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US Anglicans bless 'sacred' gay unions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
US Anglicans bless 'sacred' gay unions

The Anglican Church of the US gave the first justification yesterday of its decision to consecrate an openly homosexual man to the episcopate, arguing that same-sex unions can be open “to God’s blessing and holy purposes” in the same manner as marriage.

At a meeting in Nottingham of Anglican leaders from around the world, delegates from the US said the blessing of same-sex unions constitutes a “new reality, a sacred union”.

The US primate, Bishop Frank Griswold, said: “We live in a world in which too often we rush to judgment about one another and seldom take time to listen to one another, particularly with the ear of the heart.”

He recognised that his Church’s actions had “deeply distressed” a number of people. “It is very easy to talk about homosexuality as an issue and forget we are talking about persons,” he said.

The US report, To Set Our Hope on Christ, says that “many Christians in the Episcopal Church have come to a new mind about same-sex affection” and that Church members have begun to discern “genuine holiness” in the lives of homosexuals.

Addressing the scriptural texts that appear to ban same-sex activity, the report says: “The idea that there is only one correct way to read or interpret Scripture is a rather modern idea.” It notes that there was never a time when the entire Christian Church was in agreement on all major matters.

Those biblical texts that do attack it have to be read in the context of the era, as has already happened with other prohibitions.
Good for them.

My family is good friends with an Anglican Priest (American Anglican = Episcopalian) and his wife. He's always supported gay marriage. If he wasn't already retired, I'd ask him to preform the cerimony for my partner and I.

He's kind of our "family priest." Which really is ironic if you then realize I come from an Irish Catholic family. :mrgreen:
Of course this will happen, it is why so many male homosexuals are furiously busy infiltrating the opposition Churches, after all, look at all the homosexual priests, most of which are also pedophiles, especially within the Catholic Church.
Really dumb move on their part, it is going to cause the main body to reject the homosexual movement part.....really clever move by homosexuals insinuating themselves into the priesthood hierarchy.....it's brilliant and diabolical......
PlasticHiccup said:
Really dumb move on their part, it is going to cause the main body to reject the homosexual movement part.....really clever move by homosexuals insinuating themselves into the priesthood hierarchy.....it's brilliant and diabolical......

Would you care to justify that comment? "insinuating themselves into the priesthood hierarchy...? Excuse me?

Where do you get that?

You sure you're not confusing the Anglican Church with the RCC? (Roman Catholic Church)

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