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Voting Rights Renewal (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Its time to renew sections of the Voting Rights act.The minority establishment has already started campaigning for its renewal.
Stirring up people making speechs.The only thing is,no one seems opposed to renewing the act. Yet the minority Rights establishment is acting like there is some opposition.Some dark un-named forces. Yet the head of the Republican party has seemed friendly to the idea,the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary committee is in favor. The attorney general has said he is in favor. So why all this stirring up? One must understand that Civil Rights are among other things a cottage industry.People make a living off of them.Organisations make their money stirring people up worrying them about threats to their rights.Even when there not sure there are any.
I've seen this lately and your observations are true in my opinion. To think that anyone other than racists would be against any equal rights is unthinkable. :duel :cool:
JOHNYJ said:
Its time to renew sections of the Voting Rights act.The minority establishment has already started campaigning for its renewal.
Stirring up people making speechs.The only thing is,no one seems opposed to renewing the act.

Actually there are some of us opposed to those provisions, the whole thing is NOT up for renewal or experation. It is unfair that some states still come under those provision so either let them expire or make them apply to ALL the states. We in Alabama still come under those provisions and the have granted special voting rights to minorities which are IMO unfair. Time to end them and get back to one person one vote.
Stinger said:
Actually there are some of us opposed to those provisions, the whole thing is NOT up for renewal or experation. It is unfair that some states still come under those provision so either let them expire or make them apply to ALL the states. We in Alabama still come under those provisions and the have granted special voting rights to minorities which are IMO unfair. Time to end them and get back to one person one vote.

Thanks for the information. I wasn't aware that this act wasn't universal in the states. I'll need to dig deeper to either agree with "end them" or "make them apply to all states". I lean toward the latter with what information I now have. :duel :cool:
What special rights ? with Alabama's history of denying people their rights. Its a good idea to renew the Act.Do not feel lonely, New York city is also subject to the Act.
JOHNYJ said:
What special rights ? with Alabama's history of denying people their rights. Its a good idea to renew the Act.Do not feel lonely, New York city is also subject to the Act.

I believe the provision that he is referring to is that the Federal Justice Department must approve the districts drawn up by the legislatures of certain southern states before they can be applied to elections. I know Georgia is subject to this provision. It doesn't surprise me that Alabama is as well.

Interestingly enough, the last redistricting in Georgia actually was designed to FAVOR Americans of African descent in a brutal power play by the Democrats that completely backfired on them, resulting in a near complete loss of political power in Georgia in the 2002 elections.
The Act is a remedy for past violations of civil Rights.Not all the states violated the Rights of their people.It isnt needed in all the states.
JOHNYJ said:
The Act is a remedy for past violations of civil Rights.Not all the states violated the Rights of their people.It isnt needed in all the states.

ALL states with Black populations violated the rights of their people in the past. To say only Southern states are guilty of this is absolutely wrong. In fact, Southern states in general were forced to remedy this state of affairs sooner than many Northern states were required to. Don't tell me I am a Southern saying this either because I am a New Englander.
JOHNYJ said:
What special rights ? with Alabama's history of denying people their rights. Its a good idea to renew the Act.Do not feel lonely, New York city is also subject to the Act.

The parts of the act up for renewal affect certain states. Contrary to what some who lead people to believe, aided by the mainstream media, the entire act is NOT up for renewal nor are rights being denied anyone by not renewing those parts that are up for renewal. Yes Alabama along with many states did certain things that did keep some from voting. That was 50 years ago and there are ample laws protecting everyone. What we do need to do is to get rid of race based provisions which are still in effect regarding districting and other voting matters. Else lets apply them to all states.

You ask about special rights. In Mobile the federal government required the city disband it's open election and commissoner form of government and change to a district based council with a weak mayor. If you want to keep those provision alive that allowed the federal government dictate to the citizens of a city what kind of government they can have then apply it to all cities. Then the federal government required that the city charter stipulate that the 7 member council be set up to quaranty 4 whites and 3 blacks. And then the federal government required that the charter stipulate that no budget items or other major issues could be decided unless at least one of the Black council members voted for the provision, in others words a super-majority is required. This gives more voting power to the black districts than the white districts. So much for one man one vote.

It's time these provisions were allowed to die else let's put everyone under them. The South is no more racist and less segregated than most other areas.
JOHNYJ said:
The Act is a remedy for past violations of civil Rights.Not all the states violated the Rights of their people.It isnt needed in all the states.

The fact is most did at the time, recall some of the worst riots were in Boston and Phildelphia and Newark and LA, NOT just in the South.

The fact is those provision are not needed anywhere now.
ludahai said:
ALL states with Black populations violated the rights of their people in the past. To say only Southern states are guilty of this is absolutely wrong. In fact, Southern states in general were forced to remedy this state of affairs sooner than many Northern states were required to. Don't tell me I am a Southern saying this either because I am a New Englander.

Thank-you for speaking the truth.
You Alabamans should go back into federal court and get those election rules changed in Mobile.
I live in a Gerrymandered District.In fact the democrats had to Gerrymander it twice to get not just a democrat elected ,but a black democrat.So I understand that,but. No not every state should get stuck with the expense and redtape.Only where they can prove voting rights were violated.
JOHNYJ said:
You Alabamans should go back into federal court and get those election rules changed in Mobile.
I live in a Gerrymandered District.In fact the democrats had to Gerrymander it twice to get not just a democrat elected ,but a black democrat.So I understand that,but. No not every state should get stuck with the expense and redtape.Only where they can prove voting rights were violated.

Can't do it. Mobile is under a federal edict. Funny thing is a Black fellow may be elected mayor in the city wide election with a majority of the White vote.
Stinger said:
Can't do it. Mobile is under a federal edict. Funny thing is a Black fellow may be elected mayor in the city wide election with a majority of the White vote.

The City of Mobile could argue that the provision of the Voting Rights Act that gives oversight to the Federal Department of Justice is Unconstitutional, which I in fact believe that it is. The federal government shouldn't have such authority not only in local elections, but also in the very structure of a local government.
ludahai said:
The City of Mobile could argue that the provision of the Voting Rights Act that gives oversight to the Federal Department of Justice is Unconstitutional, which I in fact believe that it is. The federal government shouldn't have such authority not only in local elections, but also in the very structure of a local government.

They did they lost. The Federal Government claimed the right under those provision of the Voting Rights Act that are up for renewal. It's high time those provision were allowed to expire so that we could once again have all votes treated equally and everyone must compete in the body politic on an equal playing field. White candidates should have to compete for Black votes and Black candadites should have to compete for White votes and every other combination should have to compete for every other combination so that we once again become ONE people and not the segregated communities the modern crop of civil rights "leaders" has created.
Stinger said:
They did they lost. The Federal Government claimed the right under those provision of the Voting Rights Act that are up for renewal. It's high time those provision were allowed to expire so that we could once again have all votes treated equally and everyone must compete in the body politic on an equal playing field. White candidates should have to compete for Black votes and Black candadites should have to compete for White votes and every other combination should have to compete for every other combination so that we once again become ONE people and not the segregated communities the modern crop of civil rights "leaders" has created.

I agree that these provisions should be allowed to lapse. However, where is your source that Mobile challenged these provisions in court? I would like to look up the details of the case you are refering to.
ludahai said:
I agree that these provisions should be allowed to lapse. However, where is your source that Mobile challenged these provisions in court? I would like to look up the details of the case you are refering to.

I live here. It was a very long and drawn out case.
ludahai said:
Do you have a link to a local newspaper article about the case?

The "case" is twenty years old, you can try search the Mobile Register to see if there is anything in the archive.
Stinger said:
The "case" is twenty years old, you can try search the Mobile Register to see if there is anything in the archive.

Look, as I am registered to vote in Georgia, I am more concerned with the obvious examples of gerrymandering in my state by the Democrats before they lost power in 2002. If there is a more obvious example of gerrymandering in American history, I am not aware of it. It would make Gov. Gerry (the Massachusetts governor who is the namesake of the word) blush that he couldn't think of something so blatant.
ludahai said:
Look, as I am registered to vote in Georgia, I am more concerned with the obvious examples of gerrymandering in my state by the Democrats before they lost power in 2002. If there is a more obvious example of gerrymandering in American history, I am not aware of it. It would make Gov. Gerry (the Massachusetts governor who is the namesake of the word) blush that he couldn't think of something so blatant.

Yes the ones in Georgia are quite hilarious in the extremes they, the Democrats, went through. There are similar districts, or at least were I don't know if they have been changed now, in Lousisana where the district ran almost the entire state and there is a BIG difference between North Lousiana and South Lousisana when it comes to politics. But it was all race bases.
Stinger said:
Yes the ones in Georgia are quite hilarious in the extremes they, the Democrats, went through. There are similar districts, or at least were I don't know if they have been changed now, in Lousisana where the district ran almost the entire state and there is a BIG difference between North Lousiana and South Lousisana when it comes to politics. But it was all race bases.

That's all the Democrats are in the South now. Everything is based on race. Quite funny considering that forty years ago, the Democrats in the South did everything they could to DENY the franchise and other rights to blacks. They are the biggest hypocrites. THey kept their strength in the South for decades by denying basic rights to Blacks. Now, they see that Blacks are their only chance to hold on to any form of political power in the South, so they try to deny equal representation to whites.

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