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'Unprecedented...': Widespread shock as Trump blasts the Pentagon - from the White House (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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‘Unprecedented public attack’: Widespread shock as Trump blasts the Pentagon — from the White House – Raw Story

“In an unprecedented public attack by a sitting US president on the leadership of the US military, President Trump has accused US military leaders of seeking to start wars to boost the profits of defense contractors,” CNN national security reporter Ryan Browne tweeted.

For what it’s worth, President Trump has appointed all the top level people at the Pentagon, which includes both uniformed military officers and civilian personnel,” Browne noted.

Worst "F" Movie every.
Trumpists, tell us again how the four anonymous sources that reported Trump's calling fallen soldiers "losers" is unbelievable fake news. Hey, maybe even try telling us that Obama Deep State Plants created a deep fake video of Trump saying this new thing . . .

Trumpists, tell us again how the four anonymous sources that reported Trump's calling fallen soldiers "losers" is unbelievable fake news. Hey, maybe even try telling us that Obama Deep State Plants created a deep fake video of Trump saying this new thing . . .


They won't say a thing. It's verboten to speak disparagingly of Father Donald in the cult.
Haven’t Dems been saying this for years? :lol:
"President Trump has accused US military leaders of seeking to start wars to boost the profits of defense contractors,"

He's spot on there.

This is from 2012 so let's not act like this is anything new.

Report: 70 Percent Of Retired Generals Took Jobs With Defense Contractors Or Consultants | HuffPost

Report: 70 Percent Of Retired Generals Took Jobs With Defense Contractors Or Consultants

endless war on terror = endles $$$$$$$$$$

Don't ignore that bull**** because Trump said it.
"President Trump has accused US military leaders of seeking to start wars to boost the profits of defense contractors,"

He's spot on there.

This is from 2012 so let's not act like this is anything new.

Report: 70 Percent Of Retired Generals Took Jobs With Defense Contractors Or Consultants | HuffPost

endless war on terror = endles $$$$$$$$$$

Don't ignore that bull**** because Trump said it.

Our military doesn’t randomly run off and start wars. Military actions are approved by the President. So is Trump calling himself a warmonger?
Trumpists, tell us again how the four anonymous sources that reported Trump's calling fallen soldiers "losers" is unbelievable fake news. Hey, maybe even try telling us that Obama Deep State Plants created a deep fake video of Trump saying this new thing . . .


they literally have zero morals (as, many, try to push Christianity to the center of our government).

it's like watching the vile priests.
Remember the Pentagon is now stocked with Obama toadies. Obama saw to it that any true American Generals and Admirals were gotten rid of.
Our military doesn’t randomly run off and start wars. Military actions are approved by the President. So is Trump calling himself a warmonger?

Has Trump radomly started a new war? Can you deny the Bush administration that started the endless wars on terror had connections to military defense contractors? And now, the sister of one of those guys is the current Secretary of Education. What exactly were her credentials to get that job? They all rub each other's backs at our expense.

U.S. contractors reap the windfalls of post-war reconstruction - ICIJ

Nearly 60 percent of the companies had employees or board members who either served in or had close ties to the executive branch for Republican and Democratic administrations, for members of Congress of both parties, or at the highest levels of the military.

Why are you defending these people who send our kids to die so they can get paid?
Our military doesn’t randomly run off and start wars. Military actions are approved by the President. So is Trump calling himself a warmonger?

this entire era is so friggin dumb.
And Sec of Defense Mark Esper is a former defense contractor Raytheon lobbyist. But even though Defense personnel have nicknamed him "yesper Esper", apparently he doesn't kiss enough Trump ass, which you can't possibly miss, so Trump is firing him.
Remember the Pentagon is now stocked with Obama toadies. Obama saw to it that any true American Generals and Admirals were gotten rid of.

“For what it’s worth, President Trump has appointed all the top level people at the Pentagon, which includes both uniformed military officers and civilian personnel,” Browne noted.
They won't say a thing. It's verboten to speak disparagingly of Father Donald in the cult.

Good old Newt initiated "No republican shall ever speak ill of another republican".

And here we are.

Most of "here we are" can be traced back to the Gingrich Doctrine. Cynical manipulation through cognitive linguistics. The whole "liberals are the enemy" bit. Even congresscritters downing half their time on the phone begging for money.

To pay for ads. Which are the vector for the manipulation I mentioned earlier.
What time does Rush start today?

We should play a game.

Whoever posts each new conservative narrative first gets a point. Two points for liberals because they endured that bull**** storm to find them.
We should play a game.

Whoever posts each new conservative narrative first gets a point. Two points for liberals because they endured that bull**** storm to find them.

change "2" to "75" and i'm in.
Like a broken clock,

A broken Trump can be right on a rare occasion
Last edited:
The first three words of this thread apply to every aspect of this chaotic administration.
‘Unprecedented public attack’: Widespread shock as Trump blasts the Pentagon — from the White House – Raw Story

“In an unprecedented public attack by a sitting US president on the leadership of the US military, President Trump has accused US military leaders of seeking to start wars to boost the profits of defense contractors,” CNN national security reporter Ryan Browne tweeted.

For what it’s worth, President Trump has appointed all the top level people at the Pentagon, which includes both uniformed military officers and civilian personnel,” Browne noted.

Worst "F" Movie every.

I wish Trump would at least try to hide his disdain and hatred for the military. He doesn't even attempt to do that.
Question for all

How many hours or days does before this gets walked back?

Now fit the record

I agree with Trump on this and Ike. The MIC has a lot of power in the US, it has pushed in my opinion Trump to start new attacks on many countries. Trumps attempts to pull the US military back has been met with heavy opposition in DC.

The Iran confrontation I expect was pushed by Bolton and other Neocons and held back by Trump.

This is the only issue I tend to feel that Trump is correct on
Haven’t Dems been saying this for years? :lol:

Yeah sure. So why were you so outraged before, but are now so passionately clamoring for it?

It's clear this is not that much about the issues anymore. He really HAS no clear or coherent position, it's something different every day: China is good, or China is bad; Universal healthcare is socialism, or he has the best healthcare plan that will cover everyone; stimulus spending by the federal government during an economic slowdown is bad and dcommunism, federal government spending during an economic slowdown is good and all-American; He will spend on the military, and give us the best military equipment the world has ever seen, and have a muscular hawkish foreign policy, or the military leadership hates him because he doesn't want wars and doesn't want to further fund the military industrial complex, etc, etc... it goes on and on.

This is not about the issues. It's about having a corrupt, lying, ignorant, incompetent, manipulative, and exploitative leadership who is more interested in personal power and fame than what is good for this country. He will say and do whatever needs to be done to reach that primary objective. That is dangerous for the country. It's like having a drunk driver behind the wheel. Someone needs to take his keys away and send him back to his old "fabulous life".
I wish Trump would at least try to hide his disdain and hatred for the military. He doesn't even attempt to do that.

it's like a head football coach pissing on his assistants who he hired.

we've all seen how that normally ends.
it's like a head football coach pissing on his assistants who he hired.

we've all seen how that normally ends.
Don’t they usually fire them?

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