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Under Obama the GOP was the party of no. Have they changed their stripes to become the... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Under Obama the GOP was the party of no. Have they changed their stripes to become the party of 'I'm a victim'?

Mr. Stone feels he is a victim of Mueller and the majority of party loves trump because he constantly complains how things are rigged against him. Is this the new mantra of the GOP? We're victims.
"Is this the new mantra of the GOP? We're victims."

Dunno. Is Stone representative over everyone in the GOP?

So I think that'd be a no.
"the majority of party loves trump because he constantly complains how things are rigged against him."

Why do you think this is a factual statement?

That is not why most people voted for him.
Under Obama the GOP was the party of no. Have they changed their stripes to become the party of 'I'm a victim'?

Mr. Stone feels he is a victim of Mueller and the majority of party loves trump because he constantly complains how things are rigged against him. Is this the new mantra of the GOP? We're victims.

Just curious, what exactly did the GOP stop Obama from doing ?
Just curious, what exactly did the GOP stop Obama from doing ?

Just about everything once they controlled congress. Remember, McConnell said he was going to make Obama a one term president and did everything to make it happen. Didn't work, but most of what Obama got done was by executive action, something the GOP complained about when Obama was president. Seems they have changed that tune now that they have trump in the White House.
Under Obama the GOP was the party of no. Have they changed their stripes to become the party of 'I'm a victim'?

Mr. Stone feels he is a victim of Mueller and the majority of party loves trump because he constantly complains how things are rigged against him. Is this the new mantra of the GOP? We're victims.
The reason they were the party of no under Obama was because republicans tend to not agree with democrat ideology. Just as democrats do not agree with republican ideology so the democrats are going to be the party of no under a Trump presidency. Because no one votes for a republican to give democrats what they want and no one votes for a democrat to give republicans what they want.
Just curious, what exactly did the GOP stop Obama from doing ?

Let's put it this way. I thought McConnell and Boehner made it perfectly clear after the election. Make Obama a one term president and the only way the GOP could hinder Obama was to say no and that's how.
Let's put it this way. I thought McConnell and Boehner made it perfectly clear after the election. Make Obama a one term president and the only way the GOP could hinder Obama was to say no and that's how.

Still waiting for an answer. What exactly did the party of No stop Obama from doing ?!

The GOP constantly gets the blame for Obama's disastrous Presidency and his Healthcare law, so what specifically did they do to cause this ?
The reason they were the party of no under Obama was because republicans tend to not agree with democrat ideology. Just as democrats do not agree with republican ideology so the democrats are going to be the party of no under a Trump presidency. Because no one votes for a republican to give democrats what they want and no one votes for a democrat to give republicans what they want.

How do we know when the dems just started their stint in the house? The first two years of the trump presidency is on the republicans, the dems had no say. And the dems don't agree with the republican philosophy because it keeps changing. I can't even begin to figure out what the GOP is any longer?
How do we know when the dems just started their stint in the house?

When Bush was president.Democrats were the party of no and Republicans would complain that the democrats wouldn't give them what they wanted.

The first two years of the trump presidency is on the republicans, the dems had no say.

Having a simply majority is not always enough.

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