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US taxpayers have paid ~ $1 million to Trump properties, etc. (1 Viewer)

because political officials he needs to meet stay in them:roll:
because political officials he needs to meet stay in them:roll:

Not the fiasco in Scotland (pretty sure it was Scotland). The US military and everyone else associated with the trips were staying at Trump properties and had to travel way out of their way to get there.

Explain that one away. Explain the 17 patents his daughter got from China when he first took office. The whole family is a grafting criminal organization.
Not the fiasco in Scotland (pretty sure it was Scotland). The US military and everyone else associated with the trips were staying at Trump properties and had to travel way out of their way to get there.

Explain that one away. Explain the 17 patents his daughter got from China when he first took office. The whole family is a grafting criminal organization.

they stopped in scotland to stay and fuel up after transporting supplies...
Not the fiasco in Scotland (pretty sure it was Scotland). The US military and everyone else associated with the trips were staying at Trump properties and had to travel way out of their way to get there.

Explain that one away. Explain the 17 patents his daughter got from China when he first took office. The whole family is a grafting criminal organization.

They don't care.

What are RINO Conservatives Best Known For Once In The White House?

Now they are back. Who’s been watching?

Conservatives CRASHING THE ECONOMY Are RINO’s - WE must all think about what Conservative RINO’s have leave behind that screws over democrats, republicans and liberals alike which ruins our quality of life.


Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy?

--- The RINO Conservatives Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist

--- The RINO Conservatives Bush/Cheney Wall Street Home Loan Heist

What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

FBI Kills RUSH's "Blame the Borrower Meme" and Ignore the Money Launderers

--- What Did RINO Conservatives Do With $700 billion of bank bail out money?
The citizens elected a businessman. Among the businesses were hotels. Some of those hotels were specifically constructed to cater to clients doing business with the government.

I'd be surprised if the dollar figure is that low.

yeah, there isn't even anything in our constitution/laws about that kind of thing.

do you think we should add it?
WE did not elect a businessman Rump is a chump who has filed bankruptcy numerous times in addition to borrowing from the Russian mob.

The hotels are losing money and buyers cannot be found. When buyers see the numbers attached to the hotels it is realized what a swindle is on the table.

His first hotel had a bidder UNTIL the government removed the property from the market because the USA government owns the building.

Trump is deep deep deep in debt ........ most likely not a billionaire.
yeah, there isn't even anything in our constitution/laws about that kind of thing.

do you think we should add it?

Probably not. We've plenty of laws already.
Probably not. We've plenty of laws already.

yeah, having something like that in our Constitution/laws would be bad.

anyone want to tell him?
WE did not elect a businessman Rump is a chump who has filed bankruptcy numerous times in addition to borrowing from the Russian mob.

The hotels are losing money and buyers cannot be found. When buyers see the numbers attached to the hotels it is realized what a swindle is on the table.

His first hotel had a bidder UNTIL the government removed the property from the market because the USA government owns the building.

Trump is deep deep deep in debt ........ most likely not a billionaire.

If my memory serves, Trump owned businesses filed 5 bankruptcies, 4 of those were Chapter 11 reorgs. Out of 500 businesses. Not a bad record at all.

You're just regurgitating liberal talking points.
WE did not elect a businessman Rump is a chump who has filed bankruptcy numerous times in addition to borrowing from the Russian mob.

The hotels are losing money and buyers cannot be found. When buyers see the numbers attached to the hotels it is realized what a swindle is on the table.

His first hotel had a bidder UNTIL the government removed the property from the market because the USA government owns the building.

Trump is deep deep deep in debt ........ most likely not a billionaire.

Hmmmmm why do Trump voters keep voting for man that is lying to them like he lies to the rest of us?

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