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[W:119]Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

Explain that you come in here with erroneous fallacy, make a false premise and then expect others to answer why you have paranoid fantasies? Why?:roll::lamo:2rofll:
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

They don't.

Now ask a hard one.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

Provide a list of liberals that want this.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Trollbait poster gonna bait.....
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

They don't.

Now ask a hard one.

A liberal on this forum said seriously the government should start controlling the prices of drugs.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

They don't want that.

Why do you promote a Marxist USA?

Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????
I doubt any liberal could explain your thoughts, here. I know I can't!
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

Your claim about what "liberals" believe is false. It's a Straw Man.

It's like me asking, "Why do conservatives want a country without any government or regulations?"

Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

A liberal on this forum said seriously the government should start controlling the prices of drugs.

That has next to nothing to do with the OP.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

That has next to nothing to do with the OP.

IF the government controls the price of drugs, lots of companies would go out of business.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

I'm certainly not a liberal, but my opinion, and take it as you wish, is that they are just overly-emotional children seeking a new mommy or daddy figure to take care of them because reality is just too challenging for them to handle. They don't want to be responsible for themselves, they want to be coddled. They won't agree, of course, but that seems to be the reality of it.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

.......there are no liberals here; just like there are no guilty people in prison.........
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

So if we don’t have government oversight who will control drug prices, healthcare, education just to name a few. What is your plan for oversight?
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

You have made this general political discussion far too general. To help matters along, perhaps you can make a more specific topic of discussion along the lines of that general statement (bolded above). Could you please name a specific rule or regulation that you find to be especially overbearing and how it reduces your freedom? After that, then some liberal (or maybe even myself) may be better able to explain why they support that specific rule or regulation despite its reduction of your freedom.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

You answer me this: what is the conservative psyche that believes all the nonsense about liberals preached constantly on Faux News, Lush Rimbaw and other ultra right news 24/7/365. Because I gotta tell you, your question isn't based on any reality I'm aware of.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

Yes it is liberals who want to control women's bodies and who you can marry. The right wing wants to take away our freedoms and give corporations free reign to screw us and the environment.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

Why do liberals want a huge costly over bearing government that tries to control every aspect of our lives? For every rule or regulation the government comes up with people lose more freedom. What is it with the liberal psyche that makes them want to totally control the lives of other people? Why do liberals think they need to tell me what I should do or not do in minute detail????????????

Logical1 finally admits he is a pro-choice supporter! Logical1 supports same sex marriages, transgenders in the military, legalized reefer, strict separation of church and state, the right to kneel during the national anthem at public events, freedom of the press and nude selfies among consenting adults.

Rock it, bro.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

IF the government controls the price of drugs, lots of companies would go out of business.

Too bad. That's one area that should be highly regulated. It's disgusting how these companies have huge profits off of drugs that some people need to stay alive.
Re: Could a liberal on the forum explain this to me

IF the government controls the price of drugs, lots of companies would go out of business.

That is a different subject from the OP.

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