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US spies tip off Russia about Iraq invasion.. (1 Viewer)

Mar 6, 2006
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Among the White US Terrorists
Political Leaning
Looks like the high military chain has a spy or two according to a declassified report--the details of it all are still classified. Russia tipped off Sadam about "certain" details and therefore Russia is an accomplice of crime; any predictions on sanctions and a future war w/ Russia? I'm sure Bush is amassing the troops as we speak, he's against any co-sponsor of Terrorism--so he has stated.

Man, that's crazy! I can't believe they'd do that. I mean, I can, but I can't at the same time. So much for an ally in dealing with Iran.
I just heard about this on the radio while driving home from work.

Said something about some documents found in Iraq showed that Saddam got information from Russia on US troop movement before (and maybe during) the Iraq war.

Also something about the information originating from the command center (not sure where it is) which is in charge of that area.

Not sure about the exact details of this.

Now, about Russia.

I'm not sure about who in Russia is responsible for this. Is it the entire government? Or did part of the Russian government (or maybe retired or former KGB people?) do this on its own?

Just a thought, as I am unaware of the exact facts on this (and it sounds like it might be classified, so we may never know), but maybe we should find out more before accusing all of Russia of something like this.
The Mark said:
I'm not sure about who in Russia is responsible for this. Is it the entire government? Or did part of the Russian government (or maybe retired or former KGB people?) do this on its own?

Just a thought, as I am unaware of the exact facts on this (and it sounds like it might be classified, so we may never know), but maybe we should find out more before accusing all of Russia of something like this.

Russia is not our friend, I consider it our enemy. They are furthering their interests in the Middle East, doing the opposite of what we feel is necessary. This news about the intelligence is not surprising, and fits with Russia's other recent actions.
tryreading said:
Russia is not our friend, I consider it our enemy. They are furthering their interests in the Middle East, doing the opposite of what we feel is necessary. This news about the intelligence is not surprising, and fits with Russia's other recent actions.

Man, especially now! I'm still in shock.
Bush sure looks like an idiot huh?

"I looked in to his eyes, and I have seen the soul of the man" pfffft, sucker, what a dumb a$$. Of course Russia hates us, we destroyed their entire way of life, and made them look weak to the rest of the world, they won't soon forget that. So in turn, they will sell weapons to any country we oppose, and sell them cheap. They will also help any country we oppose to get nuclear weapons, and this is obvious to anyone who bothers to open their eyes.

They want their power back, and they will fight to get it, even if that means nuclear war. I have long thought that they are still our largest threat, and our worst enemy, this just cements that IMO!
Russia's denying it. :roll:
Come on. The cold war might have been won in name but the same people who fought the cold war against the US are still in charge in Russia. Just because they have some what free and fair elections now does not mean that the policies and attitudes towards the US or anyone else has changed.

Russia is still fighting radical islamists on its southern borders, islamists that are supported by terrorist organisations and Iran. Saddam was one of those blocking nations that prevented Irans influence to spread and now that he is gone, well other methods have to be found.

Dont think for a second that Russia ever will be the US "friend" in other than name. Its goals and wishs are in conflict with almost everything what the US wants. The only common goal is the lust for money and profit.
It's very interesting always .... to listen about yourself from opposite side)
Nikita said:
It's very interesting always .... to listen about yourself from opposite side)

Hey a Russian person! So what do you think? Did your government really tip Saddam off?
Supposedly the information they gave Iraq was inaccurate. I don't see why anyone is surprised by this. I mean look at the oil for food program. How many companies from all over the world, including the US, were making money on Iraq? Furthermore has it not crossed anyone's mind that this is being brought up because Russia and China are opposing the United States on Iran and other key issues?

Welcome to the international p*****g contest. I have to admit that I'm late to the I hate/fear Russia campaign. I've only recently started to notice the increased rhetoric. Anyone care to recite the complete talking points on the latest threat to democracy?

Kelzie said:
Hey a Russian person! So what do you think? Did your government really tip Saddam off?

Unfortunately, I don't know that actually. I think, that circle of people, who've known it really - is very small ....
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Nikita said:
Unfortunately, I don't know that actually. I think, that circle of people, who've known it really - is very small ....

So do you think the larger government wasn't responsible for it? Ie, Putin.
Kelzie said:
So do you think the larger government wasn't responsible for it? Ie, Putin.

Good man. Good heart.

Yeah right. I love the Friday dump of this story. It's huge that Russia tipped off Iraq on troop positions and invasion dates. I wonder if anyone will pick up the story on the Sunday shows?
The information the Russians gave Saddam was wrong. Which means we fed the Russians this knowing who the spies were. It's called disinformation. Then you see where the infomation ends up and you have a trail of spies identified. You don't kill or arrest them, you use them to sow more disinformation. The enemy then acts on incorrect information, weakening his position. Intelligence 101 people, please.
hipsterdufus said:
Good man. Good heart.

Yeah right. I love the Friday dump of this story. It's huge that Russia tipped off Iraq on troop positions and invasion dates. I wonder if anyone will pick up the story on the Sunday shows?

What? Did you just say Putin has a good heart? Mr. Let's Destroy Civil Liberties?
hipsterdufus said:
Good man. Good heart.

I am suprised to hear such opinion here)

I supposed that all you consider, that mr. Putin is ruthless dictator and so on .... )
Nikita said:
I am suprised to hear such opinion here)

I supposed that all you consider, that mr. Putin is ruthless dictator and so on .... )

I think he was being sarcastic.

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