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UN suspends Russia from human rights council (1 Viewer)

Although this suspension is purely symbolic, and will have zero effect in hastening the end of the war in Ukraine, it was the right decision.

Russia should stay suspended until the war has ended.
The Butcher is laughing his [posterior] off.

"Human rights? What are those?" he is asking his flunkies.
Russia should stay suspended until the war has ended.
Wrong. They should stay suspended until there is a new regime that has demonstrated substantive improvement to deserve reinstatement. It's not a high standard.
24 no votes and 58 abstentions??? No votes - note China:

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The UN Human Rights Council is not a body of virtue. It's a body of communication. That's why horrendous regimes are routinely placed at the head of the council.

This move by the UN feeds into the common misconception of the HRC as a council of virtue and not a council of communication.

The move is not made to say "Russia is bad on human rights". Most people will take it as that, but (as previously stated) it's not a ****ing council of virtue and horrendous regimes are routinely placed at its head because it's a council of communication.

This is meant to punish Russia by removing its influence in the UN. It's not to say that Russia no longer deserves to be on the council - it's not a council of virtue. It's to say that Russia will no longer be given easy access to avenues of influence.

Russia's influence is being limited. This is not a statement on Russia's observance of human rights.
I'm glad they could pull this off. I wasn't confident they could.

I was worried about it too because Russia was allowed to prevent itself from being kicked out of the UN when all 11 other permanent members wanted to do it.

Thank God. Now will the UN be able to go further?

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