man lying there put a picture in my head of my mom after she'd fallen. Two years later, she passed, nearly brain dead from her injury.

Life is fragile, but even more so for the elderly.

Once we respected them; we held them in high regard for their wisdom and experience. We gave them that name - "elders" as a sign of respect.

Now we call them "old" and "irrelevant." We think their ideas and thoughts and values outdated, archaic. What we once used to value and revere, we now mock and deride and often pity.

We used to look back on the generations who preceded us, marveling at how they survived and thrived without all our modern technologies and superior knowledge. People who survived some of the more difficult times in humanity, world wars, depressions, droughts, floods, and the like without modern tools and inventions, people who - ironically - laid the groundwork for us and the lives we now live - yet people who we now consider "dead weight" - easily shoved aside...................

.........easily pushed off buses.

I sincerely hope we, as a society, aren't becoming like this woman.
Life is fragile, but even more so for the elderly.

I sincerely hope we, as a society, aren't becoming like this woman.
As an 84-year-old, I can appreciate your first sentence.

Sadly, more and more people in this nation are becoming like that individual.

Look at the old Asians who have been sucker punched during the last two years.

And a few days ago here in Los Angeles, an elderly Hispanic man was crossing the street in a crosswalk when a driver turned left and killed him. He did get out of his vehicle and walk over to the victim but then got back in and took off.
"Sure i killed a man, but i'm being portrayed unfairly! I'm the victim! I'M THE VICTIM!!"

Whiny bitch
Be careful Roadvirus, just because she is a violent sadistic murdering thug we shouldn't call her something that speaks badly of female dogs, or somebody on this forum may get "triggered" by your disdain for this violent thug woman. You realize that half of the people here probably assume that her criminal act was due to a lifetime of being discriminated against by the evil "White systemic racists and privileged" like this old man.

When a news story like the Aurbury case is posted here many people will comment about the horrible racist act---and we all agree. Notice how few liberals care to comment on this case? Where are the articles where Al Sharpton had a protest about this murdered elderly White man at the hands of a RACIST THUG? Don't bother trying to find them because the don't exist. We are all aware of the reality; a Black thug violently attacks an elderly Asian or White person-- and crickets from the left and the race hustlers.
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Moderator's Warning:
A thread ban has been issued. Would anyone else like one?
Turn her loose in the middle of Death Valley at noon in the summer 25 miles from the nearest road-- and with 12oz of water. Then if she makes it out alive it means the creator has intervened for her, and who can go against the creator?
The middle of Death Valley has roads and tourists...
a Black thug violently attacks an elderly Asian or White person-- and crickets from the left and the race hustlers.

As of this post, there will be 18 in the thread. You made 6 of them.


30% of the posts in yet another "look at this one black person who committed a crime!" threads, concerning one of our ~14,000 yearly homicides, and you're on about "race hustlers"?
She is lucky that she had not done this to my father or grandfather, or she wouldn't have even gotten a trial.

She pushed the old gentleman so hard that he flew out of the door of the bus never even hitting the two steps on the bus. Shot him forward like a full body check in hockey. What a savage ANIMAL coward that woman is. God help her if I had been present on that bus, or I would be spending decades in prison. I hope some inmate in her prison has another level of "justice" planned which goes beyond what the court could give her.

Here is the animal here:

Great, and then her family was going to kill you or your son/wife/whatever and hey presto, the introduction of blood feuds in the US.

And we are all animals, we are all mammals.
You can't ignore what she did. Crime in this country is getting worse because of weak prosecutors.
Which is nonsense. The US has one of the highest prisoner population among the first world, it pays way more to hold people than to police people.

Countries who have way less draconian prison sentences often have way less violent crime and people in prison. If I follow your argument, then the US should be the safest country from the industrialized world. And we all know it isn't.
How do you know he was a gentleman?
A 74 year old man is dead, pushed so hard he flew out of the bus onto concrete pavement, killing him - and you're questioning whether he was a gentleman or not?
A 74 year old man is dead, pushed so hard he flew out of the bus onto concrete pavement, killing him - and you're questioning whether he was a gentleman or not?

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