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[W:583, 2190] Political Compass Thread (1 Viewer)

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Active member
Nov 23, 2011
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Political Leaning
Post your test results here.

Anyway, here are mine:

Economic Left/Right: -2.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.28


My results a few months ago were around {-4,-4}, so you could say that my views have shifted significantly.

Moderator's Warning:
Stickied this, and note the second quiz mentioned here: http://www.debatepolitics.com/general-political-discussion/123332-political-compass-thread-6.html#post1060382148

Quiz mentioned by link above can be found here: http://www.gotoquiz.com/politics/political-spectrum-quiz.html

Thank you mpg for the second quiz
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I'm not exactly sure what this means, but here's mine:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

My Political Lean.jpg

Maybe someone could explain it to me. Do I have to change my Lean now?
I'm not exactly sure what this means, but here's mine:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

View attachment 67125592

Maybe someone could explain it to me. Do I have to change my Lean now?

No. I always thought political compass used ****ty questions.

guess my lean is correct to the right of center but not far right:shock:
I'm not exactly sure what this means, but here's mine:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

View attachment 67125592

Maybe someone could explain it to me. Do I have to change my Lean now?
You don't have to; however, "Conservative Liberal" could also be a good descriptor for your views (judging by the results).

Also StillBallin, I generally agree that some questions were egregiously stupid and/or framed exclusively within Liberal-Democratic politics. I have experience with the compass though, so I can generally tell what the views of somebody will be according to his/her results.

For example, I've noticed that European Fascists almost always score around {-2, 5}, whilst the culturally liberal faction of the contemporary fascist movement will get somewhere around {-5, 3}. Modern Liberals tend to score around {-3.1, -5} and Conservative Liberals get scores close to those of MaggieD's results.
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View attachment 67125594

guess my lean is correct to the right of center but not far right:shock:
You could also be described as a "Liberal Conservative" in the European sense (i.e, you value economic liberalism and laissez-faire but still have respect for traditional values).
I'm generally in the political center, but in the authoritarian right by a couple notches.
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You could also be described as a "Liberal Conservative" in the European sense (i.e, you value economic liberalism and laissez-faire but still have respect for traditional values).

actually i value fiscal conservatism with a light amount of moral conservatism,but maybe thats why it started to lean libertarian vs authoritarian.
Once again, political compass has more than its fair share of dumb questions and many questions which i thought were completely irrelevant to political ideology. Nevertheless, here are my results.

Like so,


However, sometimes I am more vertical in the authoritarian mark, depending on how I answer the priority.
Economic Left/Right: -2.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.72

Some of the questions were stupid.
Never thought Gina would've been farther left than me lol

LOL...I guess I didn't realize I was that far left. Some of the questions were ridiculous and forced me very left.

That's about where I lie! High five fellow far lefty

:) ^5

I took it again this morning.


I'm just a tad different. :2razz:
Perhaps some of the cultural questions threw off some folks. The problem is how they place the questions on the scale. But cultural questions do inform positions politically. Let's take the art question for example. It may seem strange to ask that question, but such matters of artistic conservatism are influential in intellectual circles and are also matter of discussion for the NEA and the NEH. Astrology once again became interesting for the counter-culture of the 1960s and 1970s, cheerfulness and optimism became associated with conservatism-whereas discussing the unpleasant matters as a serious problem in society that needed to be addressed became associated with liberalism or left-wing viewpoints...you know, "don't dwell on it. Cheer up. Be productive, get to work!"

By far what happens is the people on this board are mostly going to be in the Left-Libertarian quadrant, with some in the left-authoritarian, and very few of us on either side of the right, especially the authoritarian point. Yet, you will notice that Obama will be to the right of James and myself in both authoritarianism and right-wing views, and by far to the right of everyone else. It seems to be a somewhat accurate descriptor for me, but everyone else feels rather disappointed in their results. Perhaps they were targeting folks like me and for the rest of you, they didn't know what to do with you...they just knew you should be libertarians.

This morning came up with this result:

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Already a thread on this.
But lets start it again! Love these kind of things! :mrgreen:

But hello comrades!

LOL...I guess I didn't realize I was that far left. Some of the questions were ridiculous and forced me very left.

:) ^5

I took it again this morning.


I'm just a tad different. :2razz:

so your political positions are dependent upon mood and/or time of day? haha
Well here it is... I dont know. I felt like most of the questions on there were stupid and I dont know how seriously I would take this. I got a strange feeling however made it didnt have a good understanding of either side very well.
left/right = 4.62
social libertarian/ Authoritarian = .15

I do find the second interesting. I was almost completely in the middle. Kind of amusing.
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Already a thread on this.
But lets start it again! Love these kind of things! :mrgreen:

But hello comrades!


I find it interesting that Socialist people in this country are very against authority yet, they are socialist. Tell me that makes sense.....

You almost made it too that left bottom corner. Keep trying!
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