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United States of America "not" India (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Hi my fellow Americans
I'm as MAD as HELL and I'm not going to take it any MORE !!

I"m currently looking into buying a new computer and software etc. etc.,etc.,

All I'm finding if I call a good all American compeny i.e Dell , Microsoft , H.P ,
Gateway etc.etc.etc. All these customer service compeny's are in India or Korea OR SOME PLACE OTHER THAN THE USA
I'd would love to SPEAK to someone in AMERICA !!

Look I alway heard onn 60 minutes and 20/20 dateline etc. ,etc.,
They all havereported on this "" The selling out of American job ""

However when it happen to you it's a completly differient story my god all I'm asking to do is speak to someone in the GOOD OLD USA
Is this asking to much ????
I agree with you, but this is what "Free enterprise" is all about.
yes and the cheaply paid indian guy is the reason your new comp isnt more expensive than it already is
If you're looking for a computer hardware company that's US based, check out AlienWare (they do charge a premium, but their computers are great). As for software or an OS, you can install the free, albeit originally Finnish-based, Linux.

The nice thing about living in a primarily free and capitalist society is that you can vote with your feet. You don't like the business practices of a company, you don't do them a service and buy their product. You don't like the fact that the US government allows US businesses to open up service centers abroad, you can always write your congressperson or vote as such.

Then again, I'd prefer to call India anyday with my credit card number and personal info than to call a service center based in a US prison (although, I do see the value in these call centers, mind you, I'd rather not be giving personal information to prisoners).
If you do not like the outsourcing of jobs you can thank 2 groups of people.Liberal lawmakers and Unions. The liberal lawmakers make all these laws hard on the companies like minimum wages and maternaty leave. Anytime they want extra regulations and taxes they run off more and more companies. If companies and corporations can't make enough money here they will relocate. Unions support these law makers because they both go along for the same issues. Unions like raising minimum wages because their wages are based on the minimum wage. If minimum wages go up, so does everyone elses' wage. .....The problem IS when republicans try to do something to ease the burdens of the companies and corp. they are demonized by the left for"only caring about the big guy."
alienken said:
If you do not like the outsourcing of jobs you can thank 2 groups of people.Liberal lawmakers and Unions. The liberal lawmakers make all these laws hard on the companies like minimum wages and maternaty leave. Anytime they want extra regulations and taxes they run off more and more companies. If companies and corporations can't make enough money here they will relocate. Unions support these law makers because they both go along for the same issues. Unions like raising minimum wages because their wages are based on the minimum wage. If minimum wages go up, so does everyone elses' wage. .....The problem IS when republicans try to do something to ease the burdens of the companies and corp. they are demonized by the left for"only caring about the big guy."
You mean like when George HW Bush pledged in the 1988 campaign to raise the minimum wage?

Or that leading Republicans, including House Majority Leader Dick Armey, say they will no longer oppose a minimum wage hike.

"I believe it is a foregone conclusion that some type of minimum wage increase bill will be approved in this session of Congress. Rather than fight the thing and have Republicans being dragged kicking and screaming to vote on the minimum wage, I say to my party, ‘why not take the lead,’" said Representative Jack Quinn (R-N.Y.).

Senate Republicans are crafting legislation that would raise the hourly minimum wage by more than a dollar, in an attempt to take a hot-button election-year issue off the table.

Saying that this is a liberal problem solely is not showing the above facts... I'm not saying that having minimum wages, unions, OSHA, EPA regulations, et al aren't contributing factors to the wave of outsourcing, but we're also becoming a more global community as well. Technology is advancing where a call to India would be cheaper than a local call for tech support. The arguments solely blaming the liberals and unions are as capricious as a neo-Luddite's argument against the proliferation of the computer.

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