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Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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Wonder when Putin will agree to a deal
Lost over 2000 military vehicles
My est at least 15-20 KIA - WIA ???? 20-30 K
Drafting former conscripts with combat experience
The land bridge from Crimea to Russia will be a target rich environment, more dead Russians
When the so called true numbers are released, how will the average Russian react

Russia launched its attack in the early hours of 24 February, but more than four weeks into the war the battlefield across northern Ukraine remains "largely static", according to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).
Ukrainian counter-attacks are hampering Russian attempts to reorganise their forces, the MoD says.
Russia continues to rely on munitions launched from within Russian airspace in order to reduce their aircrafts' exposure to Ukrainian air defences, it adds.

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Anonymous has approx 1.2 terabytes to upload to their site for hacked Russian documents

Anonymous has approx 1.2 terabytes to upload to their site for hacked Russian documents

It's an odd feeling when some criminal bastard hackers do something and you think "keep up the great work!"

Avenatti squared.
It's an odd feeling when some criminal bastard hackers do something and you think "keep up the great work!"

Avenatti squared.
A new world, from your phone to the battlefield, teck can be hacked or used efficiently as Ukraine has done

Read on twister some time ago about RU Military flights
Reports are the Defence Minister/others, possibly Putin are in a nuke bunker

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