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United States of America (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
United States of America some day the USA and the English are going to pick
country u mike think is weak,and u are going to loose. the people of this planet R sick of your rubbish what u dish out,there is no 2ways about that.

Just a matter of time.

regards mikeey
mikeey said:
United States of America some day the USA and the English are going to pick
country u mike think is weak,and u are going to loose. the people of this planet R sick of your rubbish what u dish out,there is no 2ways about that.

Just a matter of time.

regards mikeey

I believe I speak for everyone here when I say,

Mikkel, u never no. Take your chance.
mikeey said:
United States of America some day the USA and the English are going to pick
country u mike think is weak,and u are going to loose. the people of this planet R sick of your rubbish what u dish out,there is no 2ways about that.

Just a matter of time.

regards mikeey

...ahh more anti-american nonsense. Its too bad, really.:(
mikeey said:
United States of America some day the USA and the English are going to pick
country u mike think is weak,and u are going to loose. the people of this planet R sick of your rubbish what u dish out,there is no 2ways about that.

Just a matter of time.

regards mikeey

...ahh more anti-american nonsense. Its too bad, really.:(
mikeey said:
Mikkel, u never no. Take your chance.

I don't know exactly what chance I'm taking. My original post on this thread was to show that I was confused as to what you were trying to say. I think I get the gist of it now, but I don't know how me saying 'huh' implies that I'm taking my chance.
Kev my dear friend the avenues of Paris are named after your great
Presididents of the USA
and we thank United States at the time who were the salt of the Earth.
I am not anti American the Scots and the Irish people are the only friends
u have got.
WE love U ALL for your help
but what u have now is a problem of your great country i hope u geluse in time before this ever happens.
my kind regards to u.

Mikkel, so sorry we here in Scotland explain things in away it is different
i mean no harm
regards mikeey
Moderator note:

I moved this thread to the basement. Maybe you can suss out what on earth you're talking about down here.

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