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Utah governor says he'll veto transgender youth sports ban (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal
Finally some common sense on this issue.

There are no public accusations of a transgender players having competitive advantages in Utah. The Associated Press last year reached out to two dozen lawmakers in the more than 20 states considering similar youth sports measures and found that only a few times has it been an issue among the hundreds of thousands of teenagers who play high school sports.

Less able to oppress gay people since the nationwide legalization of gay marriage, social conservatives have focused their ignorant hate on trans people, in particular, trans female athletes. What the social cons never admit is that (1) these are an extremely tiny number of athletes, and (2) many many more trans people are forced to endure transphobic hatred, bullying, and discrimination. That should be addressed first.

Furthermore, if transphobes are so "concerned" (a word they use as a euphemism for hate-filled) that trans female athletes actually have advantages, then they should allow trans youth to, under the care of professional physicians, receive the hormone therapy that they deserve. But some transphobes are opposed to that, too, because their goal is to just keep trans people down.
Just another made up issue.

It's all about keeping the leaders of their party white, straight and male. They'll chirp in here soon saying that's just a coincidence. lol
No. It's about keeping sports fair for women.
none of the people who think XYs ought to compete against XXs care about fair competition or the good of the sport. It is all about pushing an agenda onto society
This is one of those issues where I can see both sides; however, I tilt ever so slightly toward total equality. Yes, women are at a disadvantage in some sports when competing with trans-male-to-female. In other areas, men may be disadvantaged by trans-female-to-male. Not everything in life is fair; however, everything in life should be basically equal.

Yes, I know that probably made no sense to anyone but me, lol.
none of the people who think XYs ought to compete against XXs care about fair competition or the good of the sport. It is all about pushing an agenda onto society

The only agenda being pushed is the one by the social cons who are deathly afraid of trans female athletes, when there are far bigger issues in life.
The only agenda being pushed is the one by the social cons who are deathly afraid of trans female athletes, when there are far bigger issues in life.
you don't give a damn about all the XX athletes who lose titles or awards to XYs. You are pushing this nonsense not for the good of women's sports or for the good of athletic competition but rather for a far left social agenda.
This is one of those issues where I can see both sides; however, I tilt ever so slightly toward total equality. Yes, women are at a disadvantage in some sports when competing with trans-male-to-female. In other areas, men may be disadvantaged by trans-female-to-male. Not everything in life is fair; however, everything in life should be basically equal.

Yes, I know that probably made no sense to anyone but me, lol.
what sport would a man be disadvantaged in competing against someone who is XX? in many cases, a woman trying to become a male will be banned for doping since testosterone is a PEP and banned. But even if not, I'd be interested in hearing since I cannot think of a sport where a XX would have an advantage
Finally some common sense on this issue.

Less able to oppress gay people since the nationwide legalization of gay marriage, social conservatives have focused their ignorant hate on trans people, in particular, trans female athletes. What the social cons never admit is that (1) these are an extremely tiny number of athletes, and (2) many many more trans people are forced to endure transphobic hatred, bullying, and discrimination. That should be addressed first.

Furthermore, if transphobes are so "concerned" (a word they use as a euphemism for hate-filled) that trans female athletes actually have advantages, then they should allow trans youth to, under the care of professional physicians, receive the hormone therapy that they deserve. But some transphobes are opposed to that, too, because their goal is to just keep trans people down.

You must hate female athletes.
You must hate female athletes.
I wouldn't go that far-he just doesn't give a damn about women's sports or athletes because it is not a subject he cares about. He wants to push the idea that there has to be total acceptance of XYs who want to be XXs
The only agenda being pushed is the one by the social cons who are deathly afraid of trans female athletes, when there are far bigger issues in life.
So you believe that those with a biological advantage should steal opportunities from women?

And i thought Liberals were the "Champions of women" whereas Conservatives always declared "War on Women".
So you believe that those with a biological advantage should steal opportunities from women?

And i thought Liberals were the "Champions of women" whereas Conservatives always declared "War on Women".
If you question those pushing this bullshit, you almost always will find it is non-athletes who really don't care about fair competition or sport
This is one of those issues where I can see both sides; however, I tilt ever so slightly toward total equality. Yes, women are at a disadvantage in some sports when competing with trans-male-to-female. In other areas, men may be disadvantaged by trans-female-to-male. Not everything in life is fair; however, everything in life should be basically equal.

Yes, I know that probably made no sense to anyone but me, lol.
I'm with you. It's not clear to me how to effectively measure that disadvantage because there are biological changes due to hormone treatment, but is it enough so that it's a level playing field is where I'm still conflicted.
Finally some common sense on this issue.

Less able to oppress gay people since the nationwide legalization of gay marriage, social conservatives have focused their ignorant hate on trans people, in particular, trans female athletes. What the social cons never admit is that (1) these are an extremely tiny number of athletes, and (2) many many more trans people are forced to endure transphobic hatred, bullying, and discrimination. That should be addressed first.

Furthermore, if transphobes are so "concerned" (a word they use as a euphemism for hate-filled) that trans female athletes actually have advantages, then they should allow trans youth to, under the care of professional physicians, receive the hormone therapy that they deserve. But some transphobes are opposed to that, too, because their goal is to just keep trans people down.
You want to destroy the hopes and dreams of 10's of thousands of female athletes, so my question is... Why do you hate women?

you don't give a damn about all the XX athletes who lose titles or awards to XYs. You are pushing this nonsense not for the good of women's sports or for the good of athletic competition but rather for a far left social agenda.

^ This is what projection looks like. The Far Right does not care about women athletes and certainly not about trans people but about their far-right agenda.
You want to destroy the hopes and dreams of 10's of thousands of female athletes, so my question is... Why do you hate women?


Says the person on the transphobic side. :)
I wouldn't go that far-he just doesn't give a damn about women's sports or athletes because it is not a subject he cares about. He wants to push the idea that there has to be total acceptance of XYs who want to be XXs

Right, because otherwise the trans athletes will kill themselves. They must always get their way in everything.
I'm with you. It's not clear to me how to effectively measure that disadvantage because there are biological changes due to hormone treatment, but is it enough so that it's a level playing field is where I'm still conflicted.
Indeed. At one point over the past year or two I read about a dust-up where a male-to-female trans dancer realized that he was now at a disadvantage in his chosen "sport". I'd have presumed he was aware before he decided upon the process, but this is a very complicated physical and psychological situation.

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