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Us Customs (1 Viewer)

Fried Rice

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
i go to USA tomorrow (poor me !!) and have to stand in line for ages, put my fingers on a printer and give pretty smile to camera. Then get asked stupid questions by even more stupid customs people - is this really your front line against terror ??? One even ask me if i speak Japanese (guess we all look alike). They must pay them minimum wage rate as they seem very useless.

Fried Rice hates his warm welcome to USA
Fried Rice said:
i go to USA tomorrow (poor me !!) and have to stand in line for ages, put my fingers on a printer and give pretty smile to camera. Then get asked stupid questions by even more stupid customs people - is this really your front line against terror ??? One even ask me if i speak Japanese (guess we all look alike). They must pay them minimum wage rate as they seem very useless.

Fried Rice hates his warm welcome to USA

Its nothing specific to you. Even not going through customs, we get searched, our names inadvertantly put on blacklists, and asked stupid questions. Don't take it out on the customs officers, they are just doing their jobs. Besides, have you ever tried going into thailand or egypt? Neither were very pleasant experiences there either.

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