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[W:583, 2190] Political Compass Thread (3 Viewers)

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Well damn! Now I'm going to have to find some other site where I can look at stuff and things as I rub one out.

Lutherf, reminding you that there is no low to which a Trumpist will not sink, just as long as they think they can troll a non-Trumpist.
Oh, the scrubbing and the rewriting of history has only just begun by MAGA/Trump assholes/crooks/terroristsAnd I did Nazi that coming.

This is appropriate to something that was always purely for show and never had substance.
Well damn! Now I'm going to have to find some other site where I can look at stuff and things as I rub one out.
You literally have no "morality" line in the sand. And I'm not just talking about this one thing.

I bet your community knows it too. Even if you pretend not to.
That Rhodes was allowed on Capitol Hill, to walk right on past the LE officers who so valiantly tried to protect those inside that day is repugnant as are those who defend this or stay silent....those who claim to be patriotic.
You literally have no "morality" line in the sand. And I'm not just talking about this one thing.

I bet your community knows it too. Even if you pretend not to.
How's that morality with Joe showering with his daughter?
Someone needs to document it before it’s taken down too.

Well, good luck erasing it from our memories.
I think that’s already largely happened for a large part of the the US. People just lose interest after awhile.
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