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US to Train Ukrainians to Use Their New 155mm Howitzers (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning

U.S. troops will train Ukrainian counterparts to use the artillery pieces headed their way against Russian forces gathering in Ukraine’s Donbas region, defense officials said Monday—just hours before Ukrainian officials reported intense shelling ahead of an expected new assault. “We believe we're going to be able to start this training in the next several days. It'll be just the initial efforts. There may be additional ones in other places and at other times,” a senior defense official told reporters. The U.S. is sending eighteen 155mm towed howitzers and 40,000 artillery rounds drawn from domestic U.S. Army and Marine Corps units as part of the recent $800 million security assistance package for Ukraine. Four flights with other equipment from the package arrived in the region Sunday and another is expected within a day. The “train the trainer” work will take place outside Ukraine with a small number of Ukrainian troops, according to Kirby, who would not give the location. The troops will then return to Ukraine to train their colleagues. The Pentagon expects the Ukrainian trainers to quickly learn to use the American artillery pieces, Kirby said.

“The Ukrainians typically use 152mm. It's a different caliber but it doesn't mean that it's going to be overly laborious to get them up to speed on this. And I think, again, we'll be able to get this training done, at least the first round of it, in the next several days,” he said. Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told lawmakers that U.S. troops were training Ukrainians outside the country on to use some of the gear being sent to them.In the Donbas region, where Ukrainian troops have been fighting Russian-backed separatists for several years, Russia is “moving in heavy artillery, they're moving in command-and-control enablers, they’re moving in aviation, particularly rotary aviation support,” the senior defense official said. “It appears as if they are trying to learn from the failed lessons of the north, where they didn’t have proper sustainment capabilities in the area they were about to operate.” The Russians still have “significant challenges” with command and control, logistics and sustainment, Kirby said. Whether they will learn from their past mistakes is still to be seen.

The Ukrainians are quick studies and very familiar with artillery.
I still don't like this. The more outside sources keep putting their noses into this conflict and it would be more likely that Russian forces, namely Putin. Will feel justified in whatever extreme retaliations that he would believe is necessary.
I still don't like this. The more outside sources keep putting their noses into this conflict and it would be more likely that Russian forces, namely Putin. Will feel justified in whatever extreme retaliations that he would believe is necessary.

Then we may aswell give Putin Alaska now because he will surely demand it back once he realizes his crazy threats work.
They sorely needed in Mariupol. The Azov Battalion is weeping for help.

Mariupol and the Azov Regiment are toast.

But those 155's will tear the Russkies a new ass in places like Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.
Mariupol and the Azov Regiment are toast.

The war is not yet over. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. A new Azov Army is probably being trained in Banderaland in Kiev.

But those 155's will tear the Russkies a new ass in places like Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.

The curtain has gone up on that front. We should know in near future whose ass is getting handed to them.

Slava Ukraina!
The curtain has gone up on that front. We should know in near future whose ass is getting handed to them.

It's not who wins initially, it's who holds the land when all is said and done.
It's not who wins initially, it's who holds the land when all is said and done.

Correct. I will bet my last Rouble on that. You should have invested in Roubles. Speculators made a nice profit when the Rouble refused to die and quickly rebounded
Correct. I will bet my last Rouble on that. You should have invested in Roubles. Speculators made a nice profit when the Rouble refused to die and quickly rebounded

One year from now, a Russian ruble won't be worth a Haitian gourde.
One year from now, a Russian ruble won't be worth a Haitian gourde.

Unlike you I am not a soothsayer. Right now the Rouble is strong and those who had been predicting its demise were wrong.
I still don't like this. The more outside sources keep putting their noses into this conflict and it would be more likely that Russian forces, namely Putin. Will feel justified in whatever extreme retaliations that he would believe is necessary.

The weapons corporations like it though and that's all that matters to them.

18 pieces probably cost a bomb and will likely not survive the week
The weapons corporations like it though and that's all that matters to them.

18 pieces probably cost a bomb and will likely not survive the week
I still hate digging through all of the propaganda that you typically see coming out of war zones. You see videos coming out from both sides and following the sinking of a Russian vessel, things just keep getting more muddied.

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