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US State Department States War Crimes Have Been Committed (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Just now the State Dept. spokesperson has stated that war crimes have been committed in Ukraine. I have to wonder how this goes forward and how high the accusations are going to go.
Had that on in the background, and saw it too! Wow!

She was already urging the Ukrainians to, "preserve evidence"!

I do hope this comes to fruition . . .
Link to the OP

Cool. Now all they have to do is apprehend someone and bring them to trial.

btw, I hope they have something more than "Russians bombed a shopping mall." Turns out that shopping mall was being used by the Ukraine military.
What effect will this have on any negotiations regarding the conflict in Ukraine?
Russia needs to become increasingly isolated from the rest of the world. Russia needs to get the message:

World to Russia: Change your leadership! Change your policy! Nobody wants to deal with a bully nation.

We are not going to pretend that is OK, and we are not going to look the other way.
btw, I hope they have something more than "Russians bombed a shopping mall." Turns out that shopping mall was being used by the Ukraine military.

According to Kremlin propaganda.... which you lap up like a puppy.
What effect will this have on any negotiations regarding the conflict in Ukraine?

No effect. But is is important to get such things into the official record for posterity.

The US is not a party to the ICC, but Russia/Russians can be indicted here. Most European countries also allow for war crime indictments anywhere in the world.

Very conveniently, the Russian constitution forbids the extradition of Russians to face trial for crimes committed abroad.

Example, the Russians charged by the Netherlands/Australia with shooting down Malaysian flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 will have to be tried in absentia.
Had that on in the background, and saw it too! Wow!

She was already urging the Ukrainians to, "preserve evidence"!

I do hope this comes to fruition . . .

Fruition would be the USG, every nation, every corporation, and every person being held to the same standard, not the mother****ing USG being the bogus standard-bearer.
Fruition would be the USG, every nation, every corporation, and every person being held to the same standard, not the mother****ing USG being the bogus standard-bearer.
Blog isn’t getting any traction, huh?
Blog isn’t getting any traction, huh?

One person trolled it, last I checked.

You're a commenter of few words and points, eh?
You were fortunate to get even that much attention.

Attention? I want good intellectual engagement. Would you know where one might find that?
Just now the State Dept. spokesperson has stated that war crimes have been committed in Ukraine. I have to wonder how this goes forward and how high the accusations are going to go.


Putin needs to be assassinated now..............screw the war crimes.
Fruition would be the USG, every nation, every corporation, and every person being held to the same standard, not the mother****ing USG being the bogus standard-bearer.

Meh. I don't hold-out for a perfect world. I just want Putin & his cronies brought to justice. I think it's a reasonable request.
Meh. I don't hold-out for a perfect world. I just want Putin & his cronies brought to justice. I think it's a reasonable request.

Ah, the 'perfect world' cop-out.

Lopsided justice isn't justice.
Just now the State Dept. spokesperson has stated that war crimes have been committed in Ukraine. I have to wonder how this goes forward and how high the accusations are going to go.
War crimes have been happening since 2014 by the Ukrainian government. Also human rights violations, but I guess war crimes are OK depending on who does them.

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