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US is corrupt (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 31, 2005
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The U.S. economy is going down hill fast. The U.S. is going to run itself into another great depression, with gas prices hitting over $3.00. This wrecked a lot of my future plans.:mad:
Haha you've got to be joking. Just because Gas prices are on the rise doesn't mean we're heading into another Great Depression! True, things won't be as nice as they were before.. but they'll not be as bad as a Great Depression.
mdusctz said:
The U.S. economy is going down hill fast. The U.S. is going to run itself into another great depression, with gas prices hitting over $3.00. This wrecked a lot of my future plans.:mad:

gas prices going up MY GOD THE WORLD WILL END!!!! But not...

Ok, just because gas is going up doesn't mean the economy is going downhill. Nor does it mean a depression is on the way.

The gas is going up because of increasing crude oil prices, the usual yearly increase during vacation/back to school season, and now the hurricane.

The hurricane shut down 9 oil rigs in the Gulf. It has also shut down oil refineries and limited transportation for gasoline. Now New Orleans is flooded. Gas is being guzzled by hundreds of thousands of people emigrating from the city. Also, gas cannot be easily taken to the city's few operational gas stations. Plus, relief efforts will be costing a lot of money. Not to mention that a major city is uninhabitable.

Yes, our economy is taking a downward dip at this time. A depression is extremely unlikely due to the fact that not only are we a bouncy capitalist society, but we have lots of international trade ties etc. that will prevent economic crashes from happening. If you haven't noticed, ever since we became a world superpower 60 years ago we have had no depressions. Turbulence, yes, but no depressions.
World super power:lol: China+Russia=:3oops: U.S. A one dollar jump is usuall for vacation time and going back to school.:shock: That is one of the weak points of America is oil, and face it if this country doesn't have oil were not going to be moving very fast.
Haha you've got to be joking. Just because Gas prices are on the rise doesn't mean we're heading into another Great Depression! True, things won't be as nice as they were before.. but they'll not be as bad as a Great Depression.

Gas prices goin up affects every aspect of the economy.

Gas goes up--->transporation costs go up--->business costs go up--> prices on goods eventually go up.

I don't know about a great depression, but our economy is definately not headed in a prosperous direction.
I just thought I would add what I see for gas prices in Wisconsin.

We are at $3.11 a gallon today, yesterday $2.99, and on Wednesday $2.65. About 6 or 7 years ago I worked at a gas station and was in charge of changing the gas sign. One day, I changed it to $0.73 a gallon. This was the lowest I had ever seen, but the average was around $1.15 a gallon. Where is Clinton when you need him.

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