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VA Gov Gives 200,000 Felons Voting Rights... 'Move to boost Clinton'... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

It doesn't get any slimier than this!

Outrageous......I hope Virginians vote this asshole out of office!

Yeah, 'cause in Right Wing World, if anybody's committed a crime, they don't get to vote EVER, even after they've paid their debt to society in full.
I don't think they should have ever had their rights to vote revoked in the first place.

Suspended while incarcerated? Sure.

Once released, they should have all their rights restored. They did the time and paid the tab for their crime.

No one should continue to be punished after they've already served their sentences.
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I don't think they should have ever had their rights to vote revoked in the first place.

Suspended while incarcerated? Sure.

Once released, they should have all their rights restored. They did the time and paid the tab for their crime.

No one should continue to be punished after they've already served their sentences.

the number of felons who actually bother to vote is rather low
the number of felons who actually bother to vote is rather low

In which case this will have something of a negligible effect. Still the right thing to do. Once you do your time, you should be able to do the same things most other people can do.
In which case this will have something of a negligible effect. Still the right thing to do. Once you do your time, you should be able to do the same things most other people can do.

I agree, I just remember asking former NAACP legal counsel and stanford professor Pam Karlan (who was spearheading an attempt to get black felons their voting rights back to help the Democrats) if she believed the same thing about second amendment rights and she did not. So in her case it was purely to help the party
In which case this will have something of a negligible effect. Still the right thing to do. Once you do your time, you should be able to do the same things most other people can do.

Felons can never own a firearm again and I have a problem with that myself. Just like restoring their right to vote, I think it depends on how egregious the felony.

The best scenario that could come out of this, is that they vote Trump or Cruz....that would be a real Hoot! :lamo
I think it is insane for people to loose their voting rights because they did a crime. If they were found guilty of voting fraud or corrupting government officials or something like that then yes, maybe loosing your voting rights for a while is OK but not if you were caught shoplifting, pick pocketing, etc. etc.. Then there should be no way for those people to loose their voting rights.
McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

It doesn't get any slimier than this!

Outrageous......I hope Virginians vote this asshole out of office!

The gov did the right thing, and its in line with several other states. You are the one who seems to be against freedom on this issue.....
Felons can never own a firearm again and I have a problem with that myself. Just like restoring their right to vote, I think it depends on how egregious the felony.

The best scenario that could come out of this, is that they vote Trump or Cruz....that would be a real Hoot! :lamo

Uh.....you can't shoot someone and kill them with a vote.
Uh.....you can't shoot someone and kill them with a vote.

So? If someone has their civil rights restored it should be every right. Voting, holding an office of public trust, holding professional licenses, and owning a gun
In which case this will have something of a negligible effect. Still the right thing to do. Once you do your time, you should be able to do the same things most other people can do.
If left to their own it would be negligible.
Yet with organize the vote efforts and taking folks to the polls, it may not be as negligible and may be enough to sway an election.

I think it is [highlight]insane[/highlight] for people to loose their voting rights because they did a crime. If they were found guilty of voting fraud or corrupting government officials or something like that then yes, maybe loosing your voting rights for a while is OK but not if you were caught shoplifting, pick pocketing, etc. etc.. Then there should be [highlight]no way[/highlight] for those people to loose their voting rights.
Insane? No way?
These folks have already demonstrated defective thinking by willingly breaking the law. That should be reason enough to revoke the privileged until after they have been discharged from their sentence.
Yeah, 'cause in Right Wing World, if anybody's committed a crime, they don't get to vote EVER, even after they've paid their debt to society in full.

yeah - isn't it funny how some of the folks on the right who pretend to care the most about rights and liberties are very very happy when their political opponents are denied both?
McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

It doesn't get any slimier than this!

Outrageous......I hope Virginians vote this asshole out of office!

If they served their sentences and completed parole, they should be allowed to vote again. Sheesh.
Yeah, 'cause in Right Wing World, if anybody's committed a crime, they don't get to vote EVER, even after they've paid their debt to society in full.

In the State of Virginia, part of the debt to society resulting from their choice to commit the crimes they were convicted of was to forfeit their right to vote. It's rather lame to attempt to dismiss this fact.

What this action has done, is forgive part of the debt to society these convicted felons owe to society.

Indisputable fact.
Felons can never own a firearm again and I have a problem with that myself. Just like restoring their right to vote, I think it depends on how egregious the felony.

The best scenario that could come out of this, is that they vote Trump or Cruz....that would be a real Hoot! :lamo

IMO, unless the felon committed a gun crime, they should be allowed to own a gun again once their jail/parole term is complete.

OTOH, if they commit a sex crime, they should never be released from jail-parole-supervision.
IMO, unless the felon committed a gun crime, they should be allowed to own a gun again once their jail/parole term is complete.

OTOH, if they commit a sex crime, they should never be released from jail-parole-supervision.
If they paid their debt, it is paid. Not to mention that as a group they have the second to lowest recidivism rate.
In the State of Virginia, part of the debt to society resulting from their choice to commit the crimes they were convicted of was to forfeit their right to vote. It's rather lame to attempt to dismiss this fact.

What this action has done, is forgive part of the debt to society these convicted felons owe to society.

Indisputable fact.

How does society benefit from denying a person their Constitutional right to vote? What "debt" is being paid to society by a person not being allowed to exercise their right to vote?
How does society benefit from denying a person their Constitutional right to vote? What "debt" is being paid to society by a person not being allowed to exercise their right to vote?

That is not the point. The law in Virginia stated that the debt to society owed by people who chose to commit felonies, and get caught and convicted, includes jail, fines, etc., including a forfeiture of voting rights. Restoring voting rights by unilateral fiat, simply forgives part of the debt to society.

That is a fact. Whether it is right to do so, or not, has nothing to do with it.

At least liberal/socialist progressive should call it as it is. This action is a forgiving of part of the debt to society that was understood, and in place, at the time the convicted felon chose to commit their crime.
That is not the point. The law in Virginia stated that the debt to society owed by people who chose to commit felonies, and get caught and convicted, includes jail, fines, etc., including a forfeiture of voting rights. Restoring voting rights by unilateral fiat, simply forgives part of the debt to society.

That is a fact. Whether it is right to do so, or not, has nothing to do with it.

At least liberal/socialist progressive should call it as it is. This action is a forgiving of part of the debt to society that was understood, and in place, at the time the convicted felon chose to commit their crime.

A discussion of the penalties imposed by law ALWAYS includes what is right to do. And that is the point.

I still do not understand - and you have NOT explained - how taking aways someones Constitutional rights is a benefit to society or pays anything.
A discussion of the penalties imposed by law ALWAYS includes what is right to do. And that is the point.

I still do not understand - and you have NOT explained - how taking aways someones Constitutional rights is a benefit to society or pays anything.

The citizens of Virginia, via the process of electing representatives, determined the debt to society owed by people who willingly chose to commit crimes so considerable as to be labeled felony, should include a forfeiture of there right to participate in the process that establishes the laws they reject.

Someone who chooses to violate another Constitutional rights, via the felony they were convicted of, has already decided they don't care about rights, don't care about laws, don't care about other citizens, and are completely and totally willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

It's quite simple really, unless one allows themselves to be twisted by ideas with little foundation in reality. This unilateral action is simply a decision by one individual in power, to decide by themselves, what constitutes a fully paid debt to society, which of course is completely untrue, according to laws on the books when the convicted felon decided to commit such a serious crime.
The citizens of Virginia, via the process of electing representatives, determined the debt to society owed by people who willingly chose to commit crimes so considerable as to be labeled felony, should include a forfeiture of there right to participate in the process that establishes the laws they reject.

Someone who chooses to violate another Constitutional rights, via the felony they were convicted of, has already decided they don't care about rights, don't care about laws, don't care about other citizens, and are completely and totally willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

It's quite simple really, unless one allows themselves to be twisted by ideas with little foundation in reality. This unilateral action is simply a decision by one individual in power, to decide by themselves, what constitutes a fully paid debt to society, which of course is completely untrue, according to laws on the books when the convicted felon decided to commit such a serious crime.

Under the system you justify - they will NEVER PAY THEIR DEBT TO SOCIETY. You are supporting a life long death penalty to their Constitutional rights.

But one does not need a road map to see where you are going here or why .... you come across loud and clear ..... most of these people getting their vote back are African American and we now from voting patterns that there is about a 85% or more chance if they vote they will vote for Democratic candidates. No wonder you are so eager to keep them off the voting rolls as they will not be voting the way you would prefer they vote.
Under the system you justify - they will NEVER PAY THEIR DEBT TO SOCIETY. You are supporting a life long death penalty to their Constitutional rights.

But one does not need a road map to see where you are going here or why .... you come across loud and clear ..... most of these people getting their vote back are African American and we now from voting patterns that there is about a 85% or more chance if they vote they will vote for Democratic candidates. No wonder you are so eager to keep them off the voting rolls as they will not be voting the way you would prefer they vote.

I'm not a slave to ideological bias as it appears some are. Unable to divorce themselves from the limitations of their narrow vision, it's quite common to see outrageous accusations made in an attempt to justify their positions. Throwing out strawmans like race, is just further evidence of the stunted thinking that tries to legitimize the governors action..

Felons decided upon themselves to throw away their constitutional right to vote when they chose to commit crimes that were so substantial, the penalty included that forfeiture.

The theatrics of your claims are rather comical though, so I thank you for that.

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