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Ultra moderate (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 5, 2005
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Heyo, decided to check this place out on Danarhea's recommendation. I consider myself a moderate, although many might consider me a liberal. To me I'm a moderate because, for instance I think things like helping the poor and encouraging individual responsibility can happen at the same time, thereby meeting both liberal and conservative ideals. You just have to look beyond the status quo.
Welcome to Debate Politics, curisz!:2wave:

I hope you find this forum as comfortable as your friends have.:lol:
carefull of the extremists on both sides. One wrong opinion and, BAM!, you wake up without an appendix.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Helping the poor with individual responsibility...hopefully that is possible.
Interested in hearing more. For instance, how would you require folks to work that simply refuse?
Glad you have decided to come and participate. I hope you enjoy it.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Helping the poor with individual responsibility...hopefully that is possible.
Interested in hearing more. For instance, how would you require folks to work that simply refuse?

Well, if someone "simply refuses" they are outta luck and should get no help. More than likely though the vast majority of the able bodied poor could be turned around through drug and alcohol rehab, education and job training. Help them find what they are good at, clear their head, and get them the tools necessary to be able to start down the right path.

There is a whole lot of wasted potential hiding out in America's underclass. Thats not good for our prosperity, our national security or anything else.

But hey, lemme save it for the real threads :lol:
Hello Curi :2wave:
oneofthem said:
Hello Curi :2wave:

:shock: :shock:

But, but, Dan told me it was safe here...

curisz said:

But, but, Dan told me it was safe here...

But don't worry, I'm very docile now, so I'll probably not bother with your inane discussions. :2razz:
Welcome to the DP community curisz! :2wave:

Hope to see ya on the threads! :lol:


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