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VP Pence to Attend Trump Campaign Fundraiser Hosted by QAnon Nuts (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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VP Pence to Attend Trump Campaign Fundraiser Hosted by QAnon Nuts


He may have dismissed the QAnon conspiracy theory before but Vice President Mike Pence is scheduled to attend a Montana fundraiser next week hosted by QAnon supporters Caryn and Michael Borland, according to the Associated Press. The pair have re-shared and posted memes on their social media accounts supporting the bonkers theory that President Trump is secretly fighting to bring down Democrat-leaning child sex rings, cannibals, and satanists within the government. Michael Borland has also shared posts on Twitter threatening to shoot Black Lives Matter protestors that he refers to as “terrorists.” The Borlands are longtime supporters of Trump and have donated over $220,000 to his reelection campaign.

Pence: A religious nut AND a conspiricist lover.

Related: Pence to attend event hosted by QAnon backers
they need the nuts (just plain ole Republicans).

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