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Video: cop looting (1 Viewer)

It's pretty much SOP to steal/wreck stuff when executing search warrants (or avoiding the requirement altogether with stuff like "protective sweeps").

It happens for the same reason police have gotten away with abuse of the citizenry, planting evidence, destroying evidence, and the like: your average freedom-luvin' 'Merkan has automatic trust of police and automatic distrust of anyone police accuse of crime.

Police say they search a house, find an ounce of pot. The owner says precious valuables and family heirlooms are missing. Who is your average freedom-luvin' 'Merkan gonna believe?

And even if they believed the owner, what do the cops have to worry? Are they going to investigate those on the search team, searching their houses and belongings? What, on the word of a "criminal"?


In general, Americans bray so very loudly about freedoms for one of two reasons:

1. They know deep down that only certain classes have any reasonable expectation of enjoying their freedoms but they do not want to give up their country's mythology;

2. They are in one of said classes and are one of those many Americans for whom callousness is not only a way of life but a virtue. It's happening to those people, not to their own. So what do they care?
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I guess according to moot we can now gun down kids, burn immigrant owned businesses and assasinate cops at will.

That seems like a series of extraordinarily moronic things to guess based on a post about an officer who looted a dead man's home.
That seems like a series of extraordinarily moronic things to guess based on a post about an officer who looted a dead man's home.

No it really is not. The only reason mood even brought this up is because conservatives condemn criminal looting. And her genius rebuttal is to then show a video of one officer maybe stealing something. So what? Why even post a thread about this? The only logical reason is to justify the criminal actions of the Marxist terrorist group known as Black Lives Matter.

While personality traits certainly informs behavior, it does not dictate it. And I am looking at behavior specifically. I would wager that plenty of non-police officers and non-criminals have these personality traits as well but manage with apparent ease not to commit crimes against their neighbors.

I do not make allowances for acts of anti-social criminal behavior, whether by an everyday "common criminal" or a an officer wearing a uniform and a badge.
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No it really is not. The only reason mood even brought this up is because conservatives condemn criminal looting. And her genius rebuttal is to then show a video of one officer maybe stealing something. So what? Why even post a thread about this? The only logical reason is to justify the criminal actions of the Marxist terrorist group known as Black Lives Matter.

When people warn you that you've crossed over to extraordinarily moronic, don't double down. Nobody is trying to justify looting. The point was to say that, given the opportunity, many people steal. You know, like when Trump rakes in the emoluments, despite it being grossly corrupt.

As for your claim that BLM are marxist, you have no clue. Demanding your votes count as much as a white man's vote, or demanding equal protection under the law is not Marxism. Do you guys even know what these various political ideologies mean or are you just channeling McCarthy?
When people warn you that you've crossed over to extraordinarily moronic, don't double down. Nobody is trying to justify looting. The point was to say that, given the opportunity, many people steal. You know, like when Trump rakes in the emoluments, despite it being grossly corrupt.

As for your claim that BLM are marxist, you have no clue. Demanding your votes count as much as a white man's vote, or demanding equal protection under the law is not Marxism. Do you guys even know what these various political ideologies mean or are you just channeling McCarthy?

The founder of Black Lives Matter literally called her self and a co-founder trained Marxists
The founder of Black Lives Matter literally called her self and a co-founder trained Marxists

A trained Marxist...what does that even mean? Does she hide under your bed or just live in your head?

Trump doesn't want to tell the truth because it might cause a panic...but look at you...panic stricken over blacks coming to take over the suburbs and Marxists around every corner. But hey, a deadly pandemic is just a hoax...no worries there. You people are a joke.

The founder of Black Lives Matter literally called her self and a co-founder trained Marxists

Who trained them? Karl Marx is looooong dead. Here you guys are getting hysterical about Marxism when shameless fascists control, not just the Republicans but the whole country.

But, being well trained fascists, you've learned to piss your drawers any time Marx is mentioned. It's the equivalent to the NAZIs being concerned about growing anti-German sentiment.

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