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Uncounted California Ballots : snopes.com (1 Viewer)


Zapatista Libertarian
DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2014
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Uncounted California Ballots


Mostly True


Virtually all MSM sources are claiming CA is 100% reported, this IS NOT true. The LA County Registrar alone, released this statement 10 minutes ago: "First estimate of ballots remaining to be processed: ~240,063 provisional; 125,280 VMB returned at polls; 204,946 VBM recorded via mail."

San Diego County's website states, "there are APPROXIMATELY 285000 Mail / Provisional ballots still to be counted," and San Bernardino County has 95,000 more outstanding.

In other words, there are 570,000 ballots to be counted in LA County, 285,000 in San Diego County, 95,000 in San Bernardino County (that's a total of 950,000 in just three counties), and who knows how many more need to be counted in California's 55 other counties (58 total).

At this point it's very likely we won't even see the provisional/VMB ballot breakdown this week, or even the next.



Results from California didn't begin trickling in until late on the night of 7 June 2016. As a state with both early and mail-in voting, Clinton obtained an early lead that leveled out as votes made in person were added to the tallies. As of the afternoon of 9 June 2016, Hillary Clinton had received 1,940,580 votes in California to Sanders' 1,502,043, for a total of 3,442,623 ballots counted:

It is possible (though not certain) that the gap between Sanders and Clinton might narrow further as more votes were certified

-Drops mic-
Wouldn't it be funny, if Trump became President because the Democrats had pulled a Clinton.

What's even funnier is that I think that is exactly what is going to happen.
Wouldn't it be funny, if Trump became President because the Democrats had pulled a Clinton.

It's be funny, yeah. It'd also be funny to watch the great multitude of liberal's heads explode too.

I hear there are a significant number of Bernie supporters that are switching over to Trump. I wonder if DNC rigging like this is partly to blame.
May have shot Hillary in the foot rather than helping her.
It's be funny, yeah. It'd also be funny to watch the great multitude of liberal's heads explode too.

I hear there are a significant number of Bernie supporters that are switching over to Trump. I wonder if DNC rigging like this is partly to blame.
May have shot Hillary in the foot rather than helping her.


I detect sarcasm...

I detect sarcasm...

It was the straw that broke this camels back. I was willing to hold my nose..... but not after the last week. Election fraud (the appearance of at least, possibly evidence of), and evidence surfacing of the DNC and media working together to push Shillary from day 1. 2 groups that are supposed to remain neutral.

I'm just not very good at justifying the establishments decisions and actions. I've seen some real pros here handle it surprisingly well though, you'd think no one did anything wrong.
I think I am missing something here. These votes were eventually counted correct? This is just referring to the post election reporting, right?
They wont switch to trump. They may just not vote or they may vote Green or some other 3rd party. They PROBABLY will go to the polls and vote like good little subjects for Hillary.
They wont switch to trump. They may just not vote or they may vote Green or some other 3rd party. They PROBABLY will go to the polls and vote like good little subjects for Hillary.

I think the fact that Hillary is under a criminal investigation from the FBI is enough to hand Trump the keys to our nuclear codes...
I think the fact that Hillary is under a criminal investigation from the FBI is enough to hand Trump the keys to our nuclear codes...
I'll say this til November...there IS a better option for both parties and for the country. Johnson/Weld are both former governors. They are both fiscally conservative and socially liberally. They won their own states governships and reelection by huge margins. Vote Libertarian for president and then vote for your candidate of choice for the house and senate.
I'll say this til November...there IS a better option for both parties and for the country. Johnson/Weld are both former governors. They are both fiscally conservative and socially liberally. They won their own states governships and reelection by huge margins. Vote Libertarian for president and then vote for your candidate of choice for the house and senate.

Do you think Johnson/Weld can win in November?
Do you think Johnson/Weld can win in November?
Is it likely? No...not with the partisan muppets this country has. Is it possible? Sure. Look at the polling numbers. Very few people are actually excited about Trump or Hillary. Conversely, Johnson/Weld are both IMMENSELY liked. As a Libertarian I say with confidence this is the best ticket I have ever seen. To be honest I would rather see Weld/Johnson more so than Johnson/Weld. Are they a viable offering? Absolutely. Will they win? I highly. At the end of the day, partisans will do what partisans will do. Many will stay home, we probably will have less than 50% total turn out, Trump and Hillary will probably come in somewhere around 44/40% and the Libertarian candidate this year will probably pull in around 11-12%.
Is it likely? No...not with the partisan muppets this country has. Is it possible? Sure. Look at the polling numbers. Very few people are actually excited about Trump or Hillary. Conversely, Johnson/Weld are both IMMENSELY liked. As a Libertarian I say with confidence this is the best ticket I have ever seen. To be honest I would rather see Weld/Johnson more so than Johnson/Weld. Are they a viable offering? Absolutely. Will they win? I highly. At the end of the day, partisans will do what partisans will do. Many will stay home, we probably will have less than 50% total turn out, Trump and Hillary will probably come in somewhere around 44/40% and the Libertarian candidate this year will probably pull in around 11-12%.

Do you think that will be enough to prevent these psychopaths from attaining the 270 needed to become President-elect?
Do you think that will be enough to prevent these psychopaths from attaining the 270 needed to become President-elect?
No. We are going to get one or the other of them. The 'system' is pretty committed to Hillary. Trump has stronger appeal to the voters.

(****...two of my keys popped off when I typed that).
I think the fact that Hillary is under a criminal investigation from the FBI is enough to hand Trump the keys to our nuclear codes...

Not necessarily. Enough voters who normally vote republican don't like Trump. It's going to take other ballot issues to get a large turnout for this election, because most people don't like either candidate.

Keep this in mind too.

Obama won because it was time for a minority.

Hillary will be hard to beat, because too many people will think it's time for a woman.
I think I am missing something here. These votes were eventually counted correct? This is just referring to the post election reporting, right?
Actually, the votes are still being counted, and won't be completely counted until mid- or late July. Bernie has flipped at least 4 major counties last I heard. It's entirely possible Bernie could win California.
I saw something on facebook that suggested Bernie has already taken 51% of the total vote in California, but I'm not trusting that yet. It wouldn't be the first time wishful thinking became misinformation via social media.

Let me set the record straight on California. The uncounted ballots are not election fraud, because they're still being counted. The only unfair play in the California primaries is that the media (with some documented collusion of the Clinton campaign) has already declared Clinton the winner, when in fact the ballots aren't completely counted. There are other problems, of course, which may indicate election fraud--like the reports of ballots being voided due to 'signature issues' which are somehow immediately resolved with a phone call, or simply the fact that poll workers were trained to give NPP voters provisional ballots instead of crossover ballots, or the videos of machine "malfunctions" that erased votes for Sanders, didn't read votes for Sanders, or simply wouldn't let the user select Sanders. But the uncounted ballots are waiting to be counted, and so far (at least last I've seen) only about 25% of the provisional ballots are being voided.

And if anyone doesn't believe me, here's the latest report on unprocessed ballots, straight from the sos website:

It looks like as of yesterday 5:01 PM, a little over 1 million ballots are waiting to be counted.

So the only thing about the uncounted ballots that means election rigging is that the media has already declared the winner.

Oh, and that the Clinton campaign colluded with people in AP to do so right before the California primary, but I guess that's another 'conspiracy' for the Clinton loyalists to dismiss as imaginary.
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I think the fact that Hillary is under a criminal investigation from the FBI is enough to hand Trump the keys to our nuclear codes...

Then you underestimate the obedience of the average Dem. voter. They put William Jefferson back into Congress TWICE after he was caught red-handed with a freezer full of bribe money.
Do you think the hopefully impending Republican loss is the fault of the MSM?
Sanders NEVER had a chance. Not against Hillary AND the MSM. He was doomed from the start.

As is Trump.
Sanders NEVER had a chance. Not against Hillary AND the MSM. He was doomed from the start.

As is Trump.

Could be true. They're not part of the lockstep establishment mentality.
Just saw this:

Neil Truick said:
As of 4:34 p.m. on June 20, 2016, in the great state of California, six counties have completed their primary vote count, according to the County Reporting Status report at California Presidential Primary Election Results | California Secretary of State or the county registrar's web site. The percentages after the county name represent the 2012 Presidential election vote for that county by party:

Colusa (38.3% DEM, 2.2% OTH): Clinton - 48.5%, Sanders - 47.0%
Glenn* (35.7% DEM, 3.3% OTH): Sanders - 51.4%, Clinton - 46.7%
Del Norte (43.2% DEM, 4.2% OTH): Sanders - 57.63%, Clinton - 40.35%
Lassen (28.5% DEM, 3.5% OTH): Sanders - 51.1%, Clinton - 40.6%
Sierra (36.3% DEM, 5.0% OTH): Sanders - 54.0%, Clinton - 40.7%
Siskiyou (40.2% DEM, 4.4% OTH): Sanders - 59.6%, Clinton - 37.8%
* Originally reported as Clinton victory

According to the Estimated Unprocessed Ballots report from the California Secretary of State's web site or the county registrar's web site, eight additional counties are reporting that they have no unprocessed ballots. These results are final, but not yet considered official:

Calaveras^ (39.7% DEM, 3.8% OTH): No update since June 7th
Inyo (42.6% DEM, 3.4% OTH): Sanders - 55.7%, Clinton - 42.5%
Mariposa (38.8% DEM, 4.1% OTH): Sanders - 51.2%, Clinton - 47.0%
Plumas (39.9% DEM, 3.3% OTH): No update since June 7th
Shasta (33.8% DEM, 3.4% OTH): Sanders - 51.4%, Clinton - 44.3%
Tehama (34.5% DEM, 3.5% OTH): Sanders - 50.5%, Clinton - 46.8%
Trinity (46.6% DEM, 6.1% OTH): Sanders - 61.6%, Clinton - 34.1%
Yuba (39.0% DEM, 3.9% OTH): Sanders - 52.4%, Clinton - 45.1%
^ Reported as Clinton - 51.3%, Sanders - 47.2% on Election Night, currently at Clinton - 48.3%, Sanders - 47.5% (57 votes difference with approximately 160 ballots unaccounted for)

-- Based on the preliminary vote count, it appears that Sanders may flip both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties.
-- In Tuolomne County, Clinton leads by 28 votes with 231 vote-by-mail, 806 provisional, and 8 other ballots remaining.
-- Yolo County is expected to complete their count by end of business, Tuesday, June 21, and they are inviting the public to attend. Could this be the first tailgate Presidential primary?

This doesn't mention that Sanders flipped San Francisco county three days ago. San Francisco was at 54.1% Clinton to 45.5% Sanders on election night (assuming that's what NY times is still reporting as of now), and is currently 50.6% Sanders to 49.1% Clinton, which means that in counting its uncounted ballots, San Francisco turned the difference by 10.1%, which is just about the difference by which Clinton won California, but SF isn't even done counting yet, so that difference is likely to get bigger. Also, Clinton typically does better in large cities like SF.

In other words, it is very possible that Sanders will win California because of the ballots yet uncounted.
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