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US gives Iraq $2.7B credit to buy military equipment (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2012
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Just this side of senility.
Political Leaning

BAGHDAD — The United States has extended a $2.7-billion credit facility to Iraq for the purchase of military equipment amid the ongoing fight against the Islamic State group.

The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said Wednesday that the deal gives Iraq a one-year grace period and eight and a half years total to pay for its purchases of ammunition and maintenance of its F-16s and M1A1 tanks.

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

ISF just re-took Fallujah.

Admittedly, for a given value of "re-took".

It's not quite the same force that folded two years ago.

I would be more concerned with the weaponry ending up in the hands of (or being used to support) Shia militias than ISIL, at this point.
ISF just re-took Fallujah.

Admittedly, for a given value of "re-took".

It's not quite the same force that folded two years ago.

I would be more concerned with the weaponry ending up in the hands of (or being used to support) Shia militias than ISIL, at this point.

As my old man would say "Six of one, half-dozen of the other."

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

So we should cut off all weapons sales to the Iraqis? Do you really think that's a good idea?
That is a lot of money and hardware to battle a JV terror group.

I hope House Democrats plop a squat on the floor and have another carpet camp out demanding that none of these fully automatic machine guns and heavy artillery end up sold to anyone on the terror watch list.

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

What happens when ISIS gets rolled over by American made tanks and ends being known as the new Persian rugs?

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

I am moderately invested in the companies that sell weapons systems, so I think it's a great idea. :mrgreen:
Yes, and yes.

Let Europe deal with the ME for awhile and we can mind our own business.

Best plan since Hitler forget winter coats during Barbarossa :roll:

Today's world is very interconnected. Isolationism had never worked and never will.
Best plan since Hitler forget winter coats during Barbarossa :roll:

Today's world is very interconnected. Isolationism had never worked and never will.

Yeah...that American isolationism worked out SOOOO badly for the U.S. of A. in the 1930's.

All the major powers beat each other to a bloody pulp in early WW2. America came in at the right time, creamed everyone and came out of it as the undisputed world power of the planet. And because everyone else had to rebuild from beating each other up, America had the economic world almost completely to herself...with near total mastery of all she surveyed. And has been THE world power ever since.

Isolationism...when done properly...is BY FAR the best way to go.

No doubt you disagree.

No doubt you are wrong on this...no offense.

Good day.
Yeah...that American isolationism worked out SOOOO badly for the U.S. of A. in the 1930's.

All the major powers beat each other to a bloody pulp in early WW2. America came in at the right time, creamed everyone and came out of it as the undisputed world power of the planet. And because everyone else had to rebuild from beating each other up, America had the economic world almost completely to herself...with near total mastery of all she surveyed. And has been THE world power ever since.

Isolationism...when done properly...is BY FAR the best way to go.

No doubt you disagree.

No doubt you are wrong on this...no offense.

Good day.

Yeah, it did work out poorly. England came within a few more ships being sunk of being starving into submission by Germany's U-Boat crews. The Soviets wouldn't have had lend lease to help hold off Barbarossa and would have folded like a house of cards in those dark first two and a half years.

The US wasn't ready for war when it came and we paid for it.
A Coward, a Pacifist, a Communist, and an Appeaser walk into a bar.

The bartender looks up and says, "Hey, what can I get for you, Mr. President?
What happens when ISIS gets rolled over by American made tanks and ends being known as the new Persian rugs?

With Iraq at the helm? Do you mean like this?

Amnesty report: ISIS armed with U.S. weapons - CNNPolitics.com

A new report from a prominent human rights group has found that ISIS has built a substantial arsenal, including U.S.-made weapons obtained from the Iraqi army and Syrian opposition groups.

Amnesty International's 44-page report, released late Monday, found that much of ISIS' equipment and munitions comes from stockpiles captured from the U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels.
I am moderately invested in the companies that sell weapons systems, so I think it's a great idea. :mrgreen:

If we were selling them, no strings attached and cash on demand, I wouldn't have a problem. But the idea that it's on CREDIT....meaning our goverment covers it until they can slough it off on taxpayers, pisses me off.
Best plan since Hitler forget winter coats during Barbarossa :roll:

Today's world is very interconnected. Isolationism had never worked and never will.

And American intervention in the ME has worked so well over the past 60 years, right? Here's a tip. Isolationism and non-interventionism aren't the same thing.
Yeah, it did work out poorly. England came within a few more ships being sunk of being starving into submission by Germany's U-Boat crews. The Soviets wouldn't have had lend lease to help hold off Barbarossa and would have folded like a house of cards in those dark first two and a half years.

The US wasn't ready for war when it came and we paid for it.

What does being 'ready for war' have to do with not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? You can be more prepared for war if you're not wasting resources on failed interventions on every continent.
And American intervention in the ME has worked so well over the past 60 years, right? Here's a tip. Isolationism and non-interventionism aren't the same thing.

It works better then letting every crisis go pear shaped.
What does being 'ready for war' have to do with not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? You can be more prepared for war if you're not wasting resources on failed interventions on every continent.

Yeah, I'm sure countries like Russia and China will just sit tight and respect their neighbors' territorial integrity if "we don't stick our noises where we don't belong", which to those countries, means getting the hell out of Europe and Asia.
Yeah, I'm sure countries like Russia and China will just sit tight and respect their neighbors' territorial integrity if "we don't stick our noises where we don't belong", which to those countries, means getting the hell out of Europe and Asia.


Ever hear of Georgia? How about Crimea? Ukraine?

How's that working out?

Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea? Are we not yet done screwing the ME up? I mean, for the love of the gods, this government is insane. What happens when the Iraqi army folds like a cheap tent and ISIS get's it murderous hands on these weapons?

It's like the Pentagon and Administration are retarded.

On the back handed side I agree with you. On the political front, Iraq is making moves in defeating ISIL, so why not. The "screwing up of the Middle East" however has been an ongoing dual tango since the close of WWI.

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