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UN Official Accidentally Dies Right before Testifying against Hillary (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
There is a tie in with the Clintons that goes back to the 90s. Since corruption is the Clintons middle name, I think there is a good bet this guy wasrubbed out to keep from spilling the beans on the Clintons.

Knowing what a fraud the Clinton Foundation is and how they launder money through Canada....and all the other shyster operations of these two....anything is possible.

Boy, your tin foil hat is sure picking up the vibes today. But it's probably just a solar flare or perhaps two black holes merging that's causing your wires to cross.
I thought he was hit by a meteorite.

Moooove along now, nothing to see here.

Funny that's it's news when she was shown not to be involved!
There is a tie in with the Clintons that goes back to the 90s. Since corruption is the Clintons middle name, I think there is a good bet this guy wasrubbed out to keep from spilling the beans on the Clintons.

Knowing what a fraud the Clinton Foundation is and how they launder money through Canada....and all the other shyster operations of these two....anything is possible.

Say, would you be interested in buy a perpetual motion brick that I have? Traded the Illuminati a Yeti pelt for it, so you know it's genuine.
That barbell technique has been used on occasion in killing people...... effective indeed. And since Snopes is a liberal front group, I don't always believe them.

I'm not a fan of the Mikkelsons' politics myself, but because I've a friend who's a folklorist (cultural anthropologist), I've been interested in urban legends for decades and have been a Snopes fan since 2000.

I think you can rely on their attributions.
As an AU citizen and resident I tend to be amused or bemused by certain aspects of US politics and US election processes. I've noted the low standard of the nonsense of the anti Obama and anti Clinton and PRO Trump(??)threads - funny to an outsider.

By coincidence we here in AU are in the lead up to our Federal Election - this Saturday is the big day. AND we have had some attempted "dirty tricks" in our area.

Directed against the female candidate who is standing for the first time against an incumbent male standing for re-election. She is in her stable second marriage and has taken the surname of the second husband and is running for office using that name. She has had two de facto relationships.

The "dirty trick" which seems to have backfired - persons unknown but presumably supporters of the incumbent male - have been posting graffiti.

All four combinations of her given name with the FOUR surnames of the four partners. White letters roughly hand painted on a black background over many of the billboards and hoardings around town. Just the names - no other comment. Relying on innuendo?? Aint gunna work in these days of gender emancipation.

And it looks like it has backfired. Lots of attention locally. Appearances and discussions on radio, tv - news, talk shows you name it. And the general community comment all her way.

It has sure triggered the Aussie belief in "fair play". Whether or not it will improve her chances by much it looks certain it will not go against her.

End of the overseas News Flash - I will now return US residents to their normal programs. ;)
That barbell technique has been used on occasion in killing people...... effective indeed. And since Snopes is a liberal front group, I don't always believe them.


Check snopes' sources, dude.
Well sure, it's just a coincidence that so many friends and acquaintances of the Clintons have ended up dying mysterious deaths. Whether this is another example or not, it is interesting that he was preparing to testify.
Well sure, it's just a coincidence that so many friends and acquaintances of the Clintons have ended up dying mysterious deaths. Whether this is another example or not, it is interesting that he was preparing to testify.

No, that's not interesting because he wasn't actually preparing to testify against Hilalry. That's the part that got made up.
The noise machine.:roll: Turn it up real loud and stick your head in for 7 years you will believe this stuff too.
No, that's not interesting because he wasn't actually preparing to testify against Hilalry. That's the part that got made up.

Wait, did you do some actual simple fact-checking instead of just jumping to a conclusion :confused:
Wait, did you do some actual simple fact-checking instead of just jumping to a conclusion :confused:
I hope it is not contagious. You or I could catch the disease. I'd better boil my computer. :doh

Leave it to Snopes to provide the left wing spin. From the Snopes article, "John Ashe was set to be interviewed about Hillary Clinton and Chinese billionaire Ng and died the morning he was supposed to go in."

Yeah, that changes everything. :roll:
I'm not a fan of the Mikkelsons' politics myself, but because I've a friend who's a folklorist (cultural anthropologist), I've been interested in urban legends for decades and have been a Snopes fan since 2000.

I think you can rely on their attributions.

And the fact is, this guy was about to be interviewed about Hillary Clinton and Ng. According to the Snopes article.
No, that's not interesting because he wasn't actually preparing to testify against Hilalry. That's the part that got made up.

He was about to be interviewed about Clinton. What, damning evidence can't be gleaned during an interview?
I (quickly) read the complaint, and Hillary isn't in it. I'm shocked! Shocked that Hillary or the Clinton Foundation didn't get a cut.

It's a strange phenomenon that the MSM considers Hillary and the Clintons general corruption to be "baked into the cake" and not worthy of reporting anymore, as was alluded to by a talking head on CNN.

Leave it to Snopes to provide the left wing spin. From the Snopes article, "John Ashe was set to be interviewed about Hillary Clinton and Chinese billionaire Ng and died the morning he was supposed to go in."

Yeah, that changes everything. :roll:

Read the OP.
Are "testify" and "interview" synonyms?

No. But either one can reveal damning information.

You don't find it the least bit odd that so many Clinton associates have died under unusual circumstances?

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