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US turns away help? (1 Viewer)

Pacridge said:
So Germany tries to send us aid and we turned it away?


You're making it sound like it was political...don't know if that was deliberate or not.

The plane was turned away Thursday because it did not have the required authorization, a German government spokesman said.

The spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, declined to comment on a report in the German news magazine Der Spiegel that U.S. authorities refused the delivery on the grounds that the NATO military rations could carry mad cow disease.

As per the last sentence in the article...

German military planes have flown several loads of rations to the Gulf Coast. Berlin is also sending teams equipped with high-capacity pumps to help clear floodwaters.

We didn't turn away "aid"...we turned away one plane...
cnredd said:
You're making it sound like it was political...don't know if that was deliberate or not.

The plane was turned away Thursday because it did not have the required authorization, a German government spokesman said.

The spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, declined to comment on a report in the German news magazine Der Spiegel that U.S. authorities refused the delivery on the grounds that the NATO military rations could carry mad cow disease.

As per the last sentence in the article...

German military planes have flown several loads of rations to the Gulf Coast. Berlin is also sending teams equipped with high-capacity pumps to help clear floodwaters.

We didn't turn away "aid"...we turned away one plane...

How am I making it sound political?
Pacridge said:
How am I making it sound political?

The thread it titled "US turns away help?"...and your first sentence is "So Germany tries to send us aid and we turned it away?"

When, in fact, it turned away one plane, according to the article...depending on the number of planes that WERE accepted, the "one plane" is only a small percentage of the "help that was turned away"...

If 20 planes came from Germany and one was rejected, then the correct statement would be that the US turned away 5% of germany's aid...

The thread title and your opening statement makes it sound like it was 100%.

As I've said, I didn't know if that was your intent...If you say it wasn't, I'll believe you.:2wave:
cnredd said:
The thread it titled "US turns away help?"...and your first sentence is "So Germany tries to send us aid and we turned it away?"

When, in fact, it turned away one plane, according to the article...depending on the number of planes that WERE accepted, the "one plane" is only a small percentage of the "help that was turned away"...

If 20 planes came from Germany and one was rejected, then the correct statement would be that the US turned away 5% of germany's aid...

The thread title and your opening statement makes it sound like it was 100%.

As I've said, I didn't know if that was your intent...If you say it wasn't, I'll believe you.:2wave:

All I was doing was asking why we would turn away help. I just read the article and thought it sounded odd, so I asked a question.
scottyz said:
Because Bush says we can take care of our own. :rofl
We have started to accept aid: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050910/NEWS06/509100483
Some countries are still waiting for an answer from us:

We are taking care of our own.. I'm proud of the people and the effort that has been done. Any other country with this sort of damage in this amount of area and this many people I think would have been completely lost. Things started slow but America seemed to kick it into gear with unprecedented help, support, aid and donations.

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