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Veteran talk (1 Viewer)

Captain America

Jedi Master
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
This thread is dedicated to the posters here that wish to cuss or discuss their military experiences. I knew no other forum topic to begin it on. I just wanted to keep it out of the basement in attempt to keep the thread on topic and the nasty people away or turning it into a flame-fest as they tend to do.

There is no point in debating any particular post on this thread because this is all about YOUR experiences you wish to share. Not mine, not his, not hers. Comments are welcome but please, let's just talk about what we did, what we liked, where we served, what we saw.

I don't start a lot of threads as by nature I am, well, somewhat boring when it comes to topics that catch my eye. But we were having an awesome discussion amongst ourselves about our Navy experiences on another thread and we were being disrespectful to the thread starter by veering off topic. Let's finish up the conversation here. All veterans (or reserve or active) are welcome to post here. If you are not a veteran, you really have nothing to offer this particular thread (but if you feel you must chime in :roll: regardless, please keep it respectful without all of the "liberals are demons/conservatives are Nazi's/gays are perverts"

Thank you.
Captain America said:
This thread is dedicated to the posters here that wish to cuss or discuss their military experiences. I knew no other forum topic to begin it on. I just wanted to keep it out of the basement in attempt to keep the thread on topic and the nasty people away or turning it into a flame-fest as they tend to do.

There is no point in debating any particular post on this thread because this is all about YOUR experiences you wish to share. Not mine, not his, not hers. Comments are welcome but please, let's just talk about what we did, what we liked, where we served, what we saw.

I don't start a lot of threads as by nature I am, well, somewhat boring when it comes to topics that catch my eye. But we were having an awesome discussion amongst ourselves about our Navy experiences on another thread and we were being disrespectful to the thread starter by veering off topic. Let's finish up the conversation here. All veterans (or reserve or active) are welcome to post here. If you are not a veteran, you really have nothing to offer this particular thread (but if you feel you must chime in :roll: regardless, please keep it respectful without all of the "liberals are demons/conservatives are Nazi's/gays are perverts"

Thank you.

Right on...I am looking forward to this thread. So where was your longest station and how long were you in again?
[mod note] moved to Off Topic Discussion [/mod note]
Ever wake up next to a passed out Philippine hooker?
Ever told a LT in these words "SIR Thats f**king stupid?"
so who has been locked up in the brig?
I gotta say, overall, my military experience wasn't so bad, but the last year was torture, I worked in an office with ONE other person and he was quite possibly the world's worst moron, not to mention a huge slacker. How he ever made it to Tech Sgt (E-7 for those of you not acquainted with Air Force ranks), I'll never know.
cherokee said:
Ever wake up next to a passed out Philippine hooker?
Ever told a LT in these words "SIR Thats f**king stupid?"
so who has been locked up in the brig?

Yes to all three. Only didn't get brig time, just Capt. mast and two weeks extra duty and two weeks restricted to ship.
One of the funniest things happened to me in Istanbul, Turkey. After we got off the ship and caught a cab, the cabbie asked us if we wanted hookers (it was 12 in the afternoon), we said "no, just wanna sight see right now". So his second suggestion was to ask if we wanted boys. We all just stared at him. Then he says: "I do not mean to offend, but I thought you were Italian. They always ask for the little boys". I just about died. (I'm blond/blue, but both of my friends were of Italian heritage and straight) I thought we were going to get arrested for beating a cabbie on our first day in port. Made me re-think my position on the machismo of the Italian men. LoL He took us to the Compound, anyways, and we had to get another cab to go to the Bazaar.
I miss Istanbul. HAhaha..
jallman said:
Right on...I am looking forward to this thread. So where was your longest station and how long were you in again?

I was in the Texas State Guard for two years. Then I enlisted in the USN for a 6 year obligation. I served my six years plus an additional two months trying tio decide whether to commit to 6 more years. The Select Re-enlistment Bonuses we're discontinued just two months before my EAOS and it appeared they were not going to be re-inststed so I moved on to be a full time husband, father and civilian.

My longest station, collectively, was at Great Lakes. I did my boot camp there, BEE, and A school. Then I shipped out to Norfolk only to return to GL where I was a military eval at B.E.E. school for almost a year, instructed @ FCA school for about 6 months. Then I moved over to RTC and trained to be a Company Commander to push booters. I then pushed booters for 18 months before I got out. I was stationed in Norfolk as well. I did two med tours on the Saratoga and was in dry dock for a while.
cherokee said:
Ever wake up next to a passed out Philippine hooker?
Ever told a LT in these words "SIR Thats f**king stupid?"
so who has been locked up in the brig?

1. No. I was not on Westpac. Phillippino women scare me anyways.:shock: Even the hookers can be the jealous type. They DO have a temper I am told.

2. No. But I did get into a scrape when a lady lieutenant used me to shirk off a master cheif who would not stop hitting on her at a bar. A fight ensued and I learned my lesson about beating up higher ranking shipmates. But I did threaten to beat one lieutenant's butt for selling me some crappy pot.

3. I did an overnighter there for reasons mentioned above. I got what we called a "Captain's Mass" and was fined 1/2 months pay times 2. I also got 6 weeks base restriction. (Pulled my "liberty card.") Also, I got called up for some missing concussion grenades. We were doing a vert-rep and I was the last signature on the chain of custody. The Old Man knew I didn't take them as no less than a dozen people handled them in the process beyond my signature but they needed to close the case and we all agreed I was the last accounting of them so I got 6 weeks base restriction but it was suspended on the condition that I didn't have any more troubles in the following 6 weeks. Several months later, I was confidentially told who took them. It was a shipmate of mine who I thought was my friend. I understand him not coming forward though. It would have been some serious bad news for him to admit he ripped them off and me taking the fall was minor in comparison. Still, I got a page 13 behind it. He never fessed up to it or apologized.
teacher said:
First Seargent hauled me into his office one day to tell me my off duty skateboarding was "unsoldierly".

You should have told him he needs to get back to his game of cribbage.:rofl
Told a fresh new 2ndLT his idea was f**king stupid because he wanted a PFC to retrieve a grenade (dud) after waiting only a few seconds. Busted from E-5 to E-4 lost 2 months of pay. (oh and I pushed him…..ooop’s)

Reported to the Maj’s office still drunk from the night before, Got to clean 6 heads with a hangover.

Woke up to a passed out hooker that had to be in her late 40’s (Friends thought it would be funny) and NO not even by Ex Prez Clinton standards did I have sex with her…

Brig time?….Lots of fighting.
Yeesh, I feel like a goody two shoes next to y'all!
I gotta a funny one....

In 31st Battalion were prepping for an OIC BEQ inspection. Master Cheif Schnedeker did the pre-inspection walk through. FC1 Skripsky (sp?) rolled up a little ball of peanut butter and placed it right at the water's edge in the toilet in the head on the 3rd level. When Master Cheif saw it, his face turned red and his eyes bulged out. He screamed "What the hell is that in my head??" Skripsky reached down, got some on his finger, tasted it, stood in attention and shouted:

"$hit sir!!"

We all fell out laughing. :rofl Even the Master Chief knew had been had. We went on to pass the real inspection with flying colors.
Stace said:
Yeesh, I feel like a goody two shoes next to y'all!

me too...but then, that all changed when I got to college. :rofl
Stace said:
Yeesh, I feel like a goody two shoes next to y'all!

yeah but I never made it past sgt in 9 years....:doh
I wanted to go to Bangkok, Thailand for my R&R from South Vietnam. They cancelled the flight and I was forced to go to Sydney, Australia.

First night on the town I was up for some prostitution company as I had just spent 8 months of celibacy in the jungle. There were about a dozen gorgeous women standing on a corner of the main street of downtown Sydney.

I chose a redhead and we soon entered her place that looked to be an abandoned bording house. She guided me to a room that had a urine-stained mattress lying in the middle. She told me to take my clothes off in the hallway while she prepared herself. She dimmed the lights and called for me to join her by first closing the door behind me. I joined her in the dark room where I noticed that she was still wearing clothes.

I proceeded to strip her clothes off with my hand moving steadily toward her crotch. I was slightly inebriated at the time, but not so much to confuse the sense that I had just touched a penis. Right at that precise shocking moment I heard a door slam shut and the sound of someone running down the same stairway that I used to enter the premises. I jumped to my feet, ran to the hallway--only to find that my pants and wallet were gone. I ran back into the room to find that the redhead had also escaped the premises.

I soon realized that a team of thieves had stolen my money and pants. Luckily, they left my jacket behind. I used that to wrap around my waist while I ashamedly snuck back to my hotel room.

My celibacy continued during that one-week of R&R in Sydney.
Aussie chicks LOVE sailors!

They have this thing there (or used to) called "rent a sailor." They were waiting at the docks.

Two of my buds hooked up with two rich aussie chicks. One actually went UA and decided to just stay with them. It worked out fine until another ship pulled into port and he became yesterday's meat. Boy, was he in a world of trouble!!
Captain America said:
1. No. I was not on Westpac. Phillippino women scare me anyways.:shock: Even the hookers can be the jealous type. They DO have a temper I am told.

No kidding. My second day in Subic Bay I woke up on a pool table with a pounding hang over. Who knew Mojoe juice contained alcohol? Anyway I pulled off my t-shirt walked over to a sink and started washing my face. Two "bar girls" came walking down the stairs and began with some weird cat calls "Oh, you so sexy, Joe. We love you long time" etc, etc... This went on for a good two or three minutes. I thought they were being mean and well "F"ing with me. Under my breath I let slip "Gezz, "F"-off" then more loudly said "just leave me alone." OMG! Knives were drawn. Granted I was out way of line, but I was 19 and hung over as all hell. If a SC hadn't stepped in and thrown me out the door I might not be here today. Never could go back in that bar. Never did get my shirt back. Young and dumb rhyme for a reason.
I got the chit beat out of me in Olongapo! Went out alone..(First mistake)
Started drinking alone (second mistake) MP’s found me in the street. The only thing I did right that night was I didn’t have a lot of money on me.
Found out later 2 sailors had been robbed there as well…
Needless to say it was permanently closed.

Typhoons and Earthquakes oh my, oh my…
ptsdkid.My celibacy continued during that one-week of R&R in Sydney.[/QUOTE said:
cherokee said:
I got the chit beat out of me in Olongapo! Went out alone..(First mistake)
Started drinking alone (second mistake) MP’s found me in the street. The only thing I did right that night was I didn’t have a lot of money on me.
Found out later 2 sailors had been robbed there as well…
Needless to say it was permanently closed.

Typhoons and Earthquakes oh my, oh my…

What year(s) were your there?

I first got there in 83'. Last time I was there was 86'. The first night I walked across Sh/t River Bridge I was 19 fresh out of boot and "A" School. Basically other then the Navy I'd never been out of Salem Oregon. I'd taken about 20 steps down Magsaysay Blvd. when I saw a black sporty looking Toyota slowly drive down the street, turn around and then gun it's engine. It went from 0 to about 60 in nothing flat. Hit a guy head on. He flew about 25-30 feet into the air and simply kept going. The Senior Chief standing next to me look at me and said "that was no accident" and calmly walked away. It was as if he'd just seen someone hit a golf ball down a fairway.

Everything that I remember about Subic and Olongapo are framed by that first night night. The entire time I spent in the PI was unlike any other place or country I ever went. Probably mainly due to that first night. But partly because the place was just insane. Guys on my ship used to paid little kids a pesos to walk across the street and buy quaaludes for them. I tried one... one night. Not my cup of tea. We had one guy on my ship we started calling Quaalude as a nickname. Last time I saw him he was standing back to the bulkhead, butt naked, eyes open wide as possible, arms held out from his body with his palms flat to the bulkhead. Two Master-at-Arms were talking to him and making very little head way into trying to convince him he was on a Navy vessel...and on planet earth.
I was there from 87 and most of 88 about a month before ruby hit. And yes god do I ever remember Chit River. That place was a completely different world….
Did you ever visit Honey hole (ko) for a wink, massage?…LOL
Soooo did you bring a bride back?…LOL..I can’t count how many guys did…

Wasnt the florida bar on maggot-say?
One of the things that pissed me off the most about the military was "hurry up and wait"You hurry the hell up just to wait forever for something.
cherokee said:
Told a fresh new 2ndLT his idea was f**king stupid because he wanted a PFC to retrieve a grenade (dud) after waiting only a few seconds.
My former first sergeant would have smoked the **** of a LT for trying to have a soldeir do something that stupid.

Busted from E-5 to E-4 lost 2 months of pay. (oh and I pushed him…..ooop’s)

Are you sure the article 15(I assume that is what you got) was for telling the 2ndLT his idea was stupid?I think you got in trouble souly for pushing him.

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