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Un Accuses Bush /blair As Nazis (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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British and American leaders likened to Nazi war criminals
By Andrew Sparrow, Political Correspondent
(Filed: 08/10/2005)

Tony Blair and George Bush were compared to Nazi war criminals yesterday by Scott Ritter, the former UN chief weapons inspector.

"Both these men could be pulled up as war criminals for engaging in actions that we condemned Germany in 1946 for doing," he said.

He said the Prime Minister and the US President were "guilty of the crime of planning and committing aggressive warfare". Speaking in London at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Mr Ritter said the two leaders would have been in a much stronger position if they had got a UN resolution explicitly authorising the invasion.

He also said Britain gained very little from the "special relationship". "Britain gets nothing, other than to say they are America's closest ally in Europe," he said.

Mr Ritter, who was a UN weapons inspector in Iraq between 1991 and 1998, said intelligence services had been correct to say that Iraq's missile programme had been destroyed soon after the first Gulf conflict of 1991.

He recalled how he delivered a report in 1992 stating that the programme had been eliminated. It was met with "stony silence" and he was told that Iraq still possessed 200 missiles.

The inspectors returned to track down the weapons, which never materialised.

BUSH and BLAIR are sociopathic
Tony Blair and George Bush were compared to Nazi war criminals yesterday by Scott Ritter, the former UN chief weapons inspector.

I imagine, after being paid $400,000 by Saddam, Ritter would say just about anything.
the russians won the cold war
america was so frightened it borrowed so much cash for military spending that they have fallen to third world status

we all can play that game

the russians won the cold war
You mean the Soviet Union won the cold war? Or perhaps you don't realize the difference between the two? Whichever, your assertion is uninformed and totally wrong.

america was so frightened it borrowed so much cash for military spending that they have fallen to third world status
Care to back up that assertion with some facts? You can't, you know, because once again you are wrong.

And the title of this thread? "Un Accuses..."?? Scott Ritter, even when he was employed by the UN, was never in a position of speaking for the UN on such matters. And since he is no longer with the UN, he certainly cannot speak for the UN. So why do assert that the UN accuses????

Yet more examples of your idiocy.
Canuck said:
Tony Blair and George Bush were compared to Nazi war criminals yesterday by Scott Ritter, the former UN chief weapons inspector.
Your thread title states: Un Accuses Bush /blair As Nazis

However, the UN nas not said anything of this nature. It is Scott Ritter, a former UN Chief Weapons Inspector who has voiced this view.

As it is, your thread title is biased-sensationalism and inherently dishonest. In the future, I would recommend that you consider thread titles that lend your threads a bit more credulity.

DocAR said:
I AM astonishe to see that the Soviets won the cold war, however....:shock:

decisive victory
they wait for the paint ball boys to enter IRAN for the last battle to begin

**** U N INSPECTOR SAYS AMERICA IS using nazi tactics in iraq *****

tactics that american ww2 vets died fighting

AS reported in UK news source
Last edited:
Went to the link you posted above. Found nothing resembling the content you advertised. Is this just more of the same :bs from you?
oldreliable67 said:
Went to the link you posted above. Found nothing resembling the content you advertised. Is this just more of the same :bs from you?

ill dig up another site with it
it was usurped on the original site

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