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[W: #405] Twitter reportedly nearing deal to sell itself to Elon Musk (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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He wants to get rids of ads...so how will Twitter make money?
OMG!!! That means Trump gets to come back to Twitter!!! OMG!!!
I'm not sure putting Trump back on Twitter, if that's what he does, is going to have the positive impact his cult thinks it will have. He seems to have committed the unpardonable sin of becoming boring.
I'm not sure putting Trump back on Twitter, if that's what he does, is going to have the positive impact his cult thinks it will have. He seems to have committed the unpardonable sin of becoming boring.

Surely, Trump will Tweet out the details of his ‘coming very soon’ TrumpCare plan which will cover everybody and cost much less. ;)
I think it would be hilarious if he goes all in and lets people post whatever the **** they want. Twitter would crash and burn because, as it turns out, people don't actually want their social media messaging service to be 8chan with a bunch of extra nazis, porn, and nazi porn.

My bet is he'll do little things like add an edit button/window, etc., but not really radically change it. Or if he does radically change it, it will be more to his own business ends.

OMG!!! That means Trump gets to come back to Twitter!!! OMG!!!

The reaction is truly ridiculous. They are busy going . . .


. . . as if Musk must be doing it for the reason they want it done.
I think it would be hilarious if he goes all in and lets people post whatever the **** they want. Twitter would crash and burn because, as it turns out, people don't actually want their social media messaging service to be 8chan with a bunch of extra nazis, porn, and nazi porn.

My bet is he'll do little things like add an edit button/window, etc., but not really radically change it. Or if he does radically change it, it will be more to his own business ends.

The reaction is truly ridiculous. They are busy going . . .


. . . as if Musk must be doing it for the reason they want it done.

Oh brother...
I don't think Musk ever said he's going to let people post whatever they want....People do want their social media to air more than the left's definition of acceptable public opinion.
I'm not sure putting Trump back on Twitter, if that's what he does, is going to have the positive impact his cult thinks it will have. He seems to have committed the unpardonable sin of becoming boring.
But his cult follows every syllable that comes from his KFC-stained lips.
Trump's tweets are going to be about rigged and stolen 2020 election. Democrats are worse than Nazis, Putin is awesome, and he was the only President to make the world 100% safe with no recorded crime.
Oh brother...
I don't think Musk ever said he's going to let people post whatever they want....People do want their social media to air more than the left's definition of acceptable public opinion.

Some folks define ‘hate speech’ simply as speech which they hate to hear. ;)
Oh brother...
I don't think Musk ever said he's going to let people post whatever they want....People do want their social media to air more than the left's definition of acceptable public opinion.
Funny because I see a bunch of posts from a lot of the right on Twitter.
OMG!!! That means Trump gets to come back to Twitter!!! OMG!!!
Hope so...that will remind American voters why they dumped him..........and make his lawyers crazy people!
I'm not sure putting Trump back on Twitter, if that's what he does, is going to have the positive impact his cult thinks it will have. He seems to have committed the unpardonable sin of becoming boring.
Im sure Musk would never do the same for anyone else. Like people nowadays are so damn stupid about TOS they think enforcing it is tyranny.
That's not what I was talking about.
"People do want their social media to air more than the left's definition of acceptable public opinion."

So, what did you mean by this?
While he certainly doesn't look to lose money, running Twitter is about influence and he will use that for his own ends. Just imagine if he decides to make a pitch for Amazon - cutting edge technology, media and distribution.

Funny because I see a bunch of posts from a lot of the right on Twitter.

Yep, but not about taboo subjects such as Hunter Biden’s laptop (before the election), the lack of “science” behind single-layer cloth mask mandates, male athletes/prisoners declaring themselves to be female athletes/prisoners or the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
I'm not sure putting Trump back on Twitter, if that's what he does, is going to have the positive impact his cult thinks it will have. He seems to have committed the unpardonable sin of becoming boring.

If Musk puts Trump back on Twitter, what happens to Truth Social?

That's an interesting question!
Yep, but not about taboo subjects such as Hunter Biden’s laptop (before the election), the lack of “science” behind single-layer cloth mask mandates, male athletes/prisoners declaring themselves to be female athletes/prisoners or the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
Nope, I see tweets about Hunter's laptop, trans-gendered, etc.
I still see tweets about people asking when Fauci will be in prison.
Trump already has said he won’t return. After all he currently is busy running his own Twitter/Facebook competitor into the ground. Musk has a good track record in several industries but has been rather vague about what he would bring to or do for Twitter. I think the real question is how Tesla investors react to Musk’s attention split even further. On the one hand, their latest earnings were awesome. On the other, they are finally facing some real competition and nearly all of Tesla’s forward looking releases have been delayed.

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