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us marines (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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us marines,what a shame for these good lads and there families

911 highjackers from Suidi
Madrid bomber from Tangiers.
London bombers from Eritrea, Pakistan & Somalia or UK

It is all the more a shame becuase these Marines were conned into fighting a 'war on terror' in the wrong country.

How can you tell if a politician is Lying ?
Answer.. His lips are moving.

I'll never be cannon fodder in politicians games.
The moral is... don't join the armed forces.. unless of course you want to be politician's cannon fodder.
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mikeey said:
us marines,what a shame for these good lads and there families


Huh...........I don't get it......please explain............:confused:

navy i feel sorry for these young marines,for a job they have to do rightly
or wrongly i hope u understand.that is the way of it. i no they shound not have been there, as u no,because 1 marine is to much for me.

regards mikeey
Fourteen marines and their interpreter were killed today by an IED with a shaped charge.
mikeey said:
navy i feel sorry for these young marines,for a job they have to do rightly
or wrongly i hope u understand.that is the way of it. i no they shound not have been there, as u no,because 1 marine is to much for me.

regards mikeey

Mikeey, It is your opinion that we should not be in Iraq.......A lot of us have a different opinion........

I grieve for every American that is killed in Iraq...That said a lot of us believe that some things are worth fighting for............

I am sure you have heard the old expression "War is Hell"....well trust me it is the truth..........

May the marines that were killed rest in peace............
Simon i am so sorry m8 god bless them.

my kind regards
Wishes for peace naturally go to all of the fallen
Navy i would try in every way to look after our marines that is resolute.

I am sorry that is my opinion,but i am sure we can still be friends

my kind regards to u and your family in the good USA

God bless them all, they will not be forgotten, many of us cannot say that with the same conviction, or confidence, these Marines can!
Originally posted by Deegan:
God bless them all, they will not be forgotten, many of us cannot say that with the same conviction, or confidence, these Marines can!
If you cared about them so much, why don't you bring them home.
Billo_Really said:
If you cared about them so much, why don't you bring them home.

Even if I did have that power, I would not disgrace them in this way, or send the message that they died for nothing. They died protecting people who could not protect themselves, I blame the first Bush for not doing more while he had the chance. They will come home soon, and when the job is done, not before, and I think that's what the troops would want. We lost more people in two hours, then we have in two years in Iraq, and when you think about what has been accomplished, you just shrug off cute posters like yourself.;)
Originally posted by Deegan:
Even if I did have that power, I would not disgrace them in this way, or send the message that they died for nothing. They died protecting people who could not protect themselves, I blame the first Bush for not doing more while he had the chance. They will come home soon, and when the job is done, not before, and I think that's what the troops would want. We lost more people in two hours, then we have in two years in Iraq, and when you think about what has been accomplished, you just shrug off cute posters like yourself.
If someone was arguing to keep me in harms way, the last thing I would think is that they cared about me. Go ask anyone of those GI's over there if they would rather stay or come home. I think 100% would say, "Get our asses home!" Especially since we have no legal reason to be there in the first place.

Did I detect another veiled 911 reference? I'll stop here, until I know for sure.
I repeat
It is all the more a shame becuase these Marines were conned into fighting a 'war on terror' in the wrong country.
911 highjackers from Suidi
Madrid bombers from Tangiers.
London bombers from Eritrea, Pakistan & Somalia or UK.
Cassablanca bombers from Morroco.
Don't see any Iraqis in the list do you ?
How can you possibly describe the Iraq war as 'A war on terror' ?
How can you tell if a politician is Lying ?
Answer.. His lips are moving.

The moral is... don't join the armed forces.. unless of course you want to be cannon fodder for lying trecherous cretin politician's.
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Billo_Really said:
If someone was arguing to keep me in harms way, the last thing I would think is that they cared about me. Go ask anyone of those GI's over there if they would rather stay or come home. I think 100% would say, "Get our asses home!" Especially since we have no legal reason to be there in the first place.

Did I detect another veiled 911 reference? I'll stop here, until I know for sure.

Sure was, shall we go in to the countries that create terrorists, and how many of those are Democratc?

Saudi Arabia+undemocratic=terrorist

I think you get the point, brutal regimes breed desperation, desperation breeds violence, who would be the biggest target for that blame, that's right, the West, especially the U.S.

As for your ridiculous claim of anyone keeping them there, this is an ALL VOLUNTEER ARMY, you could not look more wrong in your suggestions.
robin said:
I repeat
It is all the more a shame becuase these Marines were conned into fighting a 'war on terror' in the wrong country.
911 highjackers from Suidi
Madrid bombers from Tangiers.
London bombers from Eritrea, Pakistan & Somalia or UK.
Cassablanca bombers from Morroco.
Don't see any Iraqis in the list do you ?
How can you possibly describe the Iraq war as 'A war on terror' ?
How can you tell if a politician is Lying ?
Answer.. His lips are moving.

The moral is... don't join the armed forces.. unless of course you want to be cannon fodder for lying trecherous cretin politician's.

Saddam paid suicide bombers families, he bragged about this, now he lives in a cage, thank God for America.;)
Originally posted by Deegan:
Saddam paid suicide bombers families, he bragged about this, now he lives in a cage, thank God for America
Was that Saddam Hussein? I thought it was Jerry Garcia!
Originally posted by Deegan:
Sure was, shall we go in to the countries that create terrorists, and how many of those are Democratc?

Saudi Arabia+undemocratic=terrorist

I think you get the point, brutal regimes breed desperation, desperation breeds violence, who would be the biggest target for that blame, that's right, the West, especially the U.S.

As for your ridiculous claim of anyone keeping them there, this is an ALL VOLUNTEER ARMY, you could not look more wrong in your suggestions
Wrong! Of the four countries you listed, we are in only one. And that country had never done anything to us. There wasn't one American death in that country until we invaded.

Saudi housed 17 of the hijackers. But were not going to do anything to pi$$ them off. Because were their bitch!
Billo_Really said:
Wrong! Of the four countries you listed, we are in only one. And that country had never done anything to us. There wasn't one American death in that country until we invaded.

Saudi housed 17 of the hijackers. But were not going to do anything to pi$$ them off. Because were their bitch!

I assumed you would consider Afghanistan, and the Taliban as a no brainer.:roll:

The Saudi's were not attacked because they helped us in the first war, you know, the one were Saddam attacked his neighbor, sent missiles in to another, and cost the lives of hundreds of American troops?
Billo_Really said:
If you cared about them so much, why don't you bring them home.

We cut and run in Nam thanks to lefties like you and Kerry and millions of vietnamese and Cambodians were murdered ........We will never do that in Iraq under this president no matter how much you lefties whine and cry.....

Take that to the bank
Deegan said:
They died protecting people who could not protect themselves, I blame the first Bush for not doing more while he had the chance.

I recently posted this....I think it needs to be repeated...

I've NEVER understood that....

Bush41 was told BY THE UNITED NATIONS to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, but NOT to enter Iraq and remove him....That is exactly what was done....

And people accuse him of not doing enough...Doing more would have gone against the United Nation's wishes.

Now Bush43 is told BY THE UNITED NATIONS to wait for the completion of inspections and NOT to enter Iraq and remove him....The exact OPPOSITE was done...

And people accuse him of doing too much...He is already going against the United Nation's wishes.

Let me get this straight....

The right thing to do for Bush41 was to NOT listen to the UN and invade Iraq.
The right thing to do for Bush43 was to listen to the UN and NOT invade Iraq.

There is only one logical reasoning for this, and it is plainly obvious....

The United Nations suck....
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
We cut and run in Nam thanks to lefties like you and Kerry and millions of vietnamese and Cambodians were murdered ........We will never do that in Iraq under this president no matter how much you lefties whine and cry.....

Take that to the bank
God-damn you look like that guy Rosey Grier tackled, in the kitchen of the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, that day in 1968!
Deegan said:
Saudi Arabia+undemocratic=terrorist
England+democratic=terrorists home grown !
Navy Pride said:
We cut and run in Nam thanks to lefties like you and Kerry and millions of vietnamese and Cambodians were murdered
Nixon's bombing of Cambodia destabilised the country & set the stage for Pol Pot to come to power & all done covertly without the consent of Congress.
Oh & BTW the only people that killed Vietnamese by the million were the Americans.

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