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Upgrade and changes (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
  • Upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin.
  • Changed search to only allow searching every 30 seconds.
  • Images in signatures are now limited to 65k in size and 400px X 100px.

Please let me know if you find any issues or bugs. :mrgreen:

* We can adjust these sizes as needed.

If you have a large signature image, please update it. Next week we will start to put the hammer down on these.

Last edited:
galenrox said:
Quick question, do the images created by Arch Enemy meet the standard?
Yes, they are actually the standard by which this was applied.
Are the views now counted?
Deegan said:
Are the views now counted?
They are only updated hourly, but we will see if this corrects the error.
vauge said:
They are only updated hourly, but we will see if this corrects the error.

I hate to be a stickler about this, but I don't see that it updates every hour, it's always just one more view then reply?:confused:
Deegan said:
I hate to be a stickler about this, but I don't see that it updates every hour, it's always just one more view then reply?:confused:

It is working now (hourly). :)

Thanks for being a stickler as I would not have found that the cron job wasn't setup correctly.

vauge said:
It is working now (hourly). :)

Thanks for being a stickler as I would not have found that the cron job wasn't setup correctly.


Great job, I just noticed it.:2wave:
Added a "my mood" selector.

Thought it was cool.
vauge said:
Added a "my mood" selector.

Thought it was cool.

I noticed that....it's pretty cool, but yours is the only mood I've seen so far. Is that just because other members haven't set their moods yet?

edit: Must be, because I can see mine, too.....is there any way to turn off the red X's if a member doesn't have a mood set?
Stace said:
edit: Must be, because I can see mine, too.....is there any way to turn off the red X's if a member doesn't have a mood set?

Will fix that in just a sec...
ok, it should be working now..

Might have to change the mood again to get it to take hold.
It would really be cool if the mood could stick to the topic at hand, I don't know if that is what is presently happening, but that would be helpful. If there is no way to do this, again, I have little knowledge of any of this, or it's functionality, but it's still a helpful tool for those of us that spend far too much time on board!:lol:
Deegan said:
It would really be cool if the mood could stick to the topic at hand, I don't know if that is what is presently happening, but that would be helpful. If there is no way to do this, again, I have little knowledge of any of this, or it's functionality, but it's still a helpful tool for those of us that spend far too much time on board!:lol:

It's actually part of your profile like signatures and location but there is a pic associated with all the moods. Unfortunatly, it can't "stick" to the topic - but that would be very nice.

*I betcha I could do a little extra coding to get it to post the current mood, then it would stick.

(let me look more into it)
vauge said:
It's actually part of your profile like signatures and location but there is a pic associated with all the moods. Unfortunatly, it can't "stick" to the topic - but that would be very nice.

*I betcha I could do a little extra coding to get it to post the current mood, then it would stick.

(let me look more into it)

You're a gentleman and a scholar, I would expect nothing else!;)
Another update:

Pics should no longer require one to scroll (pic too big).
They should automatically resize and become clickable.

(see member pic thread)
vauge said:
Another update:

Pics should no longer require one to scroll (pic too big).
They should automatically resize and become clickable.

(see member pic thread)

I noticed that as well, thanks, I never know how to resize those that I use zoom for, they are always ridiculously huge.:3oops:
Psychedelic mood is working now.

Thanks to all for the feedback. :)

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