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Ukrainian The BTR-4 "Bucephalus" vs. Muscovite (ussr) БМП-1 and Т-72Б3 of the occupiers, fight on the streets of city Mariupol (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Ukrainian The BTR-4 "Bucephalus" vs. Muscovite (ussr) БМП-1 and Т-72Б3 of the occupiers, fight on the streets of city Mariupol

one for sure Mariupol defenders know the drill (y)

One thing for sure , Mariupol belongs to the saviours from the North .

This den and cess pit of neo Nazis and mercenaries needed clearing .

Next stop , Odessa . My favourite Ukey city .
Orders went out to the Neo Nazis to use civilians as shields -- after they had been routed .

Is that how the US elite forces trained them ?

Looking horrific for the US .
Orders went out to the Neo Nazis to use civilians as shields -- after they had been routed .

Is that how the US elite forces trained them ?

Looking horrific for the US .

Total Biden fan-boy

Why don't you educate yourself and get a balanced opinion ?
the same aria , moscow Major General killed by Azov

Total Biden fan-boy

Why don't you educate yourself and get a balanced opinion ?
i have never seen noting like this, the same city Mariupol . Azov battalion vs. Moscow ´s tank


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