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Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man (1 Viewer)

That cop needs a rectal search to find his brain. I hope he gets one prison.
I'm sure glad the headline mentions the races of those involved so I know just how angry to get.
I can't disagree. Would the story be any less egregious if race wasn't mentioned in the headline? Not in my opinion, but then police over-reach is one of my pet issues regardless of race. Though I'm sure there are some that would only be interested because of race.

Still, even with the unnecessary addition of race to the headline, I felt it was an important story that needs to be spread.
I can't disagree. Would the story be any less egregious if race wasn't mentioned in the headline? Not in my opinion, but then police over-reach is one of my pet issues regardless of race. Though I'm sure there are some that would only be interested because of race.

Still, even with the unnecessary addition of race to the headline, I felt it was an important story that needs to be spread.

I agree and think it may be due to the higher racial awareness in the states. The video speaks for itself and in that more loudly than the headline.
Disturbing. I think my position on sexual perverts has been made clear enough, I don't need to repeat it here.

Previously you have said that the war on drugs has not been prosecuted hard enough. Well, this is going that extra 4 inches.
Gotta love edited videos. Makes watching them sooo much less time consuming. Who needs all that extra context anyways? This cop should go to prison, doesn't he know that black lives matter? :lol:
Gotta love edited videos. Makes watching them sooo much less time consuming. Who needs all that extra context anyways? This cop should go to prison, doesn't he know that black lives matter? :lol:

Good point. But, in what context is a roadside cavity search ever acceptable?
Regardless of what is or isnt on the video (with regard to editing), South Carolina law requires that a body cavity search be done 1-only after the officer has requested a search warrant with 'articulable charges', and 2-must be conducted by an officer other than the officer filing for the warrant.

poch seems appropriately screwed in this instance.
I like the law allows officers to pretty much rape people.
When anyone else does that, it's rape.

Police officers are allowed to stick their hand up your ass, or if your a woman, up your vagina against your will.
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It is highly unlikely that any "cavity" search was done on the roadside.

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