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Video exposing Trump FRAUDULENT CLAIM that "Dems are stealing election by tossing ballots" (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
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San Diego
Political Leaning
This video is to supplement my other OP on this (https://debatepolitics.com/threads/...aud-scandal-9-discarded-trump-ballots.421911/)

Barr and Trump are going around claiming, because there was, in Luzerne County, 9 ballots 'all Trump ballots' found in the trash, therefore, dems are tossing out Trump ballots. Notwithstanding the incredible leap of logic, given that, to impact an election, democrats would need enough dumpsters to fill a football stadium, the logics of accomplishing something like that are beyond absurd, they go on perpetrating this fraudulent story, proving that the fraudsters are the ones claiming fraud.

Those of you whose argument goes something like 'Hayes is a libtard' don't, that's not a valid counter argument, he's a reputable TV pundit, and though you might not like him as a republican, 'attacking the messenger" is not a merit worthy debate technique, and it's a logical fallacy, to boot.. If it were someone like Alex Jones, you'd have a point, but Hayes isn't Jones.

So, either refute what he is saying, or don't bother, thank you. And, let's try and keep the conversation civil. Okay?

Reason and logic are not the end goal of the Cultist's false narrative. It's fear and panic they wish to instill in people.
This video is to supplement my other OP on this (https://debatepolitics.com/threads/...aud-scandal-9-discarded-trump-ballots.421911/)

Barr and Trump are going around claiming, because there was, in Luzerne County, 9 ballots 'all Trump ballots' found in the trash, therefore, dems are tossing out Trump ballots. Notwithstanding the incredible leap of logic, given that, to impact an election, democrats would need enough dumpsters to fill a football stadium, the logics of accomplishing something like that are beyond absurd, they go on perpetrating this fraudulent story, proving that the fraudsters are the ones claiming fraud.

Those of you whose argument goes something like 'Hayes is a libtard' don't, that's not a valid counter argument, he's a reputable TV pundit, and though you might not like him as a republican, 'attacking the messenger" is not a merit worthy debate technique, and it's a logical fallacy, to boot.. If it were someone like Alex Jones, you'd have a point, but Hayes isn't Jones.

So, either refute what he is saying, or don't bother, thank you. And, let's try and keep the conversation civil. Okay?

So, you’re saying that it didn’t happen?
So, you’re saying that it didn’t happen?
Your question is answered in the video and depends upon what "it" is. If "it" is proof of election fraud, as Trump and Barr suggest, that's false. It "it" is the ballots were inadvertently thrown out, that's true.

The explanation, at 4:00. The mail in ballots from the military look like ballot request forms.
Just one additional thought because the video mentions it. If you vote by mail you Must use the envelopes provided, if you don't your vote will Not be counted. Just another attempt to cutdown the voter turnout.
So, you’re saying that it didn’t happen?

Barr has stated there is zero evidence for widespread voter fraud. So has Chris Wray. The top two LEO’s in the country are either lying to us on behalf of the dems or y’all know Trump is just losing so you need to insist ballots are bad.

That’s all this is.
Barr has stated there is zero evidence for widespread voter fraud. So has Chris Wray. The top two LEO’s in the country are either lying to us on behalf of the dems or y’all know Trump is just losing so you need to insist ballots are bad.

That’s all this is.
Barr has said, without evidence, that mail-in-ballots are inherently ripe for fraud. The FBI Director disputes that claim.
Barr has said, without evidence, that mail-in-ballots are inherently ripe for fraud. The FBI Director disputes that claim.

Yes, I know. BUT. Barr has also said without any hesitation there is zero evidence. So all we need from Bill Barr on this subject as the nation’s top LEO is to confirm if there is a crime taking place. He has said NO. The FBI director has backed him up on that.

That’s it. We don’t need GOP wishcasting or opinion. We don’t need their hot takes. That’s what gives a non-thing life.

If the GOP wants to insist Bill Barr and Chris Wray are lying to the American people on behalf of Joe Biden, I’d love to see it.
This crap by Barr and Trump is going to cause a civil war.

All you have to do is read the thread by Joko to know where this is all headed.
King Tangface lies and projects. if they are claiming that Republican ballots are being tossed, it means that their strategy is likely to be tossing Democratic ballots in order to cheat.
Your question is answered in the video and depends upon what "it" is. If "it" is proof of election fraud, as Trump and Barr suggest, that's false. It "it" is the ballots were inadvertently thrown out, that's true.

The explanation, at 4:00. The mail in ballots from the military look like ballot request forms.
Inadvertently? Yes, and I've got some oceanfront property in Iowa I would like to sell you. If it happened that Biden votes wound up in the garbage, would you be calling that inadvertently?

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