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Ungrateful Americans deserve 100 years of slavery (1 Viewer)


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
By ungrateful, I'm not speaking of those who dissent. I'm speaking of those who create dissenters by filling the airwaves with misinformation motivated by malicious ideology. There are two groups who fit this category: those in the Media who believe that is immoral for the US to ever engage in war and those in politics who will do anything and say anything to damage the party in power.

This country has arrived at the point where it is political suicide for any president to take the country into
war....even to protect the citizens of this country. IMO, the 24/7 news cycle is the primary cause of this predicament because it creates an environment where every news organization must constantly compete for the next sensational headline. This competition has compromised the integrity of most jounalists. If one will take the time to read the content of the Jounalist's Code of Ethics, you will conclude that there is not relation to what is covered by this excellent code and the actions of todays journalists. This fact coupled with the non-accountability of todays media has led to unscrupulous reporting of misinformation. This information has led to the withdrawal of support for the Vietnam war which led in turn the complete cut off of funds for the South Vietnamess in 1975, which in turn allowed the North Vietnamese to overrun the South and win the war. This led to complete Chaos and hundreds of thousands of lives lost in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, after the North Vietnamese communists overran the country. The US military was completely demoralized and weakened almost to the point of destruction from within, and the US lost any thred of believeability that we would ever back our allies when put to the test.

Currently, the same result is being gradually forced upon the Bush administration and our awesome military by the same ungrateful element.
What happens when the next president will be too timid to risk the wrath of the ungrateful misguided media and real culprits, the malicious left wing socialists who want to turn this country into a Socialist state where the individual means nothing.

Those culprits deserve 100 years of slavery or execution by the sword......but what about the rest of us.?



http:http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20051...arning-the-lessons-of-vietnam.html?mode=print Lessons learned from Vietnam war by Melvin Laird, Sec Def under Nixon.

http://nujp.org/?page_id=7 The journalist's code of eithics
I apologze that the link to the article in foreign affairs mag. by Melvin Laird, does not work but if you want to take the time go to www.realclearpolitics.com and scroll down to thurs, 27 Oct, then click on the fourth title it should come up.

hawk2 said:
Those culprits deserve 100 years of slavery or execution by the sword......but what about the rest of us.?

People like you, never cease to amaze me. Not simply for how poorly educated you are on the things you reflect on, but also that you speak of these 'dissident makers' whom have an appetite to eradicate individualism and yet, you wish slavery and death upon them, because, essentially...they fail to conform.
Brigand said:
People like you, never cease to amaze me. Not simply for how poorly educated you are on the things you reflect on, but also that you speak of these 'dissident makers' whom have an appetite to eradicate individualism and yet, you wish slavery and death upon them, because, essentially...they fail to conform.

Your rather silly comments betray YOUR lack of education. If you were truly educated you would have either, not commented, or you would refuted my allegation with your brilliance. As it is, you seem merely "foolish".
galenrox said:
yeah, WHAT? So you honestly think Bush would've won without Iraq? lol, yeah, he probably would've, he'd have to say in the debates "I hate you all, and I have no interest in representing you and I actually work for Halliburton" for Kerry to have even had a chance!

But that's ridiculous, we've got free speech, and one downside to that is SOME PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS THAN YOURS AND YOU CAN'T OUTLAW THAT!

LOL...Your comments merely prove my point......you are one of those who is so vulnerable to the 24/7 news cycle and the malicious spread of DIS-information by the culprits. Your lack of comprehension to what I wrote proves my point.

I did not say I wanted to prevent knowledgeable dissent which is healthy.......what I vehemently oppose is dissent among a population that is vulnerable to the lies of a media that is driven by by a political ideology instead of any desire to report the truth.
galenrox said:
How do you know that I am not knowledgable, please, explain what I said that makes that so clear?

Because I find it ridiculous that you're suggesting slavery as a punishment for doing something that is VERY CLEARLY protected by the FIRST ammendment?

You misread what I wrote which is a clear indication that your reading comprehension is lacking.

Furthermore, the first amendment that people of your ilk immediately start quoting, does not protect MIS information which is an abuse of that precious right that we have. You will also be the first to shout your outrage about the gov't putting out misinformation as being propaganda. The gov't has just as much right to put out misinformation, as the media has to distort and re-arrange facts to fit their political agenda. Which in your, not very learned opinion, has the most justifcation: the gov'ts right to publish MIS-information in time of war.....or....right of the media to distort and re-arrange facts to fit their ideology and political agenda?

For your edification, I am not advocating slavery for anyone.....it is merely a rhetorical device to get the attention of those who don't recognize the real culprits. Those who would lead this country over the edge of the "nihilistic cliff", all the while feigning and advocating muliticulturalism, and covering all attempts to destroy this country from within under the cover of protecting the first amendment (The ACLU), making every attempt to destroy our military by denouncing all war even though they know it is inevitable (most academic elites, and liberal politicians) and all attempts to destroy religion under the guise of separation o f church and state under the constitution. (All secularists)
hawk2 said:
Your rather silly comments betray YOUR lack of education. If you were truly educated you would have either, not commented, or you would refuted my allegation with your brilliance. As it is, you seem merely "foolish".

Oh right...By not commenting on what YOU had to say, would of rendered me... educated.

Silly rationalization.

You're not doing very good at this at all, are you?

Your 'allegation' was discredited because, of that glaring spot of poor logic and the rest of your rants AND because it came from you...You, whom would like to see, people chained, slaved and killed...which you've decided you no longer advocate but it's OK to use it as rhetoric to grab our blinkered attention.

I bet you're not liked down the pub much, are you?
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Brigand said:
...which you've decided you no longer advocate but it's OK to use it as rhetoric to grab our blinkered attention.

run along sonny.....send back an adult.LOL
Now, look...I've looked up your profile and says your aged fella. Your retorts are sparse and your strange patronizing comments in telling me to "run along, sonny", seems to me that you think that your age is something of a merit.

Now, age is not a merit, you know...It's not!

I don't understand what you're all angry about. You're cramming alot of things in all flavoured with spiteful comments and I'm not getting you at all.

If you're angry at the state of this changing world, then you're wrong about it...It's getting better and no matter how much you enjoy grasping on to those nostalgic values and reflecting your disdain of those that are changing them, you ain't hindering it.

...And do stop with the LOL, good man. It's quite poor and it does rebound a sense of, can I say, immaturity.. in you.
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hawk2 said:
Ungrateful Americans deserve 100 years of slavery!

Those culprits deserve 100 years of slavery or execution by the sword

hawk2 said:
I am not advocating slavery for anyone.....it is merely a rhetorical device to get the attention of those who don't recognize the real culprits.

You silly sod.

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