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Vindictive,does it include requiring low populat. districts pay cost of services and representation? (1 Viewer)

Should residents of thinly pop. places pay the full costs of services and political representation

  • Yes, they should pay for what they are getting.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No, it woukd be unfair and imoractical ito make them pay

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Lady of the house wonderin' where it's gonna stop
DP Veteran
Sep 23, 2006
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Trump has criticized Germany, S. Korea, and Japan for not "paying him", or us, for what he perceives as benefits from U.S. Mil. protection they don't pay or contribute to the full costs of.

I see no Trump supporter exhibiting any concern about republicans, and now Trump, starving the USPS since 2006, and now, Trump openly defunding and sabotaging it. The latest is refusing to permit the customary non-profit postal rate for absentee / Mail in ballots.

What will rural areas do if USPS mail service ceases, or is privatized. Will residents of those places agree tio pay by the mile to send and receive mail, including packages?

Let's say, for example, the expense to the government for each U.S. Senator, including the cost of the Senate physical space in DC, the staff, security, in-state offices and staff, the salary, benefits, and expenses of each senator, is assessed to the population of each state. There are about 330,000 Wyoming residents per Senator representing them, and 20,000,000 million Californians for each Senator.

The true costs of powerlines and other distribution infrastructure, and even public roads could be the fiscal responsibility of those who benefit most from them.

I'm motivated to write this not only because of the unfair costs of subsidizing thinly populated districts, but also because, for the second time in exactly 100 years, the politicians primarily representing the rural districts, are sabotaging the U.S. Census in an effort to preserve their subsidies and acutely lopsided political representation.

The game is always the same, preserve the perverse advantage of over representation and over-subsidy of thinly populated districts.
If the rest of us are forced to subsidize the cost of their services and experience dramatically less political representation compared to rural residents, shouldn't we at least be thanked for it, as Trump demands he should be thanked?

This is what rural interests did to the 1920 Census, an anticonstitutional dissolution of it.:

1920 United States Census - Wikipedia
...Despite the constitutional requirement that House seats be reapportioned to the states respective of their population every ten years according to the census, members of Congress failed to agree on a reapportionment plan following this census, and the distribution of seats from the 1910 census remained in effect until 1933.
OK. Let's begin by taxing cyclists for the bike lanes and work our way up from there.

I see no Trump supporter exhibiting any concern about republicans, and now Trump, starving the USPS since 2006, and now, Trump openly defunding and sabotaging it. The latest is refusing to permit the customary non-profit postal rate for absentee / Mail in ballots.

What will rural areas do if
USPS mail service ceases, or is privatized? Will residents of those places agree tio pay by the mile to send and receive mail, including packages?......

The Post Office is a federal service mandated by the U.S. Constitution
Judge Orders Trump Campaign To Provide Evidence Of Mail-In Voting Fraud In Pennsylvania
Breaking|1,433 views|Aug 13, 2020, 07:49pm EDT

A federal judge in Pennsylvania ordered the Trump campaign to provide evidence of voter fraud with mail-in ballots in the state by Friday to substantiate claims it made in a lawsuit in the key battleground state that echo President Trump's many unfounded attacks against the integrity of mail-in voting ahead of the November presidential election.
In late June, the Trump campaign sued 67 county election boards in the state, as well as Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, claiming they "have inexplicably chosen a path that jeopardizes election security," according to CBS Pittsburgh; research shows fraud involving mail-in voting is exceedingly rare....
.....A focal point as the election draws closer is the U.S. Postal Service and its new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump donor whose recent changes to service have resulted in mass mail delays and drawn bipartisan criticism ahead of the election.......


Aug 13, 2020
Donald Trump Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference Transcript August 13
.....Donald Trump: (34:11)
Please, Kaitlan.

Kaitlan: (34:11)
Thank you, Mr. President. This morning you said that you do not want to fund the U.S. Postal Service because Democrats are trying to expand voting by mail. So I’ve got two questions for you. One, are you threatening to veto any legislation that includes funding for the Post Office?

Donald Trump: (34:30)
No, not at all. No.

Kaitlan: (34:32)
So you would sign something that does include funding?

Donald Trump: (34:34)
Sure. If they’re a separate thing I would do it. But one of the reasons the Post Office needs that much money is to have all of these millions of ballots coming in from nowhere and nobody knows from where and where they’re going. You saw what happened, Kaitlan in Virginia. It was 500,000 applications coming in going all over the state, nobody even knows where they came from. You saw what happened in New York, which was a disaster with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney. It was a basic disaster. And you see Patterson, New Jersey, what’s going on there, and we can give you many other locations and sites. What has happened is that’s part of a big negotiation. That’s actually a small part of a big negotiation to get more money to people that it wasn’t their fault. It was China’s fault, and Post Office is part of it.

Donald Trump: (35:22)
Another part of it is they want three and a half billion dollars just for the ballots themselves. Why it’s so much, I don’t know, but that’s what the Democrats want. But if the bill isn’t going to get done, that would mean the Post Office isn’t going to get funded, and that would also mean that the three and a half billion dollars isn’t going to be taken care of. So I don’t know how you could possibly use these ballots, these mail-in ballots. Absentee ballots by the way are fine. But the universal mail-ins that are just sent all over the place where people can grab them and grab stacks of them and sign them and do whatever you want, that’s the thing we’re against.

Kaitlan: (35:56)
But isn’t that precisely the problem, is that you’re saying you do not want to give this Post Office funding in this coronavirus legislation. .....
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