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Video Released of Man on OKC Bus Fatally Shot by Police (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 21, 2009
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Political Leaning
The "death penalty" was administered to an "unarmed" man who was no doubt a fine, upstanding pillar of the community. :roll: All I can say is that after the female cop was overpowered by the perp, it's a good thing she had a burly male partner for an "executioner." (Before her partner intervened, a round discharged from her firearm during the struggle almost hit the driver.)

The "death penalty" was administered to an "unarmed" man who was no doubt a fine, upstanding pillar of the community. :roll: All I can say is that after the female cop was overpowered by the perp, it's a good thing she had a burly male partner for an "executioner." (Before her partner intervened, a round discharged from her firearm during the struggle almost hit the driver.)


She screwed up, Perp forfeited his life going after her gun, end of story.
Note also that the suspect had just been released from a mental health facility. Obviously, he's been permanently cured of whatever mental condition was ailing him.
I am sorry but that female officer is not cut out for that job. The male officer showed he had some training and could respond in a life death situation.
Wow. That's like the training videos we used to watch about how NOT to affect an arrest.

Utterly incompetent.
Wow. That's like the training videos we used to watch about how NOT to affect an arrest.

Utterly incompetent.

I would have thought that, at the least, she would have gotten the driver off of the bus before charging in like Annie Oakley. :shrug:
Yep,, She was a little to eager to follow, she should have used the Stantion/guard for cover and she might have had better like, Her partner,, Wow he popped a cap( or 2) in that dudes face. then he cleared the bus and took up a defensive position. She would be wise to follow every move he ever makes.


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