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United Nations (1 Viewer)

Axismaster said:
Help or not, they are still as corrupt as hell.

Corrupt as hell? There's been one scandal in years. How many has the US government had?
Billo_Really said:
The UN would definately have more teeth if it wasn't for rogue nations that didn't care about international opinion.

YA thats it.. Because before this incident the UN had the ability to enforce its mandates and itsresolutions.....OOOO NO WAIT..... IT DIDN'T.... So that would make you lets see.............................................WRONG!!!!!
Calm2Chaos said:
YA thats it.. Because before this incident the UN had the ability to enforce its mandates and itsresolutions.....OOOO NO WAIT..... IT DIDN'T.... So that would make you lets see.............................................WRONG!!!!!

What about the Gulf War? The coalition was composed of a great number of countries, not just the United States.
Bergslagstroll said:
Well if UN was a old dog without teeth it would have rolled over and obeyed the most powerful country in the world. Instead it followed the will of the worldopinion. Just look at Spain and the UK that joined the USA, even in who's countries a mayority was against the war. So in that case UN worked. Remember also Afganisthan there you could get the "cowardly French" and the third world countries to accept a UN mission. A mission that had much higher acceptance worldwide.

Also remember that there are UN peacekeeping mission in many places of the world from east timor to liberia. But of course who's conflict is not as sexy or intersting as the conflicts that are of more strategic interest of the USA and the west. Therefore this conflicts get almost no mediacover and the countries that support this mission with troops is mostly not from the USA and the Western part of the world.

OOOOO thats what it did. And al this time I thought the major memebers of the UN followed there own countries interest so they wouldn't get caught doing a few things they shouldn't. NOw what your saying is they were just very humanitarian. Like France...LOL right......LMAO Or Russia or Germany.. Give me a break. The UN is a ******* match countries use to **** on te ones they don't like or that have pissed on them. Get the needle, this pooch should be put to sleep.

Put this useless organization out of its misery. At the least get it out of the US and get the US out of it.
Engimo said:
What about the Gulf War? The coalition was composed of a great number of countries, not just the United States.

What about it.. Another US offensive.. Whats is your point.... The UN should be either disbanded or turned into a strictly humanitarian organization like the red cross.
Calm2Chaos said:
OOOOO thats what it did. And al this time I thought the major memebers of the UN followed there own countries interest so they wouldn't get caught doing a few things they shouldn't. NOw what your saying is they were just very humanitarian. Like France...LOL right......LMAO Or Russia or Germany.. Give me a break. The UN is a ******* match countries use to **** on te ones they don't like or that have pissed on them. Get the needle, this pooch should be put to sleep.

Put this useless organization out of its misery. At the least get it out of the US and get the US out of it.

Here's a list of accomplishments of the "useless organization". Well, the first 15 anyway. There's 50 in all, but I doubt you'll read them. Of course, the list isn't all inclusive, so I'm sure there's more than that, but I doubt it'd convince you too.

1. Deploying more than 35 peace-keeping missions. There are presently 16 active peace-keeping forces in operation.

2. Credited with negotiating 172 peaceful settlements that have ended regional conflicts

3. The UN has enabled people in over 45 countries to participate in free and fair elections

4. Development - The system's annual disbursements, including loans and grants, amount to more than $10 billion.

5. UNICEF spends more than $800 million a year, primarily on immunization, health care, nutrition and basic education in 138 countries.

6. UN Human Rights Commission has focused world attention on cases of torture, disappearance, and arbitrary detention and has generated international pressure.

7. UN Conference eon Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, resulted in treaties on bio-diversity and climate change.

8. Has helped minimize the threat of a nuclear war by inspecting nuclear reactors in 90.

9. Over 300 international treaties, on topics as varied as human rights conventions to agreements on the use of outer space and seabed.

10. The International Court of Justice has helped settle international disputes involving territorial issues, diplomatic relations, hostage-taking, and economic rights.

11. The UN was a major factor in bringing about the downfall of the apartheid system.

12. More than 30 million refugees fleeing war, famine or persecution have received aid from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

13. Aiding Palestinian Refugees with free schooling, essential health care, relief assistance and key social services virtually without interruption. There are 2.9 million refugees in the Middle East served by UNRWA.

14. Alleviating Chronic Hunger and Rural Poverty in Developing Countries, providing credit that has benefited over 230 million people in nearly 100 developing countries.

15. The Africa Project Development Facility has helped entrepreneurs in 25 countries to find financing for new enterprises. The Facility has completed 130 projects which represent investments of $233 million and the creation of 13,000 new jobs, saving some $131 million in foreign exchange annually.

Kelzie said:
Here's a list of accomplishments of the "useless organization". Well, the first 15 anyway. There's 50 in all, but I doubt you'll read them. Of course, the list isn't all inclusive, so I'm sure there's more than that, but I doubt it'd convince you too.

1. Deploying more than 35 peace-keeping missions. There are presently 16 active peace-keeping forces in operation.

2. Credited with negotiating 172 peaceful settlements that have ended regional conflicts

3. The UN has enabled people in over 45 countries to participate in free and fair elections

4. Development - The system's annual disbursements, including loans and grants, amount to more than $10 billion.

5. UNICEF spends more than $800 million a year, primarily on immunization, health care, nutrition and basic education in 138 countries.

6. UN Human Rights Commission has focused world attention on cases of torture, disappearance, and arbitrary detention and has generated international pressure.

7. UN Conference eon Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, resulted in treaties on bio-diversity and climate change.

8. Has helped minimize the threat of a nuclear war by inspecting nuclear reactors in 90.

9. Over 300 international treaties, on topics as varied as human rights conventions to agreements on the use of outer space and seabed.

10. The International Court of Justice has helped settle international disputes involving territorial issues, diplomatic relations, hostage-taking, and economic rights.

11. The UN was a major factor in bringing about the downfall of the apartheid system.

12. More than 30 million refugees fleeing war, famine or persecution have received aid from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

13. Aiding Palestinian Refugees with free schooling, essential health care, relief assistance and key social services virtually without interruption. There are 2.9 million refugees in the Middle East served by UNRWA.

14. Alleviating Chronic Hunger and Rural Poverty in Developing Countries, providing credit that has benefited over 230 million people in nearly 100 developing countries.

15. The Africa Project Development Facility has helped entrepreneurs in 25 countries to find financing for new enterprises. The Facility has completed 130 projects which represent investments of $233 million and the creation of 13,000 new jobs, saving some $131 million in foreign exchange annually.


Again..... Give them humanitarian roles, I haveno problem with that. But get them out of the US, and get the US out of the UN
Calm2Chaos said:
Again..... Give them humanitarian roles, I haveno problem with that. But get them out of the US, and get the US out of the UN

For what reason? Haven't we seen how harmful an isolationist policy for the United States can be to the security of our country and the security of the world in general?
Originally posted by Calm2Chaos:
Again..... Give them humanitarian roles, I haveno problem with that. But get them out of the US, and get the US out of the UN
Why is that? So it would by easier for Adolf Bush to attack Poland or make a better beer?
Calm2Chaos said:
Again..... Give them humanitarian roles, I haveno problem with that. But get them out of the US, and get the US out of the UN

Quite a few of those involved economic and military achievements. Why are those not important to you?
Engimo said:
For what reason? Haven't we seen how harmful an isolationist policy for the United States can be to the security of our country and the security of the world in general?

Who's talking about isolationism? I just don't see the UN doing anythng for the this country. Disband it or change its role to humanitarian strictly. Then ship it over to FRance and let them host it. Then pull us out of the UN.
Calm2Chaos said:
Who's talking about isolationism? I just don't see the UN doing anythng for the this country. Disband it or change its role to humanitarian strictly. Then ship it over to FRance and let them host it. Then pull us out of the UN.

So, what would you suggest as a way of conducting international affairs? The establishment of a new organization like the UN, but with reforms?
Billo_Really said:
Why is that? So it would by easier for Adolf Bush to attack Poland or make a better beer?

LOL o my that was funny :rofl (Holding sides) so funny :rofl
Kelzie said:
Quite a few of those involved economic and military achievements. Why are those not important to you?

What major military achievment are you talking about?
Calm2Chaos said:
Who's talking about isolationism? I just don't see the UN doing anythng for the this country. Disband it or change its role to humanitarian strictly. Then ship it over to FRance and let them host it. Then pull us out of the UN.

Typical American attitute. "If it doesn't benefit me, why should I help fund it?" Even when it benefits millions around the globe.
Calm2Chaos said:
What major military achievment are you talking about?

The first two on the list required military force.
Engimo said:
So, what would you suggest as a way of conducting international affairs? The establishment of a new organization like the UN, but with reforms?

I think the UN is a pis sing match. And we tend to be the ones pis sed on. But when the need for teeth comes up the whistle for the Dog with the biggest teeth. And when they make a threat the dog has to enforce it even if they are not. Let the UN continue, but get it out of the US. And I see no reason for the US to be in the UN. If they need our help they can ask. And if we ever really need the UN's help we can ask. Doesn't mean we should allow another countries agenda get in the way of the security or prosperity of this country
Kelzie said:
The first two on the list required military force.

Showing up with your blue helmet and a tank isn't military force. It's a well armed security guard keeping the first graders in line. I'm seeig a difference between a guy with a tank, and a guy with a tank being used in a military operation to destroy and devistate an aggresor that was uncompliant with UN resolutions or demands. Have there been any major military conflicts won by the UN?
GarzaUK said:
Typical American attitute. "If it doesn't benefit me, why should I help fund it?" Even when it benefits millions around the globe.

The same millions that bitch and moan about what we do, how we do it, and where we do it. Typical coming from the UK "Lets do nothing whatsoever if we can get away with it and let someone else deal with the problem". Comon now the countries you talk about make a sport about slapping the US. One would think they/you would be hapy to get rid of us. What could you possibly need us for. Were loud, brash, arrogant. We are compaared to nazis and our leader is compared to hitler and pol pot. It would be a good thing to have such a disruptive entity leave
The U.S. needs to do what’s best for the U.S., not what’s best for the world. We pay these dues that don’t even benefit our own citizens. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with our own country, instead of the interests of others? How do we even know what's best for such people that we know nothing, or little for that matter, of?

But it would be good if we change the UN to just being a forum for international voice and opinions, raising issues and such. But take “action” and “dues” much out of the equation.
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Hornburger said:
The U.S. needs to do what’s best for the U.S., not what’s best for the world. We pay these dues that don’t even benefit our own citizens. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with our own country, instead of the interests of others? How do we even know what's best for such people that we know nothing, or little for that matter, of?

But it would be good if we change the UN to just being a forum for international voice and opinions, raising issues and such. But take “action” and “dues” much out of the equation.

That works for me. The UN should be an international forum for discussion and thats all. If that happens then I have no problem with te US have a delagate there
Yes, and I don't think you would need to fund such a forum.

What the UN does in its humanitarian efforts is pretty much like giving people food. Wow, some people get food for a day. Couple months later, they'll just go hungry again. Big good that did. It doesn't really solve any long-term problems. The solutions have to come from within the country itself. You can't just FORCE a country to change, just like what the U.S. is finding out in Iraq.
Calm2Chaos said:
Showing up with your blue helmet and a tank isn't military force. It's a well armed security guard keeping the first graders in line. I'm seeig a difference between a guy with a tank, and a guy with a tank being used in a military operation to destroy and devistate an aggresor that was uncompliant with UN resolutions or demands. Have there been any major military conflicts won by the UN?

Did you even read the list? It's on there.
Kelzie said:
Did you even read the list? It's on there.

1. Deploying more than 35 peace-keeping missions. There are presently 16 active peace-keeping forces in operation.

2. Credited with negotiating 172 peaceful settlements that have ended regional conflicts

Neither one of these say absolutely anything about military conflict let alone major military conflict. Security guards with blue helmets and tanks. You aren't seeing the difference. Like sending a battalion in a small town to keep them from beating each other with sticks. You can call that a peace keeping mission, but it wasn't a military action. it was a security gaurd in a tank sitting there catching rays

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