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Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Yea, that was poor form and certainly helped Trump more than hurt him. Hey, I wonder...
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Yea, that was poor form and certainly helped Trump more than hurt him. Hey, I wonder...

Can somebody tell me who it was that is strongly suspected of having burnt down the German Reichstag and who that benefitted from the action?
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Yea, that was poor form and certainly helped Trump more than hurt him. Hey, I wonder...

They might as well be carrying "Mexicans for Trump!" signs.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Police Officer Assaulted In Riots At Trump Rally In San Jose « CBS San Francisco


The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," the mayor said. Apparently it was downright "irresponsible" of Trump to even set foot in California's third largest city.
San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence | The Weekly Standard
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Police Officer Assaulted In Riots At Trump Rally In San Jose « CBS San Francisco


The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," the mayor said. Apparently it was downright "irresponsible" of Trump to even set foot in California's third largest city.
San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence | The Weekly Standard

I get to read Drudge twice today!!
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

The mayor is an idiot and anti-American!
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

We need the old guy back that punched that kid in handcuff in one of the earlier rallies when Trump was just getting started. Didn't the Donald offer to pay his legal fees?
Police Officer Assaulted In Riots At Trump Rally In San Jose « CBS San Francisco


The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," the mayor said. Apparently it was downright "irresponsible" of Trump to even set foot in California's third largest city.
San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence | The Weekly Standard
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters - ABC News

These morons don't see that they are actually enabling the result they are protesting.

Seriously. Anyone who thinks I'm a Trump defender hasn't been paying attention. But if anyone ever deserved to be slapped across the face with a baseball bat, it's these moral cretins. Who gangs up on a woman?
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

I was thinking when I was watching fox while getting ready for work this Trump could not ask for better/free airtime. He don't need to pay for no stinkin ads.
These morons don't see that they are actually enabling the result they are protesting.

Seriously. Anyone who thinks I'm a Trump defender hasn't been paying attention. But if anyone ever deserved to be slapped across the face with a baseball bat, it's these moral cretins. Who gangs up on a woman?
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

It's gonna be a long, hot summer. When this ramps up, and it will, things won't be pretty. Just wait until the conventions get in gear...
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters - ABC News

Mak2 made the right comment earlier. It only helps him. The violent left wing extremists are showing their true colors. While the right peacefully protests (if they even show up), the left wing assaults and berates.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Who gangs up on a woman?

Bill and Hillary Clinton when they attack the young women Bill choose to have affairs with. Most of the left that still repeat the lie about Sara Palin and seeing Russia from her house. All the people who called Michelle "crazy eyes" instead of attacking her positions.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

These morons don't see that they are actually enabling the result they are protesting.

Seriously. Anyone who thinks I'm a Trump defender hasn't been paying attention. But if anyone ever deserved to be slapped across the face with a baseball bat, it's these moral cretins. Who gangs up on a woman?

Who gangs up on women?

Bill Clinton and his pervert pedophile buddy Epstein.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

For some reason... I really dont feel bad.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Mak2 made the right comment earlier. It only helps him. The violent left wing extremists are showing their true colors. While the right peacefully protests (if they even show up), the left wing assaults and berates.

It's in their DNA... They spit on troops... They're capable of the whole enchilada.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

For some reason... I really dont feel bad.

You are a tribalist who is willing to be entertained at suffering endured by people who aren't like you?
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

For some reason... I really dont feel bad.

Then you are part of the problem. Are you freaking serious? You don't feel bad for people being assaulted because of a difference of opinion?
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

You are a tribalist who is willing to be entertained at suffering endured by people who aren't like you?

This is the same clown who thinks groping T&A against the will of the people is no big deal.

One brick short... But a typical Socialist. Bereft of clear thinking.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Police Officer Assaulted In Riots At Trump Rally In San Jose « CBS San Francisco


The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," the mayor said. Apparently it was downright "irresponsible" of Trump to even set foot in California's third largest city.
San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence | The Weekly Standard

For all the tough talk, Trump supporters certainly are kind of wimpy.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters - ABC News

Wow, that's pretty damn awful, and impossible to defend, unless you're a really partisan hackish asshole. They look like marauding savages. I can't stand Trump either, but I have no desire to get physically obnoxious about it.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

Arrest them and charge them. Yeah, Trump is horrible. But I don't care if you are protesting the KKK, the Westboro Baptist Church, or NAMBLA. You don't assault people for exercising their right to free speech. Stick to using your own speech.
Re: Trump supporters terrorized by mob

You are a tribalist who is willing to be entertained at suffering endured by people who aren't like you?

Run around saying bad things about every demographic not white, don't be surprised when one of them hurls a brick at your head.

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