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US officials say Biden administration is sharing intelligence with Ukraine at a 'frenetic' pace after Republicans criticize efforts (1 Viewer)


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Weapons, intelligence, refugee assistance…is there a line of demarcation? When is Russia justified in taking a war footing with the nations providing direct support to their enemy?

The used fighter jets were scotched earlier this week, does the west keep pushing the envelope and when does it become active participation instead of passive?

Weapons, intelligence, refugee assistance…is there a line of demarcation? When is Russia justified in taking a war footing with the nations providing direct support to their enemy?

The used fighter jets were scotched earlier this week, does the west keep pushing the envelope and when does it become active participation instead of passive?
It becomes active participation when a NATO soldier kills a Russian soldier.
I would imagine that the West and much of the world has interest in what Russia is doing here and will continue to supply aid for as long as Russia is invading.
That’s not really an answer.
That’s not really an answer.
You asked if the West keeps pushing the envelope. I said they'll continue to supply aid for as long as Russia is invading.
It becomes active participation when a NATO soldier kills a Russian soldier.
Western participation will be justified when a Russian soldier kills a NATO soldier - or, for that matter, when the Russian military harms civilians in NATO states.
Western participation will be justified when a Russian soldier kills a NATO soldier - or, for that matter, when the Russian military harms civilians.
Fixed it for you.
Western participation will be justified when a Russian soldier kills a NATO soldier - or, for that matter, when the Russian military harms civilians in NATO states.
That too.
It becomes active participation when a NATO soldier kills a Russian soldier.
For the duration of the Cold War, the US and Russia have engaged in a game of making covert war on each other, without uniformed troops clashing. The Russians provided anti-aircraft missles and training to the North Vietnamese, but at least would not openly admit to pulling the trigger. They also financed the North. We provided Stinger missles to Afghans to knock down Russian helicopters, but did not fire them ourselves. Both our clandestine agencies have engaged in a real world game of "spy vs spy", killing each other off in ways that everyone knew, but no one could prove. When one uniformed soldier kills another uniformed soldier, there is no longer deniability, and national honor requires retaliation. That is when the hot war starts.

The challenge is finding ways to kill off Russians in large numbers, while maintaining deniability.
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Weapons, intelligence, refugee assistance…is there a line of demarcation? When is Russia justified in taking a war footing with the nations providing direct support to their enemy?

The used fighter jets were scotched earlier this week, does the west keep pushing the envelope and when does it become active participation instead of passive?

Rule 1: Americans can shoot at things, and Russians can shoot at things, but Americans and Russians can't shoot at each other.

Rule 2: Americans and Russians can fund, arm and train each other's enemies to their heart's content (per the glorious 70 year history of proxy warfare).

Of course, the assumption is that Putin still accepts these two rules, and thus far it's not a hundred percent certain that he doesn't. That said, we do, and until something big changes what we are doing is in alignment with these rules.

For a real world demonstration of the combination of rules 1 and 2, just look at the Viet Nam War. We were so afraid of shooting Russians that American pilots were restrained from firing on Viet Cong AA batteries for fear of killing the Russian advisors that might have been present.
Rule 1: Americans can shoot at things, and Russians can shoot at things, but Americans and Russians can't shoot at each other.

Rule 2: Americans and Russians can fund, arm and train each other's enemies to their heart's content (per the glorious 70 year history of proxy warfare).

Of course, the assumption is that Putin still accepts these two rules, and thus far it's not a hundred percent certain that he doesn't. That said, we do, and until something big changes what we are doing is in alignment with these rules.

For a real world demonstration of the combination of rules 1 and 2, just look at the Viet Nam War. We were so afraid of shooting Russians that American pilots were restrained from firing on Viet Cong AA batteries for fear of killing the Russian advisors that might have been present.
Well said. IMO, this has a different vibe to it.

Weapons, intelligence, refugee assistance…is there a line of demarcation? When is Russia justified in taking a war footing with the nations providing direct support to their enemy?

The used fighter jets were scotched earlier this week, does the west keep pushing the envelope and when does it become active participation instead of passive?
**** Republicans, they are pro Putin and all they live for is to criticize Democrats. Absolute clowns.

Weapons, intelligence, refugee assistance…is there a line of demarcation? When is Russia justified in taking a war footing with the nations providing direct support to their enemy?
Interesting question.

Have you forgotten the fact that those nations are only Russia's "enemy" because the Russians invaded a sovereign nation in violation of the treaty between the two nations that guaranteed their borders?
The used fighter jets were scotched earlier this week, does the west keep pushing the envelope and when does it become active participation instead of passive?
Although you won't like the answer, the answer is "Whenever 'the West' feels like it or whenever Russia feels like it - which ever comes first.".
Well said. IMO, this has a different vibe to it.
Yes, open nuclear blackmail will change a room's feng shui pretty quickly.

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