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US says asylum-seeking migrants to wait in Mexico (1 Viewer)

Common Sense 1

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Jul 8, 2016
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United States
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A change that might help stop some of the caravans heading to our Southern border.

US says asylum-seeking migrants to wait in Mexico


WASHINGTON (AP) — Immigrants seeking asylum will no longer be released into the U.S. while their immigration cases play out, the Trump administration said on Thursday, forcing them instead to wait in Mexico in one of the most significant moves on immigration since the president took office.

“They will not be able to disappear into the United States,” Nielsen said on Thursday in remarks before the House Judiciary Committee. “They will have to wait for approval. If they are granted asylum by a U.S. judge, they will be welcomed into America. If they are not, they will be removed to their home countries.”

The new policy covers immigrants apprehended at border entry points, those who have been interviews by U.S. immigration authorities and those who have received an immigration court date. It does not apply to families traveling with children or to Mexican nationals making asylum claims.

Critics say the immigrants are gaming the system. Only about 9 percent of those who apply are actually granted asylum, and administration officials have long said too many migrants make false claims as a way to stay in the U.S.

Asylum seekers typically wait years on average before their cases are resolved, allowing them to put down roots in the U.S. while they wait. Many are fitted with electronic ankle monitors and are allowed to work while their cases progress.
Not the worst idea...

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