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[W:#201]Your parent's Democratic Party is dead (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 9, 2009
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning

Long gone is the Democratic Party of your parents’ generation. They have morphed and contorted themselves into a political party no longer relatable or recognizable to most of America.

Today’s Democratic Party embraces the extreme, rewards the radical, shuns the sensible, and caters to the contemptible.

Not too long ago there were Democrats who were concerned about the finances of the country. They were affectionately referred to as "Blue Dog Democrats" who were worried about deficits and debt. There is no place for them in today’s Democratic Party. President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris just introduce the largest budget ever with the largest tax increase ever requested. There very few "Blue Dogs" in Congress, and they are on their way to extinction.

Leftist policies have become so extreme, even traditional liberals no longer recognize today’s Democratic party. With never ending mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations, and control of individual self-determination, liberalism has been abandoned.

JFK said
Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
And this is the Democratic Party that I supported for years, that party doesn't exist any more and shame on those who changed it
This isn't my parent's Democrat Party nor is it mine

Nobody gives a shit what no credibility right wingers have to say about anything but to laugh at the lame projections
and that is equally true when leftwing extremists claim the same about the GOP.

a wise man, long dead, that I knew decades ago noted the following: "the democrats of my time wanted to comfort the afflicted--the current crop wants to afflict the conservative comfortable"
when will that begin as you are going in the opposite direction

Post #3
the dems of old saw the government as a tool to improve the lives the many-while perhaps, as a byproduct, making their elites richer and perhaps upsetting some on the right. Now, the main goal is getting power and sticking it to the right. Some of the Democrap tax and gun control laws are perfect example.
when will that begin as you are going in the opposite direction
Whenever we get enough progressives in office that they have any real political power.
Nobody gives a shit what no credibility right wingers have to say about anything but to laugh at the lame projections
When you find any "no credibility right wingers" let us know, Lloyd. All I see is "No credibility Liberals, whining.
Whenever we get enough progressives in office that they have any real political power.
Fortunately, we won't. They are so distasteful to the majority of Americans with their constant "Me, Me, Me..."
Fortunately, we won't. They are so distasteful to the majority of Americans with their constant "Me, Me, Me..."
Bernie is literally more popular now than at any time during his decades long political career. People like him and AOC are hugely popular with the under 30 crowd. Seems more like a matter of time to me.
Bernie is literally more popular now than at any time during his decades long political career. People like him and AOC are hugely popular with the under 30 crowd. Seems more like a matter of time to me.
Maybe, but he STILL falls way short of being able to effect anything....
To do what, enrich the liberal elites with taxpayer funds?
Cite a single position you believe Bernie or AOC holds that would enrich "liberal elites".
Maybe, but he STILL falls way short of being able to effect anything....
Definitely not the case. There is literally no chance that Biden would have put $15 minimum wage or canceling student debt on his campaign platform if it wasn't for how popular Bernie and his policies are. He's slowly dragged the entire Democratic party left, kicking and whining the whole way.
Definitely not the case. There is literally no chance that Biden would have put $15 minimum wage or canceling student debt on his campaign platform if it wasn't for how popular Bernie and his policies are. He's slowly dragged the entire Democratic party left, kicking and whining the whole way.
Fortunately, rational people, both left and right, will put that nonsense out the door...
Fortunately, rational people, both left and right, will put that nonsense out the door...
Even conservatives in Canada support policies that are supposedly "left" in the US. Seems to me like rational people left and right are realizing the US has had despotic economic policies for decades. The minimum wage in Canada is $15.55. They have universal decentralized healthcare. 40 weeks of parental leave (including paternity leave) federally mandated. A federal child care program. And Canada is behind many European countries still.
Maybe it's a good thing that the Dems are now "woke," and the Republicans are now "reactionary."

This old man (85) has always heard that the two parties were basically alike and that we never had clear-cut choices (as they do in Europe).

Maybe the era of Tweedledum and Tweedledee is ending.

JFK said

And this is the Democratic Party that I supported for years, that party doesn't exist any more and shame on those who changed it
Now THAT's funny!

As if Republicans care about the debt...


Good one!

They only talk about it when Democrats in the majority and Republicans want to take power.
Nobody gives a shit what no credibility right wingers have to say about anything but to laugh at the lame projections
No, that's not true. Conservative culture war dog-whistles drive them to the voting precincts.
and that is equally true when leftwing extremists claim the same about the GOP.

a wise man, long dead, that I knew decades ago noted the following: "the democrats of my time wanted to comfort the afflicted--the current crop wants to afflict the conservative comfortable"
RW propaganda.

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