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US to close its airspace to Russian operators (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
US to close its airspace to Russian operators

The U.S. is closing its airspace to Russian operators, following suit after a slew of allies did the same in the past three days. Russia is expected to respond in kind, banning U.S. operators from its massive airspace, just as it has done for the more than 35 countries, including the entire European Union and Canada, that have already banned Russian operators. No U.S. passenger airline currently flies to Russia, but the closure of Russian airspace will affect flights that have historically flown over the nation on routes between Asia and North America. Already, United Airlines announced earlier Tuesday that it would end its use of Russian airspace, becoming the last U.S. passenger carrier to end its Russian overflights. United is suspending two routes to India as a result of this action. “This won’t affect much beyond cargo flights by Russian carriers, but a (likely) reciprocal ban will affect about 300 flights per month (nearly all cargo) and most of those can take a slightly longer routing to avoid eastern Russian airspace,” tweeted Ian Petchenik, a spokesman for popular flight-tracking site Flightradar24.com.

Done and done. UPS and DHL will have to suck it up and make fuel adjustments.
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I was glad to hear that this was being done, but realized today that closing US airspace to Russian operators wouldn't close it to other airlines flying passengers to and from Russia.

Very few international airlines are now flying to/from Russia. These companies don't want to get included in Western sanctions which can bankrupt a company.

Russian airliners are banned from the airspace of the EU and every G7 country.
Very few international airlines are now flying to/from Russia. These companies don't want to get included in Western sanctions which can bankrupt a company.

Russian airliners are banned from the airspace of the EU and every G7 country.
It's not enough. (In my opinion.) I do not blame the Russian people, but I feel they should not be allowed to fly to the US if they use the airplanes of any countries who do not oppose this invasion. I feel that no airlplanes from any country should be allowed to take off from or land in the United States if they have traveled to Russia.

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