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Using Trump's definition of gender, how do you prove YOUR gender? (1 Viewer)

True, but there have always been defining anatomical distinctions that were distinct and definitive.
Such as the anatomical differences in the persons brain that align with their gender identity, or dont those matter because they do not support your transphobic position.

And . . . ?
I am making the argument that it isn't just sex that is anatomical and based in biology. Gender is also based in biology of the person, and its not a choice.
I am making the argument that it isn't just sex that is anatomical and based in biology. Gender is also based in biology of the person, and its not a choice.
I understand what you're saying arguing. I just disagree. If we stood two persons male or female side by side would you be able to determine which, if either was trans or not?
I understand what you're saying arguing. I just disagree. If we stood two persons male or female side by side would you be able to determine which, if either was trans or not?
It's a belief that gender identity is ingrained or systemic to your person it's something that is predestined by biology.

It's certainly a way to think about it but particularly with regard to how we treat trans people socially. Kind of like the way we said gay people are born that way.

She's saying it's as fundamental a part of you as your eye color.

This isn't something that is known. And I'm the same breath people who claim this will also claim non binary is the same and no non binary is all about stereotypes and tropes.

There may be some component of transsexualism that is systemic it's the nutty gender fluid queer nonsense that has muddied the waters.
I understand what you're saying arguing. I just disagree. If we stood two persons male or female side by side would you be able to determine which, if either was trans or not?
Why s does it matter if they pass or not?
I understand what you're saying arguing. I just disagree. If we stood two persons male or female side by side would you be able to determine which, if either was trans or not?

If we stood two persons, male or female, side by side would you be able to determine which, if either, was diabetic or not?
If we stood two persons, male or female, side by side would you be able to determine which, if either, was diabetic or not?
non sequitur - has nothing to do with the topic. Very few non-diabetics seek help in becoming one.
Why s does it matter if they pass or not?
In most circumstances it doesn't. But when the "rights" of one group seriously affect the rights of another common sense should prevail. Bathrooms, changing facilities, athletic competitions for instance.
It's a belief that gender identity is ingrained or systemic to your person it's something that is predestined by biology.

It's certainly a way to think about it but particularly with regard to how we treat trans people socially. Kind of like the way we said gay people are born that way.

She's saying it's as fundamental a part of you as your eye color.

This isn't something that is known. And I'm the same breath people who claim this will also claim non binary is the same and no non binary is all about stereotypes and tropes.

There may be some component of transsexualism that is systemic it's the nutty gender fluid queer nonsense that has muddied the waters.
Even using the wackadoodle definition of gender which distorts beyond belief that world has operated on for hundreds of decades doesn't change the situation. Physical men and physical women are different and having separate facilities and programs for each is fair to the huge majority of people. Sometimes one has to sacrifice a right or privilege to gain rights or privileges more important to them.
Even using the wackadoodle definition of gender which distorts beyond belief that world has operated on for hundreds of decades doesn't change the situation. Physical men and physical women are different and having separate facilities and programs for each is fair to the huge majority of people. Sometimes one has to sacrifice a right or privilege to gain rights or privileges more important to them.
Because MY DEFINITION has been in effect for centuries. Trying to spin that to somehow imply different is ridiculous. Why has this only come out ('xcuse the pun) in the last few years? T
People burned women as witches for centuries.

See how "ridiculous" it is to cite what's "been in effect"?
Because MY DEFINITION has been in effect for centuries. Trying to spin that to somehow imply different is ridiculous. Why has this only come out ('xcuse the pun) in the last few years? T
Wrong again.
Hi everyone

Remember when I made a thread where I asked people how do they prove their gender? I am asking the same thing again except this time I want you to use Trump's definition of gender. Which for those who do not know:

(d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.

(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

So for example, how does one, using this definition prove that a person is male? What I mean by this is imagine that a person trying to use the bathroom that they belong in (whether that's the male or female bathroom). A police officer tells them that they don't believe they're using the right bathroom and demand enough evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt which is the right bathroom to use. How can one prove to the police officer using these definitions that they are in fact using the correct male or female bathroom?
Pull down your pants.

We should eliminate clothing. Then no one can hide which gender they are.

Oh wait. That just shows what sex organs one has visible.
People burned women as witches for centuries.

See how "ridiculous" it is to cite what's "been in effect"?
Only thing ridiculous is your bizarre comparison.
In most circumstances it doesn't. But when the "rights" of one group seriously affect the rights of another common sense should prevail. Bathrooms, changing facilities, athletic competitions for instance.
Why should I waste my time with you when it appears that you know zero about the subject matter and express no will to learn on your own? Trans females are not a threat in bathrooms, locker-rooms and playing field but until you learn what gender idneity is and why it exists then none of this will make any sense to you. 99% of conservatives have this idea that transgender females ate typically cisgender males cross-dressing for a sexual kink and that conservatives expect them to do the very same that cisgender males would do if they were in the same position.

There are multiple reasons why that doesn't happen but the stupidity of the right is overruled by the own emotional ignorance that they have been fed from sources on the right that they refuse to admit getting information from. What bathrooms, locker-rooms and sports do you think that trans-fems have been using for the past 40 years or did someone tell you they didn't exist until 2016 when Fox/Trump discovered what a great culture war this could be by attacking a minority that he toothless and brainless bigoted followers lack have the intellectual ability to understand and are too lazy to learn. MAGAs want simple and easy answers to complex problems because of their inability to think criticality. They are morons and most of them are proud of being violent morons.
non sequitur - has nothing to do with the topic. Very few non-diabetics seek help in becoming one.
Very sequitur, especially in context to what I quoted. Simply because you can't tell which of, if either, two people have a given condition, then it's a fallacy to assume that you can tell gender simply by looking. As to telling sex, all you can tell is genitals. Not internal organs, chromosomes, or even SRY presence. For that matter you can even tell if they are a chimera or not.
In most circumstances it doesn't. But when the "rights" of one group seriously affect the rights of another common sense should prevail. Bathrooms, changing facilities, athletic competitions for instance.

Common sense isn't. Neither is friendly fire.
I, like every other person, started my physical development as a female. However, I eventually became a cis gendered Kinsey 0 heterosexual. My brain also developed past the right wing idiot phase before this stupid, willfully ignorant cult began to seriously ruin the country. Huzzah.
Huh? You are either male, female, or a genetic aberration like intersex. Humans, like all mammals, are binary.
Huh? You are either male, female, or a genetic aberration like intersex. Humans, like all mammals, are binary.
You really want me to talk to you, don't you? No thanks. Maybe tomorrow. I think that you need a minute to collect your thoughts.
I don’t care what you do. I’m just correcting you.

I don’t need any time. I’ve already corrected you.
Huh? You are either male, female, or a genetic aberration like intersex. Humans, like all mammals, are binary.
His post makes perfect sense to me so the problem is you. You should learn about human sexuality instead of trolling with your delusional claims that you cannot support.

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