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V P Biden Sends Woman Out Prepped To Lie & Cover For His Benghazi Slaughter & Debacle (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 19, 2020
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Susan Rice, a little girl, sent out to cover both of their dithering cowardly behinds

Susan Rice lies will haunt liberals - Washington Times
Allow Americans to be slaughtered with forethought and knowledge and then send a woman out to take the blame .

Yeah Biden, that's our guy.

ambassador stevens.jpg
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What? No picture of a black woman with "You ain't black" photoshopped onto her t-shirt?
What? No picture of a black woman with "You ain't black" photoshopped onto her t-shirt?

You mean the little black girl your cowardly snake of V.P. Biden of sent out to cover his yellow behind for the butchering of Americans he oversaw .
Here she is :susan.jpgbenghazi-sofrep.jpg
Joe Knows :

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