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US on brink of launching war against Syria based on lies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
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Someone going to tell me that WSWS is full of BS?
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry laid out a case for war against Syria Friday that represented a compendium of bald-faced lies and rank hypocrisy. Their statements made clear that Washington is on the brink of launching yet another unilateral war of military aggression in violation of international law, and in direct opposition to the sentiments of both the people of the Middle East and the American public.
While both Obama and Kerry indicated that no decision has yet been taken in relation to military action against Syria, this, like everything else put out by the administration, is patently false. The US Navy has positioned a fifth warship in the Mediterranean, while Air Force units are being beefed up at the US base in Qatar for a military assault that is planned and imminent. A possible target date is September 5, with a New Moon—the same conditions chosen for launching “shock and awe” against Iraq more than a decade ago.
The entire operation is being prepared in contempt of international law, democratic processes and American public opinion. This was made abundantly clear in the presentation Kerry delivered from the State Department Friday afternoon.
US on brink of launching war against Syria based on lies - World Socialist Web Site
So did the gassing and murdering of civilians ended up to be lies now?
Something needs to be done about our government. 90+% of Americans don't want to get involved in Syria, yet emperor Obama has decreed he doesn't give a ****.

When a government no longer represents its constituents, it should be abolished and replaced.

Now, I think I just ended up on an NSA watchlist.
When a government no longer represents its constituents, it should be abolished and replaced.

Something needs to be done about our government. 90+% of Americans don't want to get involved in Syria, yet emperor Obama has decreed he doesn't give a ****.

When a government no longer represents its constituents, it should be abolished and replaced.

Now, I think I just ended up on an NSA watchlist.

Obama still does represent his constituents, and will continue to do so until his second four-year term expires.

I don't particularly care whether or not the American public is in favor of intervention in Syria or not. Assad is slaughtering his own people, and appears to be using chemical weapons to do so; and even without that fact, we still have diplomatic interests which can be advanced by a secular rebel victory. If Americans are too ignorant or selfish to care, that's nobody's problem but their own.
Obama still does represent his constituents, and will continue to do so until his second four-year term expires.

I don't particularly care whether or not the American public is in favor of intervention in Syria or not. Assad is slaughtering his own people, and appears to be using chemical weapons to do so; and even without that fact, we still have diplomatic interests which can be advanced by a secular rebel victory. If Americans are too ignorant or selfish to care, that's nobody's problem but their own.

Secular.... rebel... victory? :shock:

You're calling a country of fundamentalist rebels with close ties to Al-Qaeda and the Muslim brotherhood a secular rebel group?

Our enemies are fighting our enemies, which means we should not get involved. The power vacuum created will positively be filled with one of these fundamentalist groups. The country is honestly ****ed either way.

Americans are sick of war, and this is not our business to be involved. We elect politicians to represent the desires of the American people. If they're not doing that, they need to be removed. Obama has shown over and over again that he doesn't give a flying rat's ass about what America thinks, he's going to do what he wants to do. He actually reminds me a whole lot of Bush.
and even without that fact, we still have diplomatic interests which can be advanced by a secular rebel victory. If Americans are too ignorant or selfish to care, that's nobody's problem but their own.

O M G. Certainly you don't think we're dealing with secularists over there. That's like believing that the Muslim Brotherhood would be an improvement over what Egypt had before.

Did you happen to catch the video of a Syrian rebel taking a bite out of the heart of a Syrian soldier whom he had killed? That's what we are supporting. Savages.
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O M G. Certainly you don't think we're dealing with secularists over there. That's like believing that the Muslim Brotherhood would be an improvement over what Egypt had before.

Did you happen to catch the video of a Syrian rebel taking a bite out of the heart of a Syrian soldier whom he had killed? That's what we are supporting. Savages.

Heya Liz.
That's correct.....there are 29 Opposition groups and civilian committees that have pledged against the US and stand behind Al Nusra. Plus now the Syrian MB is planning to launch another brigade into Syria. Some believe these are the Ones we have been training in Jordan. But it is a little to late. Al Nusra and all back them have stated they do not recognize the FSA and their TNC.
O M G. Certainly you don't think we're dealing with secularists over there. That's like believing that the Muslim Brotherhood would be an improvement over what Egypt had before.

Did you happen to catch the video of a Syrian rebel taking a bite out of the heart of a Syrian soldier whom he had killed? That's what we are supporting. Savages.

A single rebel is not representative of the entire opposition movement. The FSA remains the single largest opposition force and deploys the most battalions in the field. When matched with other non-Islamist battalions they still outnumber Islamist formations. Lack of involvement continues to empower the Islamist's and weaken the FSA.
Something needs to be done about our government. 90+% of Americans don't want to get involved in Syria, yet emperor Obama has decreed he doesn't give a ****.

When a government no longer represents its constituents, it should be abolished and replaced.

Now, I think I just ended up on an NSA watchlist.

actually, he's not an Emperor ... he was elected PRESIDENT twice ... and please don't worry about ending up on the NSA list ... no one really gives a ^%#* what you or I have to say on these threads ... in any event, by referring to the President as Emperor, the NSA would assume you're 7 or 8 years old ... you're safe ...
A single rebel is not representative of the entire opposition movement. The FSA remains the single largest opposition force and deploys the most battalions in the field. When matched with other non-Islamist battalions they still outnumber Islamist formations. Lack of involvement continues to empower the Islamist's and weaken the FSA.

It tells you what type of people you're dealing with, that even one of them is willing to do this.
It tells you what type of people you're dealing with, that even one of them is willing to do this.

The same could be said of Americans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, blacks, whites, etc.

That's rank slimeball demonization of a group based on an individual.
It tells you what type of people you're dealing with, that even one of them is willing to do this.

That seems like an extraordinary claim to make. Does Haditha or Abu Graib tell you what kind of people you are dealing with vis a vis the United States?
Frankly, I don't know of any Americans who are willing to cut a dead man's heart out and eat it, unless they are criminally insane.

I know of some Americans who were willing to attach electrodes to the genitals of prisoners and put them in a naked pile after beating them...
Frankly, I don't know of any Americans who are willing to cut a dead man's heart out and eat it, unless they are criminally insane.

Why do you allow for 'criminally insane' in regard to Americans but not other groups?
I don't know about all this being based on lies... but the actions being prepared are not efficient in terms of accountability nor do they serve an American interest.

i'm fine with assassinating Assad and his cohorts... but waging war, however limited, literally misses the target.... it serves no legitimate purpose other than to kill people who do not make the decisions.

Just as i said about Iraq.. take out the leaders... take out the tyrants...stop targeting Indians while you actively refuse to target the chief.
Bottom line, it's not a threat to our national security, we have virtually NO support...yet he will do it anyway. Of course he says He's going to seek congressional approval. :roll:
Bottom line, it's not a threat to our national security, we have virtually NO support...yet he will do it anyway. Of course he says He's going to seek congressional approval. :roll:

I woke up this morning to my usual MSNBC homepage visit... and i see they are actively selling the "war" .. and actively selling how it's supposed to be so very different from Iraq.( despite there being no coalition for Syria, little/no public support, no UN resolution , no congressional authorization, etc)

...which tells me there is no real difference... and there'll be another Noble Peace Prize for Obama in the works.
Bottom line, it's not a threat to our national security, we have virtually NO support...yet he will do it anyway. Of course he says He's going to seek congressional approval. :roll:

Heya TGND.
It was already decided.....it's just a matter of when he wants to do the drive by. But Obama decided back when he said it.
Heya TGND.
It was already decided.....it's just a matter of when he wants to do the drive by. But Obama decided back when he said it.

I realize that. He just made it "official" however...even though this whole time he 's been "contemplating". Right.. he says some of our allies "in private" support it, but won't publicly admit as much. I call bull****.

The "King" has spoken.
A single rebel is not representative of the entire opposition movement. The FSA remains the single largest opposition force and deploys the most battalions in the field. When matched with other non-Islamist battalions they still outnumber Islamist formations. Lack of involvement continues to empower the Islamist's and weaken the FSA.

Care to provide your source for that information?


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