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US Marines begin relocation from Okinawa to Guam (1 Viewer)

The Okinawans have made their wishes clear in a free and fair Democratic matter over, and over, and over again.

Japan ignoring that would only further demonstrate Okinawa’s status as a colony.

So what?

JAPAN is the one that must make that decision as Okinawa is a JAPANESE PREFECTURE.
So what?

JAPAN is the one that must make that decision as Okinawa is a JAPANESE PREFECTURE.
So ignoring the democratically stated will of the people makes your whining about how the colony is not a colony because it isn’t called a colony sound especially dumb.
Much bleating.

No substance.
Coming from the guy who hasn’t been able to muster up any sort of argument that isn’t whining about how he doesn’t care what the local people think that’s particularly hilarious.
An entity that is not a colony is not a colony.

Neither Puerto Rico nor Okinawa are colonies.
Gee, the way they are treated proves that to be utterly false.

As does the U.S.’ firm refusal to grant Puerto Rico statehood.
Gee, the way they are treated proves that to be utterly false.

As does the U.S.’ firm refusal to grant Puerto Rico statehood.

An entity that is not a colony still is not a colony.

Neither Puerto Rico nor Okinawa are colonies.

Coming from the guy who hasn’t been able to muster up any sort of argument that isn’t whining about how he doesn’t care what the local people think that’s particularly hilarious.

More typing. Little of substance.

So ignoring the democratically stated will of the people makes your whining about how the colony is not a colony because it isn’t called a colony sound especially dumb.

Is or is not the Prefecture of Okinawa subordinate to the Japanese government.

Just as states of the union are subordinate to the government of the United States.

Okinawa is not a colony.
Calling a colony something else doesn’t actually make it not a colony, funnily enough.

And no amount of whining can change how badly the people of Okinawa and Puerto Rico have been treated by their overlords.

But as you’ve throughly established, historical ignorance is kind of your thing.

Any way you dress it up, the US military is in Okinawa against the locals' wishes
Just like they are in Cuba.
The United States has begun relocating Marine Corps units from Okinawa. This move has been confirmed by both Tokyo and Washington, and it comes as a response to long-standing complaints from residents about the presence of American military bases.
The first group, consisting of about 100 logistics personnel from the III Marine Expeditionary Force, is set to move to U.S. territory
According to the plan, out of the approximately 19,000 U.S. Marines stationed in Okinawa, more than 4,000 will be relocated to Guam. This project was agreed upon by the governments of Japan and the U.S. in April 2012. Including those moving to Hawaii, a total of about 9,000 Marines will leave Japan. As a result, the number of U.S. Marines remaining in the prefecture will be reduced to about 10,000.

I wonder what that surrounding property will go for when all the servicemembers finally leave.

An entity that is not a colony still is not a colony.

Neither Puerto Rico nor Okinawa are colonies.

More typing. Little of substance.

Is or is not the Prefecture of Okinawa subordinate to the Japanese government.

Just as states of the union are subordinate to the government of the United States.

Okinawa is not a colony.

More desperate flailing to avoid the fact both Okinawa and Puerto Rico are mistreated by their colonial overlords.

More whining because having to face facts instead of whitewashed drivel is something you can’t handle.

The democratically stated wishes of the people of Okinawa being ignored only further proves me right…. No matter how much you whine.
More desperate flailing to avoid the fact both Okinawa and Puerto Rico are mistreated by their colonial overlords.

A general trait.

More whining because having to face facts instead of whitewashed drivel is something you can’t handle.

The democratically stated wishes of the people of Okinawa being ignored only further proves me right…. No matter how much you whine.

The people of Okinawa and the people of Cuba don't want the US military - why might that be ?
More desperate flailing to avoid the fact both Okinawa and Puerto Rico are mistreated by their colonial overlords.

Intentional ignorance in the use of "colonial overlords"

Neither Puerto Rico not Okinawa are colonies.

More whining because having to face facts instead of whitewashed drivel is something you can’t handle.

Presenting facts isn't whining.

The democratically stated wishes of the people of Okinawa being ignored only further proves me right…. No matter how much you whine.

Okinawa is a prefecture of what country? Japan.

Cry to Japan that the will of the Okinawan people is being ignored.
An entity that is not a colony still is not a colony.

Neither Puerto Rico nor Okinawa are colonies.

Okinawa is a full prefecture, just like any other in Japan. The equivalent status in the US is "State".

Puerto Rico is an interesting case, as it is a Commonwealth of the US, and both Congress and the people of Puerto Rico have been demanding statehood for decades (the latest referendum was in November with 56% wanting statehood). However, the problem is not the US, or Congress, or anything like that. It's the political leadership of Puerto Rico.

Now first of all, it is rather interesting as neither the Democrats nor Republicans have actual parties there. Instead there are three local parties, Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), the Partido Popular Democratico (PPD), and, to a lesser extent, the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP). And all three of them are worried that they would lose power if it became a state, so the Commonwealth is mired in gridlock.

The next step for the path to statehood is for Puerto Rico to hold a Constitutional Convention, then draft and submit a State Constitution for approval. Absolutely nothing can be done until that step is taken. And even though the people have been calling for statehood for over two decades, the political leadership has not even attempted to hold such a convention or draft a State Constitution. The very fact that all three political parties were against the referendum I think is rather interesting. And shows the deep divide between the local government and their population.

And I don't see this changing any time soon. The only "party" that has been trying to push for the government to take the steps to achieve statehood is the minor Partido Republicano de Puerto Rico (Republican Party of Puerto Rico). But as it is not an actual "political party", as they are not registered with the Commonwealth. And that is the kind of thing that is common there, unlike the rest of the US. There are many "unregistered parties", that are more like PACs or political organizations akin to say the NOW or Tea Party. They do not take part in elections, have no members at any levels of government. They are influential among the population, but have no actual power other than influence.

But until the local government gets their thumb out of their ass and holds a Constitutional Convention, absolutely nothing will ever change. Because none of the three political parties there have even attempted to make a Constitution.
Intentional ignorance in the use of "colonial overlords"

Neither Puerto Rico not Okinawa are colonies.

Presenting facts isn't whining.

Okinawa is a prefecture of what country? Japan.

Cry to Japan that the will of the Okinawan people is being ignored.
Except you haven’t done any such thing. You’ve whined a lot about colonies being called colonies and then you whined some more at the fact that the Okinawans don’t want the US there being repeatedly pointed out.

The US military mistreating the Okinawan people is on the US military, no matter how much you try to avoid facing that reality.
Except you haven’t done any such thing. You’ve whined a lot about colonies being called colonies and then you whined some more at the fact that the Okinawans don’t want the US there being repeatedly pointed out.

The US military mistreating the Okinawan people is on the US military, no matter how much you try to avoid facing that reality.

I have been pointing out how ignorant it is to call Prefects and Commonwealths "colonies"

But you continue to demonstrate intentional ignorance.

You continue to lie about others "whining".
I have been pointing out how ignorant it is to call Prefects and Commonwealths "colonies"

But you continue to demonstrate intentional ignorance.

You continue to lie about others "whining".
You’ve been pathetically whining about colonies being called colonies, yes.

Intentional ignorance? Gee, you mean like ignoring the fact the Okinawans don’t care that American apologists desperately try to handwave away the abuses the US military continues to inflict upon people who’ve made it very clear they want them gone?

More shrieks about imaginary “lies”, proving me correct yet again.
You’ve been pathetically whining about colonies being called colonies, yes.

Intentional ignorance? Gee, you mean like ignoring the fact the Okinawans don’t care that American apologists desperately try to handwave away the abuses the US military continues to inflict upon people who’ve made it very clear they want them gone?

More shrieks about imaginary “lies”, proving me correct yet again.

Okinawa is a Prefecture.

Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth.

Your intentional ignorance is amusing.
Okinawa is a Prefecture.

Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth.

Your intentional ignorance is amusing.
The UN Special Committee on Decolonization routinely addresses Puerto Rico.

Your intentional ignorance is amusing.

Almost as amusing as your inability to handle the fact that the US military continues to abuse the people of Okinawa, who continue to demand the US leave.

They don’t seem to care that America desperately wants to continue occupying them, oddly enough 😂
The UN Special Committee on Decolonization routinely addresses Puerto Rico.

Your intentional ignorance is amusing.

Almost as amusing as your inability to handle the fact that the US military continues to abuse the people of Okinawa, who continue to demand the US leave.

They don’t seem to care that America desperately wants to continue occupying them, oddly enough 😂

So what?

Puerto Rico still isn't a colony.
So what?

Puerto Rico still isn't a colony.
The fact that it is routinely addressed by UN institutions specifically created to deal with colonialism and its ending strongly shows otherwise.

As does the fact the US continues to refuse to grant it statehood.
The fact that it is routinely addressed by UN institutions specifically created to deal with colonialism and its ending strongly shows otherwise.

As does the fact the US continues to refuse to grant it statehood.

Still not a colony.

Do you even know what a colony is?
As does the fact the US continues to refuse to grant it statehood.

Despite the wishes of the people there
One would think that the USA would think differently if Puerto Ricans were white and spoke English as a first language.

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