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US Marine takes Trump to task on Purple Heart comments. (1 Viewer)

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Jul 4, 2011
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Oh, dear. You seem to think this thread is about Hillary Clinton.

Pathological Clinton obsession in its terminal stages is a sad thing to behold.

So, it's a mindless Trump bashing thread. Par for the course. Funny how the only time you even consider listening to a Marine is when you find one that will come out against Trump.
Oh, dear. You seem to think this thread is about Hillary Clinton.

Pathological Clinton obsession in its terminal stages is a sad thing to behold.

Said poster has the but, but, but Clinton disease.
See my response, it applies to you as well.

Btw, the Marine in the video is wrong. John Kerry wanted three (albeit something small a bandaid would cover), all the ****birds did. It meant a ticket back to the world.
So, it's a mindless Trump bashing thread. Par for the course. Funny how the only time you even consider listening to a Marine is when you find one that will come out against Trump.

Nah. I listen to Marines when they're relevant to the topic of the thread.

Sorry such a simple thing is lost on you.
Nah. I listen to Marines when they're relevant to the topic of the thread.

Sorry such a simple thing is lost on you.

Your posting here betrays that as an untruth.
See my response, it applies to you as well.

Btw, the Marine in the video is wrong. John Kerry wanted three (albeit something small a bandaid would cover), all the ****birds did. It meant a ticket back to the world.

Surely you can substantiate this bull**** claim? Of course you can't.
So, it's a mindless Trump bashing thread. Par for the course. Funny how the only time you even consider listening to a Marine is when you find one that will come out against Trump.

And yet you attempt to obfuscate what this Marine has to say by presenting a totally unrelated video about Hillary Clinton.. Weak ass sauce.

Funny indeed.
See my response, it applies to you as well.

Btw, the Marine in the video is wrong. John Kerry wanted three (albeit something small a bandaid would cover), all the ****birds did. It meant a ticket back to the world.

Are you calling the Marine a liar?
So, it's a mindless Trump bashing thread. Par for the course. Funny how the only time you even consider listening to a Marine is when you find one that will come out against Trump.

The only mindlessness that was "par for the course" is that of Trump's minions, when they automatically pop into every thread that appears to be about Trump to demand that we look anywhere but at Trump.

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